**** Kirk's Championships 2022 **** Boxing Prediction League

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by kirk, Dec 31, 2021.

  1. CST80

    CST80 De Omnibus Dubitandum Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    69% accuracy, out of 716 fights. Not bad! If you add in the robberies I didn't get credit for, that probably puts me up around 71 or 72%.:D
    sasto likes this.
  2. Jisoo

    Jisoo Daredevil and Schedule tallier Full Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Sorry for not noticing. Thanks for telling me!
  3. Jisoo

    Jisoo Daredevil and Schedule tallier Full Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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  4. Jisoo

    Jisoo Daredevil and Schedule tallier Full Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    khaosai galaxi
    - 67 (Foster III, Eranosyan, Sparrow, Magsayo, Cuarto, Ryder, Abdullaev, Wilson, Wood, Conley, Kholmatov, Akitsugi, Federici, Harrison, Fundora, Stanionis, Gesta,
    This content is protected
    , Silva, Bentley, Messaoud, Metcalf, Baluta, Denny, Mazoudier, Opetaia, Tete, Agbeko, Cabrera, Dogboe, Watkins, Cobbs, Villar, Santisima, Lerasan, Delgado, Puello, Nontshinga, Villa, Fortunato, Hughes, Hussain, De Bianchi, Baumgardner, Rodriguez, Kozaev, Johnson, Agbeko, Martinez, Gonzalez, Mendoza, Braithwaite, Mattice, Spark, Taylor, Mazoudier, Kelly,
    This content is protected
    , Estrada, Molina, Molina, Fonseca, Lopez, Khegai,
    This content is protected
    , Beech,
    This content is protected
    CST80 - 53 (Eranosyan, Sparrow, Magsayo, Ryder,
    This content is protected
    This content is protected
    , Wood, Runowski, Ocampo, Kholmatov, Fundora, Ball, Bivol, Terzievski, Bentley,
    This content is protected
    , Metcalf, Baluta, Ortiz, Kuznetsov, Davies, Denny, Wallace, Mazoudier, Tete, Chisora, Agbeko, Cabrera, Villarreal, Cobbs, Santisima, Lerasan, Nontshinga, Villa, Fortunato, Komanisi, Hughes, Hogan, De Bianchi, Baumgardner, Rodriguez, Kozaev, Martinez, Teraji, Mattice, Spark, Mazoudier, Ryder, Kelly, Estrada, Fonseca, Hamazaryan,
    This content is protected
    Pepsi Dioxide - 32 (Cuarto, Ryder, Abdullaev, Leach, Wood, Conley, Ball, Silva, Bentley, Kuznetsov, Davies, Ramirez, Tete, Dogboe, Watkins, Villarreal, Santisima, Nontshinga, Villa, Komanisi, Hughes, Shields, Johnson, Agbeko, Ntere, Gonzalez, Teraji, Mendoza, Braithwaite,
    This content is protected
    , Molina, Lopez)
    PinoyProdigy - 32 (Sparrow, Magsayo, Leach, Wood, Foster, Harrison, Gesta, Ongjunta, Terzievski, Kuznetsov, Davies, Ramirez, Ory, Opetaia, Tete, Chisora, Cobbs, Santisima, Lerasan,
    This content is protected
    , Villa, Komanisi, Hughes, Hogan, Hussain, Baumgardner, Ntere, Mattice, Mazoudier, Kelly, Molina, Beech)
    BoxingABC1 - 26 (Sparrow, Cuarto, Ryder, Abdullaev, Mann, Corrales, Kholmatov, Federici, Harrison, Messaoud, Baluta, Ory, Agbeko, Cabrera, Dogboe, Watkins, Cobbs, Santisima, Delgado, Nontshinga, Gonzalez, Teraji, Braithwaite, Mazoudier, Ryder, Khegai)
    Max Thunder - 26 (Sparrow, Mann, Leach, Conley, Kholmatov, Akitsugi, Harrison, Ball, Ongjunta, Silva, Najmitdinov, Baluta, Ortiz, Kuznetsov,
    This content is protected
    , Denny, Ory, Mazoudier, Tete, Chisora, Watkins, Cobbs, Fortunato, Shields, Johnson, Lopez)
    titanic - 24 (Magsayo, Bivol,
    This content is protected
    , Kuznetsov, Agbeko, Cabrera, Dogboe, Cobbs, Santisima, Puello, Nontshinga, Schicke, Hughes, Ntere, Teraji, Taylor,
    This content is protected
    , Estrada, Molina, Fonseca, Lopez, Khegai, Hamazaryan,
    This content is protected
    sasto - 23 (Foster III, Eranosyan, Abdullaev, Kholmatov, Federici, Ongjunta, Silva, Ortiz, Tete,
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    , Villar, Santisima, Lerasan, Delgado, Fortunato, Komanisi, De Bianchi, Ntere, Kuwahara, Molina, Fonseca, Hamazaryan, Beech)
    Sandman_ - 21 (Foster III, Cuarto, Wilson, Foster, Kholmatov, Ongjunta, Silva, Bentley, Ortiz, Ory, Wallace, Opetaia, Tete, Vargas, Fortunato, De Bianchi, Shields, Ntere, Spark, Mazoudier, Hamazaryan)
    PhiloBeddo(e) - 17 (Foster III, Banquez, Ryder, Conley, Ocampo, Stanionis, Ongjunta, Bentley, Messaoud, Metcalf, Ortiz, Denny, Chisora, Vargas, Agbeko, Cabrera, Dogboe)
    nellybc - 17 (Banquez, Mann, Akitsugi, Harrison, Fundora, Bentley,
    This content is protected
    , Ory, Mazoudier, Chisora, Agbeko, Dogboe, Nontshinga, Fortunato, Hussain, Ntere, Teraji)
    MrHello - 17 (Magsayo, Wood, Corrales, Fundora, Gesta, Ongjunta, Najmitdinov, Ory, Chisora, Agbeko, Cobbs, Delgado, Puello, Nontshinga, Schicke, Molina, Lopez)
    FIGHTER2R - 17 (Banquez, Cuarto, Runowski, Ocampo, Federici, Ory, Chisora, Vargas,
    This content is protected
    , Nontshinga, Villa, Hughes, Agbeko, Mazoudier, Molina, Khegai, Beech)
    destruction - 16 (Cuarto, Ryder, Wood, Ocampo, Silva, Ortiz, Santillan, Vargas, Agbeko, Cabrera, Hogan, Ntere, Molina, Lopez, Khegai, Beech)
    Drinquor - 16 (Foster, Ocampo, Ongjunta, Bentley, Messaoud, Kuznetsov, Vargas, Hogan, Johnson, Agbeko, Ntere, Kelly, Fonseca, Lopez, Hamazaryan, Beech)
    sid - 15 (Wood, Fundora, Gesta, Silva, Tete, Chisora, Lerasan, De Bianchi, Baumgardner, Rodriguez, Kozaev, Martinez, Ryder, Estrada, Beech)
    DramaShow - 14 (Foster III, Banquez, Runowski, Ocampo, Akitsugi, Santillan, Ramirez, Agbeko, Cabrera, Dogboe, Hogan, Ryder, Lopez, Beech)
    Robney - 14 (Foster III, Sparrow, Banquez, Corrales, Akitsugi, Federici, Harrison, Gesta, Ongjunta, Silva, Bentley, Denny, Mazoudier, Watkins)
    pincai - 13 (Foster, Ocampo, Fundora, Ball, Bentley, Ortiz, Vargas, Cabrera, Puello, Fortunato, Hogan, Shields, Teraji)
    Chuck Norris - 12 (Ryder, Mann, Wood, Foster, Ocampo, Akitsugi, Gesta, Vargas, Hogan, Teraji, Kelly, Beech)
    ENI_3300 - 8 (Magsayo, Wood, Foster, Ocampo, Fundora, Ramirez, Agbeko, Cobbs)
    JordanK2406 - 7 (Foster III, Eranosyan, Banquez, Ryder, Mann, Leach, Corrales)
    David B - 7 (Ryder, Foster, Ocampo, Ball, Ortiz, Ramirez, Teraji)
    Limerickbox - 7 (Harrison, Stanionis, Wallace, Vargas, Delgado, Shields, Khegai)
    Inglis_1 - 5 (Sparrow, Cuarto, Abdullaev, Corrales, Foster)
    Bustajay - 5 (Magsayo, Ryder, Wood, Silva, Chisora)
    gollumsluvslave - 4 (Magsayo, Cuarto, Ryder, Runowski)
    Chanox - 4 (Komanisi, Kozaev, Johnson, Kuwahara)
    derekcantona - 2 (Foster III, Sparrow)
    BoxMan10 - 2 (Sparrow, Magsayo)
    TheMikeLake - 2 (Foster III, Cuarto)
    MexicanInsanity - 2 (Foster, Ocampo)
    Dannymita - 2 (Banquez, Fundora)
    JunlongXiFan - 2 (Villa, Fortunato)
    Jisoo - 2 (Hogan, Agbeko)
    Dangerwoods84 - 1 (Foster III)
    ellerbe - 1 (Stanionis)
    JMotrain - 1 (Bivol)
    kirk - 1 (Bivol)
    Ill State - 1 (Bivol)
    UnleashtheFURY - 1 (Bivol)
    DanielDimov - 1 (Chisora)
  5. Jisoo

