JULY 8TH 45:00 bike ride 30:00 bike ride JULY 9TH 45:00 bike ride 30:00 bike ride 2 Straddle front levers 1 Back Lever 1 Human Flag Various Pullups 7 Weighted Pullups (40) 1 Weighted Pole Climb (40) 2 Full Glute Ham Raises -Just messing around with a bud, seeing what I can still do.
JULY 12TH 45:00 bike ride 3 rounds shadowboxing 3 rounds combo dummy 3 rounds shadowboxing in the ring 3 rounds heavybag
JULY 16TH 45:00 bike ride JULY 17TH 2x45:00 bike rides 2x50 neck curls (20lbs) 2x50 front neck curls (20lbs)
SEPT 16 20:00 shadowboxing 3 rounds heavybag (freestyle) 2 rounds heavybag (1 round jab only, 1 round left hand only) 10:00 rope drill 3 rounds speedbag 2x7:00 rounds sparring 2 rounds of punch outs 30 punchout, :30 holding the bag) -Felt like puking after the punch outs, all I had before I went was a bit of sausage for breakfast so thats probably why I felt terrible. Or it could be the gorging on KFC last night, a family ordered after me and theyre food was only 30 cents more expensive than my meal lol. TODAYS EATS (so far) sausage bit, 2 cups milk, fish oil, multi vitamin G2 sports drink 1 small tin of flavoured tuna, 1 bowl salad fruit source bar, 1 XL tim hortons dbl dbl vitamin water, bag of flavoured peatnuts (im not sure how much but quite a bit) sausage bit, 1 apple, 1 plum, 1 v8 SERVINGS TOTAL 3 meat, 10 fruits and veggies, 2 dairy, 0 grains
SUNDAY 3 rounds shadowboxing TODAYS EATS (so far) 1 bowl vector, 1 plum, fish oil, 1 XL dbl dbl 1 small can of flavoured tuna 2 bags of homemade fruit leather (apple, pear) 14 perogies (sour cream, 6 tbsp real bacon bits), 450ml bolthouse fruit smoothy (berry boost) 1 small italian tuna salad, plum 1 pack ichiban noodles TODAYS SERVINGS TOTAL (so far) 3 meat. 3 dairy, 5 grain, 11 f+v,
MONDAY Morning 10:00 elliptical @ 175bpm 10:00 exercise bike @ 140bpm -First day doing cardio since my knee injury, Im still not running but Im going to see what I can get out of the low impact stuff. Evening 5 rounds shadowboxing (stretching between rounds) 3 rounds heavybag 2 rounds heavybag (r1=jab only, r2=left hand only) 3 rounds double end bag 3 rounds speedbag 2 rounds shadowboxing 3 rounds sparring -Nobody around my level wanted to spar today so I decided to ask one of the guys I knew would kick my ass. I got my bell rung 3 times, it kinda sucked but Im even more motivated to spar now. I need way more if Im going to be at the level I want to be at in july. TODAYS EATS (so far) 1 bowl of vector, 1 apple, fish oil capsules 1 bowl salad, 1 small can of tuna 1 sausage bit, 1 multi vite 1 v8, 1 fruit source bar, 1 orange pepper 1 sausage bit 2 slices swiss cheese handful of coated peanuts 15 perogies (sour cream, bacon bits) TODAYS SERVINGS TOTALS (so far) 6 grain, 4 dairy, 10 f+v, 4 meat
TUESDAY 5 rounds shadowboxing (stretching between rounds) 5 "rounds" iso dynamic punches with a 3lb medicine ball (jab and cross) 3 rounds heavybag 2 rounds heavybag (1 round jab only, 1 round left hand only) 1 round double end bag 1 round hand pads 30 minutes working on what coach told me after the pads 12 reps of front, both sides and back neck curls/lifts (35lbs) TODAYS EATS 1 bowl salad, 1 small tin flavoured tuna, 2 slices swiss, 1 cup skim milk 1 v8, 1 fruit source bar, 1 plum 1 italian tuna salad, 2 big handfuls of coated nuts 1 package of homemade fruit leather (apple+pear) 15 perogies (sour cream, bacon bits) TODAYS TOTAL SERVINGS 11 f+v, 2 meat, 4 dairy, 4 grain Im not sure what to qualify nuts as
WEDNESDAY 30:00 straight shadowboxing (still working on stuff from yesterday) 3 rounds heavybag (freestyle) 2 rounds heavybag (1 round jab only, 1 round left hand only) 3 rounds double end bag 3 rounds speedbag 30:00 straight shadowboxing (same as before) -The gym owner told me I was looking really sharp today and it was a joy to watch me lol. Strange cuz I felt awkward with the new...fixed...footwork I was working on, it was likely just encouragement. It seems like I never spar when hes around and he was saying its a good thing Im not like everyone else and just jump in the ring and try to wing it, that its good Im getting the fundamentals down and smooth....I wanted to mention my sparring but...probably not a good idea as I have to get my physical again for this year and Im not supposed to be sparring lol (I know I'll pass but thats not the point). I think he's seen me spar once lol. TODAYS EATS 1 bowl of vector 1 sundried tomato tuna salad, 1 v8, 2 plums 1 salad, 1 small can of flavoured tuna, 1 cup of bolthouse fruit smoothie 3 big handfuls of coated nuts 12 perogies (sour cream, bacon bits) TODAYS TOTAL SERVINGS 8 grains, 3 dairy, 11 f+v, 2 meat
THURSDAY 30 minutes shadowboxing 3 rounds heavybag 2 rounds heavybag (jab, left hand only) 3 rounds double end bag 3 rounds speedbag 5 minutes shadowboxing -Ive decided I need to start training my handspeed. My speeds good but I want my speed to be a bit intimidating. Im going to start doing ross enamaits punching with power routine as well, it includes handspeed training. I have to change it a bit though because of my access to certain things on certain days. So... Wednesdays weight training on tuesday Fridays handspeed and plyometrics on thursday ....and thats all I have to change. I know I'll probably be too sore to complete the first week without missing some training so I'll just keep repeating the first week until i can get through it without it hindering anything. TODAYS EATS (so far) 1 bowl of vector 1 can of italian tuna salad, 1 plum, 1 red pepper 1v8, 1 fruit source bar 1 salad, 1 small can of flavoured tuna 12 perogies (sour cream and bacon bits) TODAYS SERVINGS TOTALS (so far) 6 grains, 4 dairy, 3 meat, 11 f+v
MONDAY 40:00 shadowboxing 1 round polish boxing 3 rounds heavybag 2 rounds heavybag (r1=jab only, r2=left hand only) 2 rounds double end bag 3 rounds sparring with different opponents each time all where 20lbs+ heavier 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2x10 with 2lb dumbbells -Have to keep my hands up higher+longer combos
MONDAY 15:00 jump rope 3 rounds shadowboxing 3 rounds maize bag 3 rounds double end bag 2 rounds hand pads 5 rounds shadowboxing (footwork focus, right hand)
TUESDAY 15:00 jump rope 10:00 maize bag 10:00 rounds crosses+footwork 3 rounds heavybag (footwork focus) 2.5 rounds heavybag (jab only) 2 rounds of: 12 V-Ups 12 Reverse Crunches 25 Chinnies 10:00 straight punch combinations (footwork focus) 10:00 just footwork
15:00 jump rope stretching 15:00 shadowboxing (straight punches only, footwork focus) 10:00 maize bag 3 rounds heavybag (speed focus) 2.5 rounds heavybag (jab only) abs 10:00 footwork -got the mri done on my knee yesterday, i get the results in a week.