PugilistStudent's Training Log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by PugilistStudent, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    15:00 jump rope
    15:00 shadowboxing (same combinations as before, footwork focus)
    5:00 maize bag
    2 rounds sparring
    3 rounds heavybag
    3 rounds heavybag (jab only)
    some triple clap pushups (front back front) just showing off lol
    some one arm divebombers (same)
    4:00 technical sparring
    5:00 maize bag
    10:00 footwork only

    did well in sparring today, had alot of fun with feints and countering. a little reckless when Ive got someone cornered but I learned something new today that I'll have to try next time when I get em cornered (following the jab in with a solid guard and an overhead right so I can really get close and do business).
  2. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    How do you use the maize bag?

    Do you have somebody stand on the other side and lightly tap it for you or do you just move it by yourself?

    I find that having somebody stand on the other side and tap it helps me out a lot more than just moving it myself. I rarely have anybody to help me out though so I usually am forced to use it alone. I'm always looking for different variations of using the maize bag so that's why I was curious how you use it.
  3. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    I just let er swing man. Ive never thought of having someone tap it. Sorry, not much help here. Its funny that you mentioned that though cuz today I forgot to do the maize bag cuz I got sidetracked.


    15:00 jump rope (time to increase this)
    15:00 shadowboxing (footwork focus as usual but mixed it up more)
    3 rounds heavybag (rounds where 4:00 today)
    3 rounds heavybag (jab only)
    2 rounds sparring

    forgot to do the maize bag and work on just footwork today, I was focusing on it during the heavybag rounds though. Gave buddy a bloody nose in sparring today, oops.
  4. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Oh well, it's all good. But yeah like I said having somebody stand on the otherside and tap it will help you out a lot (at least it did for me). I would try it out at least once to see if it works for you.
  5. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    15:00 jump rope (5:00 hard, 5:00 regular pace, 5:00 hard)
    15:00 shadowboxing
    10:00 maize bag
    2 rounds heavybag

    pulled my bicep or something, I think I did it yesterday maybe during sparring...im not sure but I left the gym early. no boxing tomorrow since Im busy.
  6. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Ahh ****. When I felx my arm the bicep looks a little ****ed up and weird...maybe I tore it a bit? I figured itd be more painful if I did that and theres no bruising but it still looks weird, hopefully its a cramp or something (it is quite tight right now) thats making it look ****ed.
  7. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    4x4:00 rounds skipping
    10:00 maize bag
    15:00 shadowboxing (footwork focus still)
    3 rounds heavybag
    1 round hand pads
    10:00 shadowboxing
    4 sets of wrist extensions doing as many as I can and holding the last (19, 10,9,9) with 20lbs

    I keep bending my wrists on the heavybag and its getting pretty damn sore. Coach didnt give me anything to work on today after the pads and I forgot to ask but he thinks I should have a fight soon.
  8. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    17:00 jump rope with one :45 second break
    15:00 shadowboxing (still working on the same stuff plus stepping in with the left hook and 2-3-2)
    10:00 maize bag
    2.5 rounds heavybag (5:00 rounds)
    3 rounds of:
    :30 snatches
    :30 battle ropes
    :30 split jumps
    :30 snatches
    :30 battle ropes
    :30 split jumps

    the conditioning today was lame, I toned it down since its my first day returning to it and I hated it. All or nothin next time. I think my legs will be a bit sore tomorrow anyways though. sparring tomorrow if my legs are fresh.
  9. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    15:00 jump rope
    15:00 shadowboxing
    3 rounds heavybag
    10:00 maize bag
    5:00 footwork
    9-1 pullup ladder

    legs where sore today so I tried to work it off. Ive gotten pretty weak on pullups endurance wise.
  10. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    k, now my abs, back and legs are sore...god dammit. staying home today.
  11. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    5:00 jump rope
    ?? shadowboxing (Im guessing 15-20:00)
    3 rounds heavybag
    3 rounds heavybag (jab only)
    10:00 maize bag
    2 rounds abs
    ?? sparring (im guessing 10-15:00)

    -Did some shadowboxing with a different coach working on a few things, he used to come to the gym but left now hes back and the other coach wasnt there today. Hes trying to get me to box taller and fully extend my right more...always an issue with me :-(. Sparred with a buddy whos quite new so I went easy, tried to show him a few things.
  12. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    stayed home to nurse myself back to health, curled up with a bottle of buckleys and a pot of coffee. Coffee just makes me feel better...


    5:00 jump rope
    25:00 shadowboxing
    5:00 maize bag
    1 round heavybag
    lifted weights for shits n giggles
    3 rounds abs (ab roller-decline russian twists)
    20:00 partner drills

    I got up to 150lbs for a single for a clean+overhead press (I say that instead of clean and press because I didnt use momentum) and benched 225 for a single, maybe could have gotten 235. Not too shabby since I havent lifted weights for a loooong time and I sure wasnt expecting a 150lb overhead press when I only weigh 165 and Im not even super ripped right now. That and I only got 3 hours sleep last night and thats why the rest of my training was devoid of intensity today. The partner drills were done with a buddy at the gym whos 6'3" cuz I need to work on fighting taller guys I think, if theyre the same height or shorter Id "out point" the fighters with a few fights (I have none) but taller guys that play the same game I do have trouble with. But doing the drills its really just a matter of doing the things I used to practice that Ive let fall by the wayside....long post today.

    Oh and I really need to get my ass conditioning this is getting rediculous.
  13. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    10:00 jump rope
    10:00 shadowboxing
    4 rounds heavybag
    3 rounds on the....er....postbag?
    3-2-1 135lb clean and press

    Wow no ambition lately to train. Anyhow, the "post bag" is a gym mat wrapped around one of the metal support posts in the gym with some really stiff foam underneath it. Sounds stupid but its actually well done Im pretty impressed. Hurt my right elbow again by overextending, been doing that alot since I pulled my bicep...
  14. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    3 rounds jump rope
    3 or 4 rounds shadowboxing
    3 rounds heavybag
    2 rounds sparring
    3 rounds working head movement with a new boxer (defense only)
    2 rounds of:
    10 high pulls
    10 hang cleans
    10 overhead presses
    10 squats
    10 walking lunges
    10 stiff legged deadlift
    10 burpees


    The jump rope was intense, mostly double unders and I tried double under crossovers (or whatever theyre called) and I can pull em off not too badly. Sparring went well, I worked on slipping the 1-2's and landing body shots, landed a few other combos I wanted to work on, got caught with 2 nice straight rights that got me on the button so my jaws a tad sore but its all good. The conditioning was good, I havent done this one for a while, did it with a few guys from the gym and they like it, 1 quit after 1 round, I stopped at 2 because I have to work tomorrow and I know Ill be sore and the other guy went on to do 3, he finished last each time but he kept truckin. Yeah so, a good day Id say.
  15. PugilistStudent

    PugilistStudent Active Member Full Member

    Nov 25, 2009

    3 rounds jump rope
    4 rounds shadowboxing
    3 rounds heavybag
    2 rounds of:
    12 V-ups
    12 Knee hugs
    24 chinnies

    Jump rope was intense again, lots of double unders. While hitting the heavybag the I hook broke and the bag fell but I was in the middle of a 1-2 and my second punch was already coming, hurt my damn elbow again for like the 6th time since I pulled my bicep, ****ing pissing me off, Im buying one of those elbow supports because I think when I pulled my bicep before I must have stretched something and its looser now and thats why it gets aggravated so easily. I finished the rounds with my left hand only. I think thats how Ill have to train for the next few weeks and see if that helps.