Lennox never seemed to be rated so highly in real time DURING his career.

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Markus.C.65, Jun 10, 2024.

  1. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Active Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    Tyson was aiming for Evander at the time anyway. I doubt that he would fight Lewis instead of The Real Deal if Lennox beat Bowe.
    Bokaj likes this.
  2. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    If Bowe vs Lewis happened in September 1996, as originally targeted, Tyson would have in all likelihood still faced Holyfield in November, but as the unified WBA/WBC champion instead of just WBA.
    Paul McB, Bokaj and MaccaveliMacc like this.
  3. Jakub79

    Jakub79 Member Full Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    try to concentrate. The narrative that he was eating seat belts and not avoiding anyone is wrong. He gave away the belt to Ruiz, he gave away the belt to Byrd, he gave away the belt to Klitschko, what don't you understand? he won against Holy, of course. I watched both fights and I just don't see this ATG here. In my opinion, the rematch was 115:113, less than a year later John Ruiz should have won against Holy in the same ratio. The fight with Holy is Lewis's biggest - THE BIGGEST ;)- fight. and the greatest success. What don't you understand about this sentence? the paradox is that Ruiz received no recognition for Holy and is considered the master of the alphabet, which he really was. On what basis Lewis is considered ATG remains a great mystery to me. Quite a contrast between the assessment of almost the same achievements, isn't it? Lewis won against 37-year-old Holy. It's funny that the long-lived, 38-year-old Holmes, outclassed by Tyson, is not a great victory, and an even fight with the less long-lived, 37-year-old Holy is. Can you explain this to me?
    Lewis escaped from the rematch with Vitali. Lewis did not give a rematch to Mercer, who gave him a very equal fight, although it was difficult to include Mercer in ATG. He didn't fight Holmes, Foreman, Bowe, Ike, Moorer. Lennox fans are excited that he avenged his losses, although I admit that I would appreciate him more if he didn't have them. Lewis is a very good boxer, better than Ruiz but not ATG. However, he has the best PR of all former champions.
  4. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
  5. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Active Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    Perfect summary of this clown show, lol. +1 to you Rummy.
  6. Jakub79

    Jakub79 Member Full Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    It's fun arguing with Lennox fangirls. This is so substantive :) Once in Poland, one of them said that Lennox is his favorite boxer because he is a beautiful man. Someone confirmed - yes, beautiful :) It was quite a long time ago, when he still had hair. I see a quite similar level of counter-arguments here. Gifs, icons, quite professionally :) it's nice to learn something new, something about boxing. Thank you :)
  7. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Active Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    Talking to the wall isn't fun, so when people see you're talking BS all over the place, contradicting yourself and not being able to comprehend what is being said to you, laughing at you is the only thing they can do. You've been schooled so many times, but you keep coming for more. It's adorable actually. Just look at this particular thread.

    YOU: Lewis dropped the belt not fight Ruiz. He should fight top contenders.
    Someone Else: He actually dropped the belt to fight a top contender. On top of that, he planned to fight Ruiz after and WBA let him do that until Don King came in. Only after that he was stripped of the belt.
    Someone Else: He defeated every notable Top 10 guy ranked in the year he became undisputed.

    You can see why it is exhausting to discuss anything with you. I'm just doing it out of boredom and for the simple fact I like to make Tyson fanboy look stupid. Especially Polish Tyson fanboys.
    Greg Price99, Bokaj and Man_Machine like this.
  8. Jakub79

    Jakub79 Member Full Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    see that your argument is that I am Polish. Of course, you can think it's important and your friend will like it, but it doesn't matter to me - you just don't tell anyone else about it. I have already written that I accept the arguments why Lewis did not fight Ruiz. Ok for me. It's a good excuse. But it doesn't change the fact that he didn't fight him, that he gave him the belt, so what's the point is that Lewis united the belts and won against everyone. Do I have to tell you one by one again? Bowe, Ike, Holmes, Moorer, Foreman and in a moment I hear that you are writing to the wall? The greatest success of Lewis is Holy, scored by John Ruiz. For me, it's weak for ATG, especially if I add the embarrassing defeats, add the belts being given up, add the lack of matches with the most difficult rivals and I simply have to watch these "big" Lewis fights once again, which is not a great pleasure. He has no arguments for ATG. He doesn't look like ATG in the ring. He has a solid CV and great PR. You can get angry, you can insult me, I know it annoys you but I still don't see any arguments for Lewis as ATG. Maybe if I knew his career less well, only knew his CV, watched interviews... but I remember his entire career, I know the circumstances, I saw these fights, I followed his career, so your icons do not impress me.
  9. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Active Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    You just confirmed you don't know sh*t about boxing, so you perfectly summed up what I said. Thanks. Especially when you're making a case for Tyson being ATG, who had worse career than Lennox, lol.
    Greg Price99, JohnThomas1 and Bokaj like this.
  10. Cojimar 1946

    Cojimar 1946 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    Ruiz ultimately had a better career than Grant and turned out to be the far better fighter
  11. MaccaveliMacc

    MaccaveliMacc Active Member Full Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    That's not how it works.
    Bokaj likes this.
  12. Ney

    Ney Boxing Addict Full Member

    Feb 13, 2024
    You’re right, it is crazy to call him, “very likely the best HW ever,” when he very arguably wasn’t even the best of his generation.
  13. Jakub79

    Jakub79 Member Full Member

    Mar 3, 2024
    Tyson outclassed the linear champion, 32-year-old Spinks, in the first round. Lewis narrowly won against 37-year-old Holyfield after a yawn festival. With Holyfield looking terrible in this fight, the last fight, the next fight.
    Do you have any arguments, counter-arguments or just - Lewis is ATG and that's it! Why? bonyo beautiful man? because he talks nicely? because he has an extensive CV that you know from the outside and a lot of fights that you haven't watched
  14. GlaukosTheHammer

    GlaukosTheHammer Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 7, 2017
    I'm still not on par with most when it comes to Lennox exaltation.

    He's great, his resume is pretty good, I'm not sure why timing follows everyone but Lennox, and I'm not sure why greed follows everyone but Lennox, I am not sure why the bodies take so much criticism for their unter-belts but Lennox gets none, and whatever happened to the old adage you're not really a champion until you defend the title?

    He's a great HW, monster h2h, good solid ATG resume, but folks act like he's an easy top five and really, he's not, not for me.

    He should have fought Mike and Evander before they were 111 years old a piece.

    He should have given a damn about the undisputed title

    He should have taken his opponents seriously

    But it doesn't matter. Folks cry every day about the WBA Reg title, and then go praise Lennox Lewis for being a truly great champion without any sense of irony whatsoever.

    Guys like Louis are disrespected by having men like Lennox thrown in with them.

    Mike gathered the belts, got what like 10 defenses too? But old Lennox did something other than clean up after the men who were real champions.
  15. Cojimar 1946

    Cojimar 1946 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 23, 2014
    Lennox can't get much credit for beating guys who in actuality were not very good and turned out to be badly overhyped. Objective facts trump opinions.
    Fighting Grant was a waste of time given he missed out on numerous guys better than Grant