Never thought to make a log on here before but seems a cushty idea so here we are:happy Today I am going to have a stretch and then jog about 3-4miles at a steady pace nice little easy sunday jog, come back do me sit-ups, push-ups, tricep-dips, whatever, all that kind of caper. Then going to do some footwork drills and some skipping. Get 6x3 mins of shadow sparring in, then some padwork with me father & then I will probably have a few rounds on the bag, working on distributing weight properly, & speed. Bit of a sunday freestyle effort today. Monday be jogging from around 8-9am, then will be a session on my weight bench. Tuesday I will be at my local boxing gym, plenty will get done there.
Everything went well yesterday, can't complain. Felt satisfied. Today I've had me morning jog and trained my chest. Thats it so far but I will round off the day with a jog, will either go to my local boxing gym tommorow or travel back to an old one, not sure yet.
just done a gruelling core workout and 8rounds on pads and 8rounds on the bag will jog at least 5miles later
Off for a nice five mile run, then a few rounds on the pads and a few rounds on the bag and few rounds of sparring
Keep up the good work mate, up be getting back into it soon after a while off. Pulled my medial knee ligament 3 weeks ago so that was another set back
Cheers pal, will do, highly motivated at the moment. Good to hear mate its bad not being able to train, but when you've done something to your knee like thats theres no other choice. All the best when you start again