He crumbled the first time he met a hard puncher. Was the juggernaut gimmick actually something people bought into?
He beat hard puncher Dubois prior to getting destroyed by Zhang but he did so with movement, whereas when he fought stylistic nightmare Zhang he abandoned defence. He bought into his own gimmick. People did buy into it yes. He was regarded as a top 5 or top 3 HW after he KO'd Parker.
Blocking shots with your face was only going to work for so long. It’s like whacking a wall with a sledgehammer, sooner or later it will collapse and will never be the same again.
Having a defencive strategy of absorbing punches to the face probably isn't the best idea when it comes to longevity. His downfall was inevitable.
You stated this point on another thread and disappeared when you were informed he does have a win against Dubois.
Seemed to think he was above having a guard or working on improving his defence. As mentioned above, he seemed to believe he couldn’t be properly hurt. Ridiculous, was obvious he would get found out by it sooner or later. I liked watching him though, somebody to like and root for because likes of Wilder, Fury, Joshua, Chisora and numerous others are utter bell ends
Yes he always conducts himself well and has done nothing to be disliked. Should have had a World Title Shot after obliterating Parker but belts held hostage and aged out of contention.
Dubois is a quit merchant. No heart. He isn't the biggest puncher in the division either, that goes to Zhang. Stay stalking.
Do you like anyone or anything at all? Boxers, promoters, family, pigs, hens, trees, plants or Goldfish etc?
I bet certain posters on ere thought Joe was elite! Same thing will happen to old concrete feet (Bakole). They seem to get completely splattered when they face punchers.
potwash and hatman strikes back are his two heroes both of whom are from brixton (lol you couldn't make it up... hilarious) oh and joshua... who could forget him lmfao
He beat heavy handed Dubios who just steam rolled through AJ so your point is bullshite. Any heavyweight on the planet would struggle to take Zhang's punches even with lots of head movement which Joe sadly had none of. He had one of, if not the best heavyweight chins of his generation but after taking years of clean shots even the toughest chin will crack