Riddick Bowe vs Tyson Fury

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by InMemoryofJakeLamotta, Mar 5, 2020.

Who wins and how

  1. Bowe KO

  2. Bowe TKO

  3. Bowe UD

  4. Bowe SD

  5. Draw

    0 vote(s)
  6. Fury KO

    0 vote(s)
  7. Fury TKO

  8. Fury UD

  9. Fury SD

  10. Unsure

  1. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    He did AJ probably has a bigger **** once though, just saying.
  2. Charlietf

    Charlietf Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    The defence of Bowe was taking shots with the face lol
  3. Charlietf

    Charlietf Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    He still did not prove it
  4. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    Wlad was good at keeping fighters at arms length he got hit a lot less than Evander did.
  5. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    Maybe, but I`d love to see Uysk v Fury, I feel it would an awesome chess match.
  6. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    Well you are completely missing the point of cleaning out a division.

    No-one cared about a kid like Buster Douglas either.

    It's more than beating the most notable couple of guys. How many genuine top 10 heavyweights has Fury beat? He's beaten 2 of the 3 best going back To Wlad, absolutely. But how many others? You've got to run thru some contenders as well.

    Joshua's probably beaten half a dozen genuine contenders but not much of the top end i.e. Wilder and Fury. Add either resume to the other and you're getting a lot closer particularly if they fought.

    If Joshua goes on to beat Fury and Wilder (Deontay possibly not be truly essential if he loses a fight or two more) he'd be looking pretty strong. If Fury keeps winning beating Joshua and a 3 or 4 contenders him as well.

    Ali cleaned house. Have a look at the absurd amount of top 10 guys he beat allied to his extreme top end of Frazier, Foreman and Liston. Hagler is another one could say cleaned house. Hopkins as well. Monzon as well. Duran as well. Michael Spinks too.

    Even SRL, who many talk about not sitting in one place for long went a heck of a long way toward cleaning out the 147's. By the time he beat Benitez he'd already beaten numerous top 10 fighters then added Green, Duran, Hearns and Finch. He was the last man standing and retired as a new era of youngsters emerged.

    Beating some genuine contenders along with Joshua will go a helluva long way toward Fury moving up the ATG list in coming years and decades. There's a fair chance he has the ability.
  7. robert ungurean

    robert ungurean Богдан Philadelphia Full Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    Great post!!
  8. InMemoryofJakeLamotta

    InMemoryofJakeLamotta I have defeated the great Seamus Full Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    I do.
  9. It's Ovah

    It's Ovah I'm your huckleberry, that's just mah game Full Member

    Sep 5, 2016
    Bowe is ferociously overrated, and the Bowe that beat Holyfield first time round is even more so. Reality is he was a slow plodder who could only really fight one way, in the pocket. He couldn't box at range against anyone decent his own size and couldn't close down moving targets. Anyone who doubts that only needs to look at his fight vs Larry Donald.

    Fury would probably play it smart and outbox him with his longer arms then tie him up when he tried to come inside. If he tries to rough him up then he gives Bowe a chance, but I can't recall ever seeing Bowe fight anyone significantly bigger than him so I'm not sure of his chances there.
    CharlesBurley likes this.
  10. young griffo

    young griffo Boxing Addict Full Member

    May 18, 2006
    He got ktfo a lot more than Evander did though.
    George Crowcroft likes this.
  11. Charlietf

    Charlietf Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2020
    But who is comparing him with Ali? You talk like if making what Ali did was a normal thing that every champion should do. Ali fought in a strong era and he did beat everybody it is why he is the greatest. Fury has to beat the best available guys and it is more than enough
  12. JohnThomas1

    JohnThomas1 VIP Member Full Member

    Apr 27, 2005
    What i am telling you is that Fury has not cleaned out the division as you tried to say. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Your last sentence says Fury has to beat the best available guys. Absolutely correct. It is however more than 2 or 3 or even 4 top ten guys if one wants to say he cleaned up.

    I expanded to give you some examples of cleaning out a division.

    It's not a criticism of Fury it is just a plain simple fact. If he stays active he could very well end up cleaning out the division. I'd be more than happy if he did. Greatness is always good to witness. He does however have some more to do.
  13. Rumsfeld

    Rumsfeld Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    I think it would be an incredible match-up. Both boxers are capable of fighting outside, inside, and anywhere in between. Fury is more disciplined and more defensively sound, Bowe was more explosive and had better power and a better punching variety. Could be a real classic clash of styles where each guy brings out the best in the other.
    Saad54 and George Crowcroft like this.
  14. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    Leonard only had to beat Benitez, Duran and Hearns to have a great resume beating lesser contendders meant nothing on top of that, doesn`t make any sense if you beat the best in the game and then have to fight lesser fighters on top of that, what does that prove? Consistency? I don`t get it.
  15. mark ant

    mark ant Canelo was never athletic Full Member

    May 4, 2017
    That was before he developed a better defense and Holy got nailed often, but had a far better chin than Wlad did.