PugilistStudent's Training Log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by PugilistStudent, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    2x3 minutes maize bag :)30 rest)
    4x3 minutes shadowboxing :)30 rest)
    1 lap fartlek run around the resovoir, shorter path

    :03 isometric punch @ start, mid-way, and 90% extension (jab, straight)
    10 Punches
    x 5

    :03 isometric punch @ start, and mid-way (left/right hook, left/right uppercut)
    10 punches
    x 3

    20:00 Jump Rope
    3x3 minute rounds rope drill
    4x3 minute rounds shadowboxing
    3x3 minute rounds heavybag
    5x3 minute rounds double end bag
    2x3 minute rounds partner defense drill (he throws, I defend)
    3x3 minute rounds speed bag
    Lazed around, watched sparring for a while
    6 rounds of 10x10 drill on heavybag, :30 just movement around heavybag (rest)
    300 Medicine ball slams on abs (150 middle, 75 on either side)
    200 Weighted Yes's (off ring)
    200 Weighted No's (off ring)
  2. RDJ

    RDJ Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 27, 2005
    Welcome on board :good

    Where do you train? What's your ambition / record / etc? :)
  3. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    I train at the GP Boxing gym, its been off and on the last few years with college but when Im finished or whenever I get a slack semester I'll be getting a few fights. I want to win the bronze, silver and golden gloves out here and go to (and win) provincials. Im undefeated so far (....no fights :tong). etc?? Im a pressure fighter/boxer...meaning Im more of an agressive boxer but I can and do like to fight on the inside sometimes when theyre more slick than I am.

    What about you? where do you train / ambition / record / style/ etc?
  4. RDJ

    RDJ Boxing Junkie banned

    Sep 27, 2005
    I train in the Netherlands, my record is 0-1 (Amateur) thanks to a close loss. Next match is next Saturday so I hope that's 1-1 soon. My ambition is to have at least a few more fights before they force me to quit (I'm a late starter, 33 years old now). Style is boxer, normally very jab happy but that's in sparring so we'll see if I can take that into the actual fight.
  5. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Best of luck with that, you certainly put the sparring in so Im sure you'll do fine. Im an exercise physiology student so if you have any questions about training for anything just let me know. Theres a masters division btw so you'll still be able to continue boxing but I bet thered be alot fewer opponents to choose from.


    2x3 rounds maize bag :)30 rest)
    4x3 rounds shadowboxing :)30 rest)

    3 minute rounds of the following (1:00 rest):
    Sprint 30m
    Backpedal 30m
    Sprint 30m
    Strafe (left) 30m
    Sprint 30m
    Strafe (right) 30m
    Sprint 30m
    Walk 30m

    Round 1: 17 Lengths
    Round 2: 17 Lengths
    Round 3: 15 Lengths (+1 small improvement, still have to get my conditioning back)

    6x10 forward tuck jumps over cones
    2x5 depth jumps
    2x5 forward depth jumps onto boxes
    1x5 forward long jumps over boxes

    -Thats the only plyometrics worth recording since the rest was kinda all over the place as we did different exercises so its hard to quantify. This was done in my resistance training lab.

    200 Resisted Jabs (strong band)
    50 Jabs
    200 Resisted Crosses (strong band)
    50 Crosses

    4x3 shadowboxing

    4 rounds of: (no rest)
    20 kneeling rollouts
    20 standing band twists per side

    -Boxing gym isnt open and neither is the gymnasium (basketball game) so no jumping rope.
  6. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009


    -Nothing :-(, girlfriends alarm didnt go off

    :03 isometric punch (start, mid, 90% extension)
    10 Punches
    (4 times for jab and straight)
    (2 times for left and right hook)

    10:00 jump rope
    2x3 minute rounds rope drill
    1x3 minute round shadowboxing
    2x5 minute rounds body sparring (forgot mouthpiece)
    3x3 minute rounds heavybag (round 1 was jab only)
    5x25 situps while getting hit HARD in the stomach
    5x3 minute rounds double end bag
    2x3 minute rounds "Footwork bag"
    3x3 minute rounds shadowboxing
    10:00 jump rope

    -During sparring I got alot of counter left hooks and jabs
  7. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    3x3 shadowboxing with 2lb weights
    1x3 shadowboxing

    10:00 jump rope
    2x3 shadowboxing in the ring
    3x3 shadowboxing
    3x3 heavybag (round 1 was all jabs)
    4x4 double end bag
    lazed around watching sparring
    1x3 sparring :verysad
    1x15 handpads :shock:
    light shadowboxing

    -Im dissapointed I just got 1 round it was a pretty good round but I still hadn't got in the groove since its been a while but that'll change :bbb . Pretty much everybody that could spar left after just 1 round. But the handpads were good and the trainer used the body shield with it so I could work some bodyshots.
  8. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    Nothing, abs are sore. I just have to let my body get used to this again :eek:ld
  9. Boxaholic

