If that is correct.. then everyone is missing all the counts on the weekend that Makhkudov fight. @Chanox @Chuck Norris please check if this is the case.
Urvanov UD, Kozlovsky UD, Yunovidov Close UD, Silyagin Wide UD, Tukov Close UD Chirkov Wide UD, Agrba KO5, Shekhov Close UD, Ataev KO9, Samedov Close UD, Abdullaev KO10
Isayev SD Rasulov KO Yunovidov UD Silyagin KO Tukov UD Chirkov UD Agrba KO Liu KO Suarez KO Samedov KO Carrasco KO Abdulah KO Noakes KO Zepeda KO Cedeno UD Bauza KO Winwood KO Tapales KO Comert SD Plantic KO Hadribeaj UD Richardson KO
The Russian card tomorrow morning, is literally a landmine field. If there was ever a card for ballsy daredevil picks and make some moves in the standings, it's this one. Do some research, there's some hidden beasts on this card. Also, how many times have I given warnings for cards, and the cards in fact end up being treacherous as hell?
Urvanov-UD, Rasulov-KO, Yunovidov-UD, Silyagin-UD, Tukov-UD, Chirkov-UD, Agrba-KO, Shekhov-UD, Ataev-KO, Samedov-UD, The Abdullaev - Carrasco fight seems to have been moved to October 19th but just in case it happens I will go with Abdullaev-UD
Urvanov Close UD Rasulov KO7 Yunovidov Close UD Silyagin Wide UD Tukov Wide UD Chirkov Wide UD Agrba KO4 Shekhov Wide UD Suarez KO4 Samedov Close UD Abdullaev Wide UD
Urvanov UD Rasulov TKO Yunovidov UD Silyagin UD Tukov TKO Chirkov UD Agrba UD Shekhov UD Ataev TKO Samedov UD Abdullaev UD
Urvanov UD, Kozlovsky UD, Yunovidov UD, Silyagin UD, Tukov UD, Chirkov UD, Arba KO, Shekov UD, Ataev KO, Samedov KO, Abduallev KO, Abdullav KO, Noakes KO, Zepeda KO, Winwood UD, Roberts UD.