    Jisoo Daredevil and Schedule tallier Full Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    And that would be the last update for the Daredevil and Schedule tallies! Congratulations to our Daredevil Champ @khaosai galaxi :pesas: and for all of us who participated. Best wishes and good luck for 2023! :yaay
    kirk, Chuck Norris, CST80 and 4 others like this.
  6. Jisoo

    Jisoo Daredevil and Schedule tallier Full Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Happy new year everyone! :beer-toast1:
  7. sasto

    sasto Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 5, 2020
    Ah dropping to 9th kicked me out of the perfect balance point of Daredevil and Standings (8th in both as I was for a lot of the year).
  8. pincai

    pincai The Indonesian Thin Man Full Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Congrats @Sandman_ for the clinching the title.. better luck this year for @DramaShow for ever coming so close the second time around. Thanks for @CST80 for the schedule and all the Kirk’s boys and girls for running the show!!
  9. Sandman_

    Sandman_ Undisputed Full Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Thank you, @pincai. The most important thing is that the Captain's Championship stays Down Under.

    That's three times in the last four years. Reaffirming where the best boxing pundits on the planet happen to reside.

    Sing it with me:

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    kirk and pincai like this.
  10. pincai

    pincai The Indonesian Thin Man Full Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Absolutely!! Down under rules the world..
    Wait till Timmy knocks the teeth out of Charlo!!

    although I might not pick him :cunaooooo:
    kirk and Sandman_ like this.
  11. Max Thunder

    Max Thunder Proud member of the Cult of Vikings Full Member

    Apr 25, 2017
    Pathetic. Crumbled like a house of cards right at the end. I on the other hand consciously dropped from 5th place to 6th to match my daredevil ranking.
  12. Drinquor

    Drinquor Texas Representative Full Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    Hmm, the top 3 guys all had 714 total fights…
    How did you get 716?
  13. CST80

    CST80 De Omnibus Dubitandum Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Maybe they missed two picks.
  14. Drinquor

    Drinquor Texas Representative Full Member

    Apr 16, 2011

    Its possible the following discrepancy was never resolved…
  15. CST80

    CST80 De Omnibus Dubitandum Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Maybe one of the new updater added some losses.:nusenuse:

    I haven't really been keeping a close enough check lately, since I'm so far down.