Ross Purrity vs Sonny Liston

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by InMemoryofJakeLamotta, Sep 2, 2024.

  1. Spreadeagle

    Spreadeagle Active Member Full Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Your definition of a joke is rather odd.Cleveland Williams was good enough to beat T
    Ernie Terrell was good enough to win a portion of the World Heavyweight Championship.
    Eddie Machen was a world-class contender who probably would have won the title
    during other decades.Cleveland Williams split 2 fights with Terrell and drew with Machen,
    but according to you Cleveland Williams was a ' joke '. You have a bizarre definition of what
    a joke is.
    I am curious to see the source where George Chuvalo actually rated Joe Frazier as the third
    hardest puncher he faced.I'm not accusing you of making it up but if you could supply the source of
    this information I would grateful.
    As for the Satterfield defeat well I'm not comparing Bob to Tyson.Satterfield was a ferocious puncher
    in his own right,we're not discussing his durability but his punching power.
    George Foreman sