
Discussion in 'Boxing Training' started by Gavin, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Gavin

    Gavin Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Is it a symptom of overtraining to start to see training as a chore and think to yourself ''I can't be arsed with this'' when you're getting ready to go training. Last time I was down the club I trained for two hours (its usually one) and Monday and tonight I just didn't have the drive (I've forced myself to go to the club when I've felt like this before, and trained ****). I've also gone back to college during this time, after a Summer of sitting on my ass (damn recession) so my sleeping habits are still being re-adjusted if that counts?
  2. Gavin

    Gavin Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Forgot to say I always go all out when I'm training, and I'm usually head to toe in sweat when it finishes. Always use the heaviest bags etc.
  3. RDJ

    RDJ Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 27, 2005
    It could be, but it could also just be a lack of motivation. Physical signs would be feeling sluggish, things like that.
  4. marciano22

    marciano22 Member Full Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    It's really hard to overtrain.
    - Is your heart rate, blood pressure constantly higher than usual ?
    - Can you sleep, do you wake up in the middle of the night?
    - Do you sweat excessively when completely still ?

    When fighter's say they overtrained they usually mean that they missed their peak and left it in the gym.
    I think you are just a bit burned out mentally . Go running, lift some weights take a day off and than go back to the gym. If you do have these symptoms go to the doctor, he will probably draw some blood to check your hormone level...
  5. Gavin

    Gavin Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Physically I feel fine, its just mentally I seem to have all the symptoms. I'd say its most likely to do with college and my body getting used to the early mornings. Gonna take a little break and I should be fine next week. =]
  6. cheech

    cheech Well-Known Member Full Member

    Oct 28, 2007
    you should get a new trainer. if you training work outs are weak enough to make you want to over train than your workout needs to be adjusted.
  7. skullman

    skullman New Member Full Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    rest pause man....
  8. Brighton bomber

    Brighton bomber Loyal Member Full Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    A good way to see if your body is suffering from over training is to use the Heikki Rusko method.

    First thing in the morning lie down for 10 minutes and then take your resting heart rate as beats per minute. Then continue to take down your heart rate at intervals at 15, 90 and 120 seconds. A well rested athlete should show a consistent heart rate but if you show a big difference in the 120 second reading then your body has not fully recovered from the last training session.
  9. Son of Gaul

    Son of Gaul Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Training will seem like a chore quite often for many fighters but you just have to work through it if progression is truly a priority. Some guys are self-motivated gym rats and just love the process, others love the sport but aren't quite up for the daily grind mentally. I think we've already established which category you're in so...what's your goal? If you're OK pursuing boxing recreationally then continue doing so. If, however, you want to walk the serious path and really go for it, you'll need to take training more seriously and make it your priority...mental weakness will not do if you want to get better and fight at a higher level.
  10. pahapoisu

    pahapoisu Superman! Full Member

    Jul 5, 2010
    I tend to stop when i see green spots on my arms. :happy
  11. Gavin

    Gavin Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Nope man the training sessions are actually pretty ****ing intense, just have that natural urge to give 100% as well so thats probaby burning me out. We do things like circuits ( including ones where we have to hold weights for a certain period of time), long distance jogs, lying flat on the floor and holding our legs up straight for a minute etc.
  12. lefty

    lefty Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 29, 2006
    Everybody is different, some people can overtrain relatively easily.
  13. lefty

    lefty Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 29, 2006
    It's this sort of foolish 'macho' attitude that causes people to work too hard and burn out. If you understand anything at all about human physiology you know that you need to rest and listen to your body.
    NoChin likes this.
  14. Son of Gaul

    Son of Gaul Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Yes, but he's already admitted that the problem is mental, not physical. He's simply having trouble finding the motivation to train and this is quite common among athletes of any sport. Self-motivation, my friend, is what separates the wolves from the sheep...in sport and in life.
  15. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Starting stages of turning into the hulk? why the hell would you stop?