OK - Is Manny Pac Top 15 of All Time?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by turbotime, Sep 18, 2023.

? Comfortably

  1. Yes?

    47 vote(s)
  2. No.

    28 vote(s)
  1. Drew101

    Drew101 Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    Gans probably warrants consideration for top 15, too.
  2. Rubber Glove Sandwich

    Rubber Glove Sandwich A lot of people have pools Full Member

    Aug 15, 2020
    Ah I could've swore I had him in! Take Pep out and put Gans in then.
  3. Boxed Ears

    Boxed Ears this my daddy's account (RIP daddy) Full Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    He's a good fighter.
  4. turbotime

    turbotime Hall Of Famer Full Member

    May 4, 2012
    Thats a great list - @McGrain - myself and orriray actually were published way back when. No one argued against it, and Walker is an amazing shout. Canzi over Ross? Thats a nice one.
  5. turbotime

    turbotime Hall Of Famer Full Member

    May 4, 2012
    I don't know what I have against Pep........But Gans is in lol
    Rubber Glove Sandwich likes this.
  6. Ted Spoon

    Ted Spoon Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 10, 2005
    Somewhere in the late teens is arguable. Things get hectic from 15-10. Inside the top 10, despite what some say, is a hard no. The weight-hopping card only carries so much value. Put Manny in the top 10 and he's surrounded by guys who were both more dominant and have better wins.
    Rumsfeld likes this.
  7. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    I hate getting into these kind of discussions.... but winning belts in 8 different divisions is the definition of greatness in this sport, so yeah... I'd say he is. Probably the 10-15 range.
    J_metal likes this.
  8. monaim

    monaim Member Full Member

    Dec 4, 2022
    TOP 5 for me. Ali SRR Mayweather Pacquiao Leonard
  9. NoNeck

    NoNeck Pugilist Specialist Full Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    It might be reasonable, but only if Mayweather is ahead.
  10. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    They aren't all equal jackass. :lol: You're a casual P4P fan, that's it. Just stay in your swimlane child. Besides, look at the way you and some other idiots discuss P4P. You don't have any critical thinking skills. You're all emotion, hence you always crying over my opinion on P4P that you overly exaggerate. Claiming I hate them. GTFO. That's so childish. But you are a child mentally, so par for course I guess.

    "Spence wasn't 100%, how can TC be P4P #1?"

    Do you do that with EVERY fighter on an ATG list? You know for a fact who was or wasn't 100% at the time of their fight and take that in to consideration, and hold that against their win, basically not counting it?? Is that what you do with an ATG list as well? Since YOU think they are equal??

    You come to discuss P4P stuff. That's all you think you know and pretend to be some expert. You're a casual bandwagoner, no better then the posters who only watch Canelo. You're Shadow11, You're Miniq, you're MVC... like I said, stick to your swimlane and quit freaking out over me. Or do, I don't care. You just look like an petty child taking my posts waaay too personal as if i'm attacking you when I say P4P doesn't really matter. Yes, you take it personal like a weirdo. Relax girl...or change your tampon or diaper, you cranky baby.
  11. JOKER

    JOKER Froat rike butterfry, sting rike MFER! banned Full Member

    Dec 18, 2019
    Damn, you thought about it all night long before posting this wall of text that I didn't and won't read?

    P4P lists aren't meaningless (even to you), but your existence is.

    Take another L and go away, creeper.

  12. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Is that what you think? Or HOW you think? No child, it's just a reply this morning. No different then if I replied to someone else. Sorry I don't live for this board like you do. You seem to get off acting like a 13yo spoiled brat. Why?? Do you not know how to post like an adult or something? Or discuss something like an adult?? ARE you an adult? And why does my opinion of P4P trigger you so much?? We used to be cool, but once I said P4P doesn't really matter, you turned in to a psycho fanboy full of rage. What's up with that??

    And yes, you read it. You aren't fooling anyone bandwagoner. You jumped on Inouye's ballsack the sec Pac retired. You're just like the flo mos who jump on the next undefeated guy to fanboy.

    And good try, A for effort. But reality is, you aren't smart enough or clever enough to compete with me. You don't have the emotional capacity to be taken serious or produce a well thought out post. But have a good one. I'll still agree or like a post of yours if I think it was good. I don't take this board any more serious than I do a fanboy's P4P list. I HEART you Joker
  13. scandcb

    scandcb Active Member Full Member

    Jun 9, 2020
    Neither Pac or Mayweather are top 20.

    Top 30? Perhaps.

    Top 40? Yes
    Fourth_Horseman likes this.
  14. JOKER

    JOKER Froat rike butterfry, sting rike MFER! banned Full Member

    Dec 18, 2019
    Another wall of text that I didn't and won't read.


    Man, you must stalk every single man and woman who's ignored you.

  15. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Stalk?? This is a message board and I am just replying to you. :lol: That doesn't even make sense, and actually shows you will say literally ANYTHING to try and look good to strangers on a message board.

    Simply add me to your ignore list child. At least your blood pressure will regulate, and you won't look like a spoiled 13yo girl who gets pissy so easily. But hey, it's all good friend. I still heart you :)