My training log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Scottishbox10, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Going to make a log of my training .This should make me train harder in here .
  2. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    MON 7th MARCH
    10 rounds sprints jumprope 5 x 60 secs 5 x 30 secs 30 to 1 min rest
    Sample Indoor Roadwork Week

    Monday: Interval training via jump rope, stationary bike, or Versa Climber

    * 5 x 60 seconds (full speed) - allow 30 to 60 seconds of rest between intervals
    * 5 x 30 seconds (full speed) - allow 15 to 30 seconds of rest between intervals
    * Finish with one set of bodyweight squats (ex. 100 reps)#

    4 rounds shadow
    1 footwork
    3 speed and skill phase .Head movement , co-ord , snap return , focus .

    100 push-ups
    10 1 arm elbow in each arm - 20
    Thumbs crossed - 20
    Normal arms just short of shoulder with elbows in , hands 11 and 1 oclock - 30
    Knuckles - 20
    Finger-tips - 10

    50 squsts with a 15kg plate
    ( concentrate on keeping back straight , legs shoulder width and look straight ahead )
    60 neck curls with a 10kg plate and harness
  3. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
  4. almsn

    almsn Guest

    Few rounds circuits and bags tonight at boxing .Need to work on slipping my shots .Haha quality i've got 2 accounts I nearly forgot about this one .No point in trolling anyway man so it's cool i'll use both.
  5. almsn

    almsn Guest

  6. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
  7. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
  8. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Few rounds bags , circuits and abs , med balls at boxing tonight .Going to struggle a bit with a new job i've got but it's cool i'm nearly ready to fight anyway .Just got to go as much as possible .Just need to work on head movement and that should be me , slipping .Happy days .
    Had to rest yesterday for an interview today man .Worked anyway new job happy days and a good night at boxing .
  9. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
  10. almsn

    almsn Guest

    10 rounds conditioning
    Usually do 10 squatthrusts 10 squats 10 push-ups 20 jumping jacks 50 punches shadowbox speed x 10
    Total 100 squatthrusts 100 squats 100 push-ups 200 jumpingjacks 500 punches in about 20 minutes .
    Today tho added some 12 burpees with a 180 jump ( no room for straight jump ) instead of squatthrusts and it helped with intensity
    Keep jab high ( helps with headmovement as well I think ) also 2 phase 12 121 12 1 1 1 1 .I can feel my combos coming together better happy days .Also keep tight guard at all times never drop hands , chin down .
  11. almsn

    almsn Guest

    10 rounds of above only 15 180 burpees insead of squatthrusts .Stay on balls of feet for jump ( not toes balance ) they're better for conditioning .150 burpees not bad .Also into later rounds once intensity up on burpees full reps on squats and jumping jacks for intenity .
  12. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Conditioning above 9 rounds
    50 squats with a 6 kg fast good rep and technique ( weight ) For resistance
    30 fingertip push-ups .
    Burpees are getting easier and punchrate up .Think I need a good high jump burpee .They're better for fatburning than squatthrusts .Remember 15 .

    Ross Enamait explains how to execute burpees properly and also tells us how underrated the form of exercise is. He also gives various versions of this great exercise...
  13. almsn

    almsn Guest

    I hate they red white and blue bags man cause i'm a Celtic supporter .F--k it i'm going out to paint them green tomorrow .Only joking might try and get a different colour for serious .
  14. almsn

    almsn Guest