    Boxaholic Member Full Member

    May 27, 2008


    10:00 jump rope
    4x3 shadowboxing in the ring
    2x3 shadowboxing
    4x3 heavybag (left hand only for 3 rounds, mostly jab)
    6x3 double end bag
    3x3 "footwork bag)
    1x30 light sparring

    -this guy thats quite new was sparring another pretty new (to sparring) muscle head and he was just wailing on him and he outweighed him by alot. So to save this guy (hes got heart I'll give him that) I stepped in to spar. So thhe 30:00 was light with lots of short breaks, defense drills, counters, etc and I coached him and tried to teach him a few things. Tosh wants a really good sparring partner that can kick his ass so Im asking a pro mma fighter thats in my anatomy & resistance training classes to come spar him, hopefully hes got good stand up since Tosh is the best in the gym. It'll be cool if it happens.
  10. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    10:00 skipping
    5x3 shadowboxing
    5x3 heavybag (r1+2=jab, r3=free, r4=left hooks, r5=hooks)
    5x3 double end bag
    3x3 "footwork bag"
    2x5 speedbag
    20:00 light shadowboxing
    1x15-20 parrying, slipping in the pocket, countering the jab

    -no sparring :'(
  11. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    200 jabs with strong resistance band
    100 crosses with strong resistance band
    5:00 juggling
    100x(jab-pause-jab, cross) with 2lb db's
    100x(left hook-right upper) with 3lb db's
    5:00 juggling
    2 rounds shadowboxing


    1 mile (9:00)

    -Did only 1 mile, I hate treadmills but the weather sucks.
  12. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    3x3 shadowboxing
    3x10 lateral raises


    Rockclimbing 45:00
    3x3 shadowboxing
  13. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Yeesh, this log is sad. Ive been out of boxing (again) but Im starting back up today. Reason is I was training for free before, kinda coasting on the fact I helped fix up the gym and **** but I had to open my big mouth to someone with a bigger mouth and POOF no more free training cuz she went and whined. However, I just got my student bursary so Im going back and I'll pay my dues. So heres what I've been doing lately. Figured I may as well include it.

    5 Dumbell Snatches Per Arm 50lbs
    5 Dumbell Swings Per Arm 50lbs
    10 Burpees
    x4 Rounds (1:00 Rest)
    -Heart Rate after the final round was 192ish, my time was 10:27. I was bloated from the pizza I had for "Lunch" (breakfast) and the supper before that so it was pretty bad. My hip flexors, adductors, hamstrings, and glutes are all kinda sore (hip flexors mostly). I was supposed to do 5 rounds but I was so bloated I think I was going to lose some of that pizza I ate earlier if I continued. I'm going for a long walk soon and I'll be doing the following later.

    3x5 Standing Rollout Partials

    Tabata Burpees
    Tabata Dumbell High Knees/Sprint in place
    -My roommate joined in but only worked during the rest portions since he hasn't exercised for a long time.

    5x1:00 Rowing Machine Intervals (1:00 90%, 1:00 60%)
    10x:30 Rowing Machine Intervals :)30 100%, :30 60%)
    10x:15 Rowing Machine Intervals :)15 100%, :60%)
    5:00 Cool down on treadmill at 3.2 mph
    -All the intervals and the cool down where done back to back without rest. This was fasted too, I just couldnt get out of bed soon enough for class, curse the man who invented the snooze button.

    Health Test in the lab
    -Tested tricep pushups, partial curl ups, back extensions, sit and reach, grip and verticle jump. I got in the highest ranking in everything except the sit and reach and back extension (it wasn't set up right, I could have gotten to excellet pretty easily but I didnt want to push it too hard and not be able to train tomorrow) which was in the fair category, I knew my flexibility wasnt the best anyhow.

    5:00 warm up 10:00 mile pace treadmill

    1:00 treadmill intervals at 6:00 mile pace
    1:00 treadmill intervals at 10:00 mile pace
    -My heart rate at the end of it was 174
  14. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    1.5 mile run (12:00)
    1 hour basketball
    -I had intended on running more but I saw a buddy playing basketball so I joined in, we got a game of kings court going, I won :good . The kings court was some intense cardio by itself. My legs are killing me, my body just isnt used to the abuse anymore.
  15. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    10:00 jump rope
    5 rounds shadowboxing
    3 easy rounds heavybag
    1 round heavybag
    4 rounds double end bag
    3 rounds shadowboxing
    2x12 pullups (light sets)
    2 rounds holding pads
    2x2:00 rounds abs
    -I was going easy on the heavybag cuz I sprained my pinky badly not long ago, in fact even when I shadowbox I get a lil twinge of pain here & there. When I held the pads I only used the 1 hand cuz Im seing how my finger will feel tomorrow.

    TODAYS EATS (1 line=1 meal)
    Bowl of cereal, 2 caps extreme lean (trying it out cuz I packed on a few lbs since starting college)
    2 pork chops, 1 cup sunny D
    1 cup cottage cheese, 2 caps extreme lean
    G3 sport drink (@ the gym, 30 cals)
    1 scoop whey, multi vites
    1 good plate of chinese food (yeah its not the best but I didnt want to cook and neither did my woman lol)