Lastarza v Usyk

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by mcvey, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. Cecil

    Cecil Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 22, 2015
    Well for what my opinion’s worth I think McVey is a quality poster.
    He’s very knowledgeable about the sport and while I don’t always agree with his views and he sometimes rubs up people the wrong way, I think the board’s that much poorer without posters like that.
    Not that I’m commenting on the reason for his ban because I didn’t see his post.
    swagdelfadeel, PhillyPhan69 and BCS8 like this.
  2. DanDaly

    DanDaly Active Member Full Member

    Apr 28, 2020
    After taking a closer look, I'm pretty confident that Lastarza at his best beats both of those guys by decision at their best. We know that Gassiev can be outboxed. Breidis would be a tougher fight.

    Outside of Marciano, Larstarza beat the other two guys that gave him losses (where he was bothered by a cut reportedly and had the flu before another) and gave Marciano 2 tough fights. Based upon that I'd be confident to say that he was talented enough to pull off dubs against those two guys. I'd be more concerned about Breidis winning than Gassiev.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
    Gazelle Punch likes this.
  3. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    Agreed .. But everyone rubs up on people the wrong way sometimes ... it comes with the passion for the sport ,, Hell Morlocks does it on a daily basis ... lol ...... But if we keep losing the mcveys. the morlocks type of posters here, as well as some other extremely knowledeable posters we have already recently lost ... That knowledge can not be replaced .. That's what the mods do not fully comprehend ,, imo
    swagdelfadeel and PhillyPhan69 like this.
  4. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    What posters do you mean?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  5. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    What posters do you mean?[/QUOTE]

    Havent seen Edward Morbius since his ban ... HUGE loss here
  6. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Good poster.

    Reported for conduct by another poster - also long-standing, also a good poster - the report was reviewed by another moderator who deleted those posts and issued a temporary ban.

    Edward Morbius is NOT banned from the forum.

    If Edward gets bored of boxing, dies (hope not), or decides he can't possibly post on an internet forum that will ban him after his week off, there is nothing anyone here can do about that - except issue carte blanche for "good posters" to do whatever they like here. But I know Edward, aka Old Fogey, and he tends to post in fits and bursts before stepping off for a bit.

    Who else?
  7. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    Never said he was banned .. Pushed away ... was the point I was making .... ... anyway
    swagdelfadeel likes this.
  8. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    If a one week ban is enough to "push away" Edward, yes, he was never, ever going to last here. I suspect that is not what has happened, however, though it's impossible for me to know.

    Or for you to know.

    Who else?
  9. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    I gave my opinion and "friendly advice" already on the matter
    swagdelfadeel and Nighttrain like this.
  10. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Yeah, I understand that. But a part of your friendly advice was a discussion about all these posters that have been banned, including those who have been pushed away. I'm just asking who they are, that's what i'm really interested in.

    Because I'll be frank: I think it's fantasy. I think the notion that loads of "quality posters" have been "banned" or "pushed away" by moderators who "don't understand" is something that a small core of two or three posters have spent some months repeating on the forum and is now taken up by a larger minority as if it were true.

    I'm not looking to argue with you or fall out with you, it's nothing like that. I'm simply asking you: who? Who did you have in mind when you made that claim?
  11. surfinghb

    surfinghb Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Aug 26, 2017
    Again , I have answered you and beleve it is being dismissed .. anyway again " friendly advice" ..... all good , have aa great day
    swagdelfadeel and Nighttrain like this.
  12. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Well, you haven't answered me, because i've asked you to tell me who you mean.

    And you can't - probably - or won't, which would be really weird.

    SO yeah, good day to you I guess.

    I did have an exchange with another member, by PM, who named two members.

    The first was mrkoolkevin. mrkoolkevin got involved in a flame war with a moderator in the lounge and was permabanned. Was it fair? No idea, I wasn't there and never read it. He approached me and asked me to intercede on his behalf. It's very rare that we do so because if moderators start second-guessing each other it gets crazy and messy, but I like kevin and so I did so. I was able to strike a deal whereby kevin would be allowed to return, but would not be allowed to post in the lounge - he could make use of the boxing forums, but would stay out of the lounge. kevin accepted the deal, thanked me, was unbanned, and almost immediately broke his word to me and returned to the Lounge, got in another flame war with a moderator and was temporarily - banned. He returned was banned again, has still not been permanently banned - despite repeated flame wars with moderators, having been banned by three different moderators, he still has the chance to return and moderate his behavior, use the boxing forums to talk boxing. Newsflash: he won't. He will go back to the Lounge and get in flame wars about politics and be permanently banned, at which point, people in here will start complaining to me about his being permabanned. He has bene treated more than fairly. Every possible allowance has been made to accommodate him.

    The other was Mendoza. Despite what is generally regarded as the most incredible meltdown in the history of the Classic forum, Mendoza has not been permabanned. He's been given a stiff temporary ban and a chance to moderate his behavior if he wants to stay and enjoy the forum.

    And that's it. That's all. Three people, one of them not even banned, two of them under temporary bans despite deeply, deeply bizarre behaviour that would have got them perma'd from every other boxing forum i've ever been a member of.

    And yet somehow, the people of this forum seem to genuinely believe that there has been some rout of "quality posters" who they seem to think have been banned for no particular reason.

    It's ****ing mad.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  13. George Crowcroft

    George Crowcroft Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 3, 2019
    Pea was banned. But he broke your curse and came back to embarrass idiots.
  14. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    :lol: more than a decade ago, before I was even moderating.

    But that's actually an interesting point. There was a major purge between 2010 and 2012 (for two distinct reasons) but even without it, I'd say that members were permabanned a decade ago at far higher rates than they are now.
    Clinton likes this.
  15. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member Full Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Oh wow, I thought Mendoza was permabanned.

    For what it's worth I regard both mcvey and Mendoza as quality posters, even though they both often hold diametrically opposite views. They have a deep knowledge of the game.
    swagdelfadeel and choklab like this.