My training log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Scottishbox10, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. almsn

    almsn Guest

    Arms across chest I think is better technique cause I was running with my mate and I found it easier .Just focus straight ahead and try and keep as best and fast a pace as possible ( judge pace )
  2. almsn

    almsn Guest

    Nce rapid 12's man .Watch the faster boxers and use speed
  3. almsn

    almsn Guest

    Another 8 rounds
    5 x 20 dips , 20 squats ,20 deltpresses 50 punches 1 minute rest
    3 x 10 dips , 10 squats ,10 deltpresses 50 punches 30 secs rest

    Total 14 rounds intense conditioning .

    Was working on a jab on the backfoot .Stepping in and straight out on back foot , nice .Step out return .Looking forward to practicing that in sparring .Make sure legs are place proper or get caught off balance and move head ,Also make sure footwork is wide enough .Forget mirror and move head on way round ( wide stance ) .Also front toe 1 oclock as well man .On toes . 1 and 2 oclock .
    Parry as well man and headmovement .Fient if tired . , deep breath , fake jab , drop right hand as if throwing or foot feint .
  4. almsn

    almsn Guest

  5. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
  6. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    2 x 5 rounders of above roughly 15 minutes each
    Jab and power through back leg and foot aim for chin .Feels atot better and is .
    20's 10 rds


    200 bench dips
    200 squats
    200 deltoid presses
    500 punches .Technique for intemsity

    Another 5 rounds
    300 x 3 750 punches

    Speed and maybe 30's when weight's down a bit .Keep power in legs as well .
  7. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    15. Bodyweight Exercise Is Excellent

    Let it be known that bodyweight exercise can be used to effectively develop EACH strength quality. Although much of this article has referenced free weights, many world champions became world champions without ever touching a free weight.

    Do not allow anyone to convince you that bodyweight exercise is ineffective. Bodyweight exercise can be made as difficult and effective as any other method of training. A simple display of gymnastics is living proof of this statement. There are bodyweight movements ideal for conditioning, explosive strength, and max-strength. Once again, the modality that you choose is simply a means to an end.

    Legs for power , punches and sparring .
  8. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Dehydration - Symptoms
    If body weight is reduced by more than 10%, this is extremely serious. If it is not treated immediately, this level of dehydration can lead to death as the blood stops circulating. You may need to go to hospital and be put on a drip to restore the substantial loss of fluids.
    Starting work on Friday .I want down to 3 small meals a day and alot more water and harder training .Most important is alcahol though I want to stop so I can train ( alot ) harder .I need new motivation .I was reading an article on here about Barry McGuigan said one of his fighters was down to 2 percent bodyfat .If I could get near that i'd be happy but I think that's a bit low .5 percent maybe for the summer but only way is to stop boozing .I should have no excuses for not cutting now the day before boxing incase I lose strength .Extra squats like 30 per set and better presses ( more ) Push-ups delts etc .Weight should be good .Get as light as possible and train harder .I don't want to be even at 165 what I should be fighting at .I just want my fitness up as much as possible .
  9. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Fight the six stages of dehydration
    2 Morning-after feeling

    Ignore your body’s early warning, and you'll find hangover-like symptoms come next. “The first sign of genuine dehydration is usually a headache,” says sports nutritionist Nick Berners-Price (4Dfitness). “Most people respond with paracetamol, but that simply masks the signal to drink.” Other symptoms at this stage include lethargy and an inability to concentrate. “Many people reach for stimulants like caffeine, but these again simply mask the bigger problem,” warns Berners-Price. Don’t paper over the cracks: water is still your number one option here.
  10. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Wednesday 27th April
    5 rounds of
    20 bench dips
    20 squats
    20 delt presses
    50 punches

    and another 5 of


    Heavy baw buster man happy days .Speed I was listening to music .Try and move head listening to music and speed .Do not ease off or relax to it for intensity .Relax in sparring though but head movement fast and fast shots

    Did another 5 rounds of and 1 with 10's .10's ain't intense enough

    20 dips
    20 squats
    20 deltoid presses
    50 pinches
    500 abs finisher .Relax and don't stressl ( push-it ) Pac's routine .Leg raises are the best on floor so if struggling rep of them in
    20's are better for intensity .Again don't stress relax technique and work as hard as possile .Think of fight sparring etc and MOVE HEAD as well CHIN
  11. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Boxing is entertainment. So to be successful a fighter must not only win but win in an exciting manner. He must throw punches with bad intentions." -- Constantine 'Cus' D'Amato

    If you can hit your opponent with two punches, you don't hit him with one. Get off with some bad intentions in there. Believe in yourself. A guy can feel it if you don't believe in yourself. Set your mind to make yourself do it." -- Constantine 'Cus' D'Amato

    Remember, from the side you can let that punch go with the worst kind of intentions...." -- Constantine 'Cus' D'Amato

    "Always keep your chin tucked down into your chest. I don’t care if you are running roadwork or just walking around school or watching T.V. Keep that chin tucked down. And your eyes looking up and out

    Don’t watch the glove; watch the chest. Wait for the glove to move, you’re dead. When the chest flexes, you bob
    Stay in constant motion. The head ain’t never again where he last seen it. See, you give him a target here and by the time he swings, it ain’t there anymore. But when he moves, counter. Hap! Fire to the ribs, huh. Hap! Bap! Four-one, upstairs.

    "You don’t get hit, you don’t lose. It’s as simple as that. Once you learn to stay low and tuck behind your gloves, in constant motion, no one is gonna be able to land nothing."
  12. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Stay in constant motion. The head ain’t never again where he last seen it. See, you give him a target here and by the time he swings, it ain’t there anymore
  13. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
  14. Scottishbox10

    Scottishbox10 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Tuesday 3rd May
    Did about 20 rounds conditioning man
    10 squatthrusts
    10 squats
    10 push-ups
    20 jumpingjacks
    50 punches
    x 20
    2 circuits of 10