Loma claps back at Haney

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Komaster, May 18, 2023.

  1. From.Russia

    From.Russia Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    Haney talking about how religious he is and giving out food for likes on camera and at the same time lying about Loma being a dirty fighter and shoves him full force at weigh in, lol. Haney is an hypocrite and ass clown, lets be real
    Jackman65 and Zhuge Liang like this.
  2. Pimp C

    Pimp C Too Much Motion Full Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    What's hilarious is that you continue to worry about who I'm supporting and act as if Haney is a bad guy unworthy of support.
  3. box33

    box33 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    Well by a religious standpoint it would be like an elephant showering himself clean & then right after proceeding to roll around in mud again.
    From.Russia likes this.
  4. Rilz

    Rilz Ball don't lie! Full Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    Who acts like that? Me?
  5. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Why is it , when anyone makes less than stellar comment about a fighter you like, you call that person a hater !!
    I'm not like you are obviously.I can fault a fighter or have no respect for him but doesn't mean I hate him
  6. Pimp C

    Pimp C Too Much Motion Full Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Because you're one of the biggest haters and excuse makers on this forum.
  7. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Try looking in the mirror lol that describes you perfectly. All I ever want to see in any fight is the best man on the day which ever it is gets the win he deserves, regardless which it is. If Floyd has got the stones to have fought Tony & legitimately beaten him I'd have been the first to congratulate him & call him CHAMP. Sadly Floyd was cursed with acorns instead & knew he could never beat Margarito
    Just think back a few years, remember Floyd Sr saying "I'm never going to let Little Floyd fight that Pacquaio, his health is more important than $$$$$" & in the debacle of the eventual Floyd/Pac fight Floyd again said
    "Why are you fighting scared Son You know youre losing this fight don't you "???? I believe Floyd sr always knew Little Floyd was sadly lacking in the Intestinal Fortitude dept. Sad because he had the talent
  8. MidniteProwler

    MidniteProwler Fab 4. Mayor of Aussie Boxing Full Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    What a surprise that you would support the guy who says he would never lose to a fighter of a certain race
    UnleashtheFURY likes this.
  9. Pimp C

    Pimp C Too Much Motion Full Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    What he said was wrong and he shouldn't have said it just like when hopkins said it about Calzaghe. It was dumb never should've been said and no excuses for it.
    Badbot likes this.
  10. Pimp C

    Pimp C Too Much Motion Full Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Coming from a guy who supports a glove loading pos like margo that's hilarious. Loading your gloves is the worst thing you can do in boxing yet you're a fan of this pos. Also you're always full of excuses. I love your excuse about Calzaghe beating hopkins claiming he never threw a legit punch his entire career only slaps. That type of bull**** is the reason why I call you a hater and a excuse maker.
  11. MidniteProwler

    MidniteProwler Fab 4. Mayor of Aussie Boxing Full Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    He’s a racist POS
    Jackman65 likes this.
  12. Badbot

    Badbot I Am An Actual Pro. Full Member

    Apr 17, 2011
    :lol: shocking.
    MidniteProwler likes this.
  13. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    And I'll support Antonio all the way too because he never ever loaded his gloves or even tried to. If I found out he had ever done so I'd be on him worse that even you because youre right it would be a terrible thing to do & I'd be done with him. No one has been able to convince me he had cheated,not the CSAC, the late Naz Richardson or anyone else involved. This was all started by people like you who Idolize Mayweather because you know in your heart that even with all the "help", cheating, ped's , Vegas judges & even the state commission backing him Floyd would still never have had the stones to get in the ring with him. Best part both him & his Daddy knew it
    As fo Calzaghe I still do believe Hopkins beat him. I doubt if Calzaghe landed 25 LEGAL punches all fight long His poor little hands hurt him too much lol Same as Floyd huh????? ROFL Plus BHop put him on his ass too lol
    Thats all the ammunition you have to argue with me & you've never won one yet. I support the great fighter that your idol was literally scared ****less of . !!!! Antonio The Tijuana Tornado Margarito!!!!!! Find another sport to follow
  14. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Funny part is Ive never said anything detrimental aboul Devin Haney other that his racial attack on Loma Who I would like to see beat him because of that. The color of a mans skin, race or creed doesnt affect me one way or the other my criteria is Can the guy FIGHT!!!!!!!! Whoever legitimately wins this fight will get my respect though other than that
    Jackman65 likes this.
  15. Pimp C

    Pimp C Too Much Motion Full Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    You support a glove loader let that sink in. Like I said before claiming Calzaghe landed only 25 legal punches only furthers my point about you, thanks!