Religious folks: Ever wonder why you tend to be less intelligent and less educated?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Slothrop, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. Stonehands89

    Stonehands89 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    That's not what I have read. Doctors have for years and years been scratching their heads about sudden cures that completely defy logic and science. There was a recent study, within the last 2 years anyway, that found some measurable benefit to "prayer". Now to be fair, the "healing" may have been a result of positive, affirmative thinking, but it is clear that there was some kind of a unexpected effect.

    I know first hand of 2 people who had cures of cancer that was outlandish and sudden. Only prayer was between the imminent death and the complete recovery.

    That isn't completely accurate and you underestimate the power of religious faith. There's a dark side to faith to be sure, but to blame 'faith' is too easy and it ignores the actual reason for antisocial behavior -that is, human nature.
  2. Stonehands89

    Stonehands89 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    All that rings true in this mean-spirited little post is that crippet doesn't know the A,B,Cs of Christianity.
  3. Kamus

    Kamus New Member Full Member

    May 8, 2007
    This is all nice to talk about but I wonder what you would do if you got sick? Would you stay at home and pray to god to heal you, or would you go see a doctor? I know what I would do.
  4. guilalah

    guilalah Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jul 30, 2004
    This post should be in the Lounge.
  5. crippet

    crippet Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    No. It's just a reality check for the gullible.

    You have even quoted earlier that you believe praying has cured cancer!!

    There really is no beginning to your intellect.
  6. ChrisPontius

    ChrisPontius March 8th, 1971 Full Member

    Oct 4, 2005

    Jesus is just a psychological concept. Nothing more. Have you ever seen Jesus? Seen him walk on water?

    Probably you have "felt" Jesus. Just like you have felt love, happiness, etc. It's all in your mind.

    Let's be real here. The only time that ugly ******* gets to see any ***** is when he came from his mother's fat womb. You think he'll have many friends and a social life? Why did God condemn him to a miserable life with that horrifying excuse of a face? Why does God make babies that miss limps? Did their parents not pray enough?

    Okay, so according to you it doesn't really matter whether you're basically a slave who constantly has to work, worry about survival, food with no possesions at all or whether you're healthy and you can go through life with no worries about primary living needs and all the luxery/***** you need?

    Be real here man. If you could choose to be born in a random place in Africa where they cut off hands and brutalize people for next to no reason at all, or be born in a wealthy country like Danmark, how long would you have to think?
  7. RoccoMarciano

    RoccoMarciano Blockbuster Full Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    So an historically proven man is all in our mind?

    Why did G-d suggest the ultimate payment long before Jesus was ever born in the flesh? He established what Jesus would be in Genesis chapter 3... immediately after the first sin.

    So why does G-d allow this or that? He didn't disallow Himself from serving as a punishemnt, did He?
  8. ChrisPontius

    ChrisPontius March 8th, 1971 Full Member

    Oct 4, 2005
    Historically proven? The bible has been written by several people hundreds of years later.

    I don't doubt that there has been a dude named Jesus with exception charisma or whatever, but him walking on water and splitting oceans.. :nut

    People back then knew **** all about how the world worked. If i had their knowledge, no doubt i'd be a believer too. But with our current knowledge.. please. Let me know the next time a person can turn water into wine. :lol:

    I have no idea what you are talking about and how this is relevant to the text you were replying to.
  9. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Well, that's what syphillis did to you before antibiotics.
  10. hdog

    hdog Member Full Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Cute little saying that proves absolutely nothing.
  11. janitor

    janitor VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    OK guys.

    First of all this is a boxing site not a theological site.

    Secondly, I am an atheist but Iexpect posters on this site to be treated with respect regardless of their religeous convictions.
  12. Bummy Davis

    Bummy Davis Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 26, 2004

    The point is that Nietzche that promoted the "God is dead" and "What dont kill you makes you stronger" and when all was said and done his theory did not make hin stronger in fact he suffered with mental illness for many years and died young. I think faith is personal opinion and so is non-faith. I dont impose my opinions and dont like it when anyone imposes there opinion on me. but Nietzche should not be the poster boy for Atheists, His tree did not bear good fruit and his life was no example of success

    This content is protected
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    A photo by Hans Olde from the photographic series "The Ill Nietzsche", summer of 1899.

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    , Nietzsche exhibited signs of a serious mental illness
  13. Bummy Davis

    Bummy Davis Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Aug 26, 2004

    No, it was from trying to stick somthing up some young mans ass, the devil :lol:
  14. Sizzle

    Sizzle Active Member Full Member

    Mar 4, 2006
    Didn't Christians used to stone people with epilepsy because they thought they were possessed?

    Didn't Christians want to KILL Galilleo for suggesting the Earth might orbit the sun?

    Didn't Christians want the theory of evolution banned from being taught in schools because it didn't fit their beliefs of creationism?

    Isn't history full of such examples of science overwriting religion?

    Does the bible explicitly state it presents metaphorical truths, or is this just an excuse for backpedalling and acknowledging the absurdity of these stories?

    What is the difference between faith and ignorance?
  15. Sonny's jab

    Sonny's jab Guest

    People tend to believe in whatever everyone else around them believes in. So if there are some strong consensus beliefs that absolutely everyone seems to believe and never questions, then it would be hard not to believe them too.

    Being "intelligent" can only make you "free-minded" to a certain extent. 99% of non-religous-believers probably hold many other beliefs that they just believe in because everyone else does.

    The "bible is metaphor" crowd are the most disingenuous of all religious folk. I dont see that position as "lack of intelligence", just dishonesty or self-deception, or an attempt to appease both sides of the debate. It's prevalent amongst western "secular" Christians, less so amongst educated muslims who mostly have the sense to at least uphold the basic belief that the Qu'ran IS LITERALLY THE WORD OF GOD. Scriptures are the basis of these religions, to push the view that those scriptures are "metaphors" or "open to infinite interpretation" is like saying they could mean anything or are in fact meaningless, or impossible to understand.
    If God's message is impossible to decipher for us mere men then why not ignore it and see what happens ?