Official Decade Survey - Deadlines Listed at the Top of Page 1

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Rumsfeld, Oct 3, 2022.

  1. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    @Rumsfeld I'm gonna be gone from the forum after tomorrow for quite a long time. But early tomorrow I'll try and finish lists for you.
    Rumsfeld likes this.
  2. SwappanDutta

    SwappanDutta New Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2023
    IV. 1920s
    1. Jack Dempsey
    2. Harry Greb
    3. Gene Tunney
    4. Tommy Loughran
    5. Micky Walker
    6. Tommy Gibbons
    7. Benny Leonard
    8. Battling Ski
    9. Harry Wills
    10. Jack Sharkey
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  3. SwappanDutta

    SwappanDutta New Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2023
    Hasn't been 48 hours yet, hope I make it
    1. Sam Langford
    2. Tommy Gibbons
    3. Harry Greb
    4. Battling Levinsky
    5. Fred Fulton
    6. Jack Dillon
    7. Jack Johnson
    8. Gunboat Smith
    9. Jimmy Wilde
    10. George Carpentier
    DanTheBoxingFan69 and Rumsfeld like this.
  4. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    You're good! Thanks for volunteering!

    SwappanDutta likes this.
  5. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    The 1910s Survey is officially closed.

    The following submissions have been logged. Thank you very much to all who volunteered!

    18. SwappanDutta
    1. Sam Langford
    2. Tommy Gibbons
    3. Harry Greb
    4. Battling Levinsky
    5. Fred Fulton
    6. Jack Dillon
    7. Jack Johnson
    8. Gunboat Smith
    9. Jimmy Wilde
    10. George Carpentier

    17. Del Boy
    @Del Boy
    1. Jack Johnson
    2. Harry Greb
    3 Harry Wills
    4. Tommy Gibbons
    5. Battling Levinsky
    6. Mike Gibbons
    7. Ted ‘Kid’ Lewis
    8. Sam Langford
    9. Benny Leonard
    10. Georges Carpantier
    11. Jack Dillion
    12. Johnny Kilbain
    13. Packey McFarland
    14. Jack Britton
    15. Sam Mcvea

    16. LXG
    Benny Leonard
    Packey McFarland
    Jimmy Wilde
    Sam Langford
    Jack Johnson
    Jack Dempsey
    Jack Britton
    Ted Kid Lewis
    Harry Wills
    Jeremiah “Joe” Jeannette
    Barney Lebrowitz (Battling Levinsky)
    Johnny Dundee
    Johnny Kilbane
    Les Darcy
    Sam McVey
    Freddie Welsh
    Georges Carpentier
    Eugene Criqui
    Pete Herman
    Mike Gibbons

    15. Gui Dosnera
    @Gui Dosnera
    1: Sam Langford
    2: Harry Greb
    3: Jack Britton
    4: Ted Kid Lewis
    5: Johnny Dundee
    6:Benny Leonard
    7: Jack Dillon
    8: Battling Levinsky
    9: Harry Wills
    10:Freddie Welsh
    11: Leo Hauck
    12: Joe Jeanette
    13: Packey McFarland
    14: Mike Gibbons
    15: Kid Norfolk
    16: Billy Miske
    17: Tommy Gibbons
    18: Sam McVea
    19: Lew Tendler
    20: Mike O'Dowd
    21: Jimmy Wilde
    22: George Chip
    23: Les Darcy
    24: Johnny Kilbane
    25: Ad Wolfgast

    14. Noel857
    1 Harry Greb
    2 Sam Langford
    3 Jack Johnson
    4 Tommy Gibbons
    5 Packey McFarland
    6 Jimmy Wilde
    7 Benny Leonard
    8 Mike Gibbons
    9 Harry Wills
    10 Ted Kid Lewis

    13. Lee Hyett
    @Lee Hyett
    1) Les D'Arcy
    2) Ted 'Kid' Lewis
    3) Jimmy Wilde
    4) Ad Wolgast
    5) Jack Britton
    6) Johnny Coulom
    7) Jeff Smith
    8) Johnny Kilbane
    9) Abe Attell
    10) Digger Stanley

    12. Ih8ohio
    1. Harry Greb
    2. Jack Johnson
    3. Jimmy Wilde
    4. Sam Langford
    5. Ted “Kid” Lewis
    6. Packey McFarland
    7. Freddie Welsh
    8. Ad Wolgast
    9. Johnny Kilbane
    10. Mike Gibbons

    11. DanTheBoxingFan69
    1) Jack Johnson
    2) Harry Greb
    3) Jimmy Wilde
    4) Benny Leonard
    5) Sam Langford
    6) Packey McFarland
    7) Jack Dillon
    8) Harry Willis
    9) Battling Levinsky
    10) Tommy Gibbons

    10. Gudetama
    1. S Langford
    2. H Greb
    3. B Leonard
    4. J Wilde
    5. P Mcfarland
    6. J Britton
    7. Kid Lewis
    8. J Johnson
    9. T Gibbons
    10. J Dempsey
    11. H Wills
    12. F Welsh
    13. P Herman
    14. M Gibbons
    15. J Dillon
    16. J Kilbane
    17. Battling Levinsky
    18. Kid Norfolk
    19. J Jeanette
    20. S Mcvey
    21. L Tendler
    22. J Dundee
    23. Kid Williams
    24. L Darcy
    25. G Carpentier

    9. BoxingFanOfIranianDescent
    1. Sam Langford
    2. Jimmy Wilde
    3. Jack Johnson
    4. Tommy Gibbons
    5. Mike Gibbons
    6. Battling Levensky
    7. Packey McFarland
    8. Billy Miske
    9. Jack Dempsey
    10. Stanley Ketchel

    8. Joe Grantham
    @Joe Grantham
    1. Jack Johnson
    2. Sam Langford
    3. Benny Leonard
    4. Jimmy Wild
    5. Harry Wills
    6. Harry Greb
    7. Packey McFarland
    8. Jack Britton
    9. Johnny Dundee
    10. Billy Miske

    7. Jason Thomas
    @Jason Thomas
    1---Sam Langford
    2---Jimmy Wilde
    3---Mike Gibbons
    4---Jack Dillon
    5---Johnny Kilbane
    6---Jack Britton
    7---Mike O'Dowd
    8---Kid Norfolk
    9---Frank Klaus
    10-Joe Jeannette

    6. White Bomber
    @White Bomber
    1. Harry Greb
    2. Jack Johnson
    3. Sam Langford
    4. Jimmy Wilde
    5. Benny Leonard
    6. Mike Gibbons
    7. Harry Wills
    8. Ted Kid Lewis
    9. Freddie Welsh
    10. Jack Dempsey

    5. mattdonnellon
    1-Benny Leonard
    2-Harry Greb
    3-Jimmy Wilde
    4-Sam Langford
    5-Harry Wills
    6-Jack Dempsey
    7-Sam McVea
    8-Joe Jeannette
    9-Kid Norfolk
    10-Jack Johnson
    11-Tommy Gibbons
    12-Packey McFarland
    13-Jeff Clarke
    14-Jess Willard
    15-Luther McCarty
    16-Gunboat Smith
    18-Georges Carpentier
    19-Battling Levinsky
    20-Freddie Welsh
    21-Jack Britton
    22-Ted Lewis
    23-Johnny Kilbane
    24-Pete Herman
    25-Billy Miske

    4. Greg Price99
    @Greg Price99
    1. Harry Greb
    2. Sam Langford
    3. Jimmy Wilde
    4. Tommy Gibbons
    5. Packey McFarland
    6. Benny Leonard
    7. Mike Gibbons
    8. Jack Britton
    9. Jack Dillon
    10. Ted Kid Lewis
    11. Freddie Welsh
    12. Harry Wills
    13. Johnny Kilbane
    14. Philadelphia Pal Moore
    15. Pete Herman
    16. Kid Williams
    17. Jack Dempsey
    18. Kid Norfolk
    19. Billy Miske
    20. Lockport Jimmy Duffy
    21. Johnny Dundee
    22. Lew Tendler
    23. Jeff Clark
    24. Joe Lynch
    25. Johnny Coulon

    3. Rubber Glove Sandwich
    @Rubber Glove Sandwich
    1. Harry Greb
    2. Sam Langford
    3. Tommy Gibbons
    4. Packey McFarland
    5. Jimmy Wilde
    6. Benny Leonard
    7. Jack Britton
    8. Mike Gibbons
    9. Ted Kid Lewis
    10. Freddie Welsh

    2. Dynamicpuncher
    1. Harry Greb
    2. Jimmy Wilde
    3. Sam Langford
    4. Tommy Gibbons
    5. Packey McFarland
    6. Mike Gibbons
    7. Benny Leonard
    8. Jack Dillon
    9. Harry Wills
    10. Johnny Kilbane

    1. Austinboxing
    1. Jimmy Wilde
    2. Jack Johnson
    3. Tommy Gibbons
    4. Jack Britton
    5. Harry Wills
    6. Battling Levensky
    7. Benny Leonard
    8. Jonny Dundee
    9. Jack Dillon
    10. Sam Langford
  6. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004

    1920s - March 26
    1930s - April 15
    1940s - May 6
    Gui Dosnera likes this.
  7. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    BTW, it's still going to take me a couple of days to get through the 1910s results. But for what it's worth, I definitely think this one is the most thought-provoking to date.
    Gui Dosnera and Noel857 like this.
  8. Noel857

    Noel857 I Am Duran Full Member

    Mar 24, 2019
    Looking forward to the video Rummy
    Rumsfeld likes this.
  9. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Spoiler alert, and something I found particularly interesting.

    No one inside the Top 10 appeared unanimously on all 18 lists. Most in the Top 10 only appeared on 12 or 13 lists out of 18. And on a related note, that's giving me a lot of faith in my scoring system (which has been revised since the first Surveys back in 2020, in hopes of helping to balance out peculiar things, whether it be an odd omission, oversight, and various other anamolies).

    But yes, the 1910s has far less consensus in the Top 10 when compared to the 1890s and 1900s.
    Gui Dosnera, Greg Price99 and Noel857 like this.
  10. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    There's some very strange stuff going on in this one. Not "bad", and I am in no way meaning to sound critical of ANY of the participants. But I've done enough of these that my inner math dork is utterly fascinated by the unusual numbers behind the results (which I think are solid - what a bad ass decade!)
  11. Greg Price99

    Greg Price99 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 17, 2018
    I'm glad you've posted this. I've seen some lists and thought "how the hell have you excluded.......?" or "he only had 2% (not a genuine example) of his career fights in this decade, how can his record be one of the 10 best in that decade?".

    I suspect some of the strange stuff you refer to, is partially explicable by differing degrees to which posters have applied the criteria, of only fights from the decade in question contributing towards a fighters ranking in that decade.
    White Bomber and Rumsfeld like this.
  12. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    It's a strong era. I think that, combined with the fact that we have more participants, and more general diversity of opinion - it has me utterly fascinated! :lol:

    Now I'm even more curious to see how these progress into the 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond.
    Greg Price99 likes this.
  13. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Thank you.

    Hoping to have it published in 30 hours or so.
    Gui Dosnera and Noel857 like this.
  14. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    This content is protected
    Gui Dosnera and Greg Price99 like this.
  15. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    1920s deadline fastly approaching. Officially about 46 hours left, but I may stretch that an extra 48. But still, sooner is better.

    Get your 1920s lists in!!
