For one punch body punch devastation I have to go with Mickey Wards left hook to the body which was a true game changer. As for systematic beatdown I like the level changing straight right hand of McCallum and the inside hook work of Tony Zale.
Hearns - Shuler and Hearns - Barkley 1 are good examples. Well, the second one would be if Iran were human.
Seeing both Gerry Cooney and Micky Ward credited here, it’s worth mentioning they both learned that tap-hook-to-the-head-hard-hook-to-the-liver combo from Victor Valle. Valle called it a ‘reverse hook’ — the tap upstairs was to raise the opponent’s right elbow to make room for the bomb downstairs, and done in proper cadence it’s a devastating weapon.
Already been mentioned, but the Jones boy’s peach of a body shot against Virgil Hill even winded me from behind my TV set! Ouch!!
Nice to see Gerry Cooney mentioned here, his hooks to the body were nasty. With more recent fighters a favorite of mine was Ricky Hatton. Many a time I have seen him break down his opponents will and body with his constant body work.
Hearns Barkley was a textbook exhibition of a body assault by Tommy, I was wincing when he landed. Before his chin cracked