**** Kirk's Championships 2024 Boxing Prediction League! ****

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by kirk, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    For what it's worth, he picked Kongo UD yesterday. He was just stressing again that he was going with the underdog here.
  2. Drinquor

    Drinquor Texas Representative Full Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    For what it’s worth….
    He changed to Marku KO 5 TODAY
  3. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Clearly he was conflicted.:lol:
    Chuck Norris likes this.
  4. Drinquor

    Drinquor Texas Representative Full Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    Exactly why I am making this request
  5. pincai

    pincai The Indonesian Thin Man Full Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    @CST80 have you compile next month fight list? No rush.. just have time to do picks cause of the holiday.
    Happy Easter everyone!
    Fogger likes this.
  6. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    The only solution I can come up with, is you PM me your picks ahead of time, and I post them here with the timestamped screenshot, after the matches occur, proving you made them before the fights took place.
  7. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    I was planning on doing it later today. Friday was my birthday and today is Easter, so yeah, I drug my feet a little this weekend. Happy Easter!
    pincai likes this.
  8. pincai

    pincai The Indonesian Thin Man Full Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Happy belated birthday Chris !!
    CST80 likes this.
  9. Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    Really, Drinquor? o_O
  10. Chuck Norris

    Chuck Norris Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 31, 2016
    I promised myself I would take more risks this year. I though Kongo was the better fighter. Then decided to bottle for Marku....Then decided not to be a ***** and go for it. So being conflicted is right on the mark. :sisi1
    CST80 and pincai like this.
  11. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    This content is protected

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    destruction, pincai and Fogger like this.
  12. Fogger

    Fogger Father, grandfather and big sports fan. Full Member

    Aug 9, 2021
    First, I thought that this is none of my business and just stay quiet ...... but I am in the contest so it is my business. I don't want you to do this just to mollify one person. I want to be able to see everyone's picks ahead of time.

    I am assuming that Drinquor and Chuck Norris have some kind of competitive history otherwise this would not have come up. That being said, there were more than 100 bouts in March with, perhaps, another 900 to go before the year is done. I can't imagine, that in March, someone is changing their picks just because of a selection another contestant made. There are way too many fights left for that to even be a consideration.

    When November and December roll around I can see the possibility of someone trying to maintain a lead by copying the choices of a contestant behind them. I can also see someone intentionally picking different than another person's choices just to gain ground on them. However, we are just coming up on April and I think posting one contestant's picks after the results is a bad idea. Not that I am doubting anyone's honesty, I just think it goes against the spirit of the game and is something you shouldn't do.
    CST80 likes this.
  13. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Yeah, I pretty much agree with all of this. I was doing the RBR at the time, and felt the need to say something. There's no rules against stealing each others picks and playing strategically. Drinquor, Chuck, myself and other long time players shouldn't get any special treatment. The best solution is, @Chuck Norris you can do what you want, but if you're going to change, you know Drinquor usually waits until right before the cards to post his picks. At the very least, if you want to be accommodating, post the change before he makes his. Although you certainly aren't obligated to.
  14. Pepsi Dioxide

    Pepsi Dioxide Boxing Addict Full Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    Herring UD
    Malajika UD
    Vasquez KO
    Santos UD
    Akpejiori KO
    Cermeno UD
    Rosa UD
  15. drenlou

    drenlou Tres Delinquentes Full Member

    Jan 22, 2015
    Herring UD Braithwaite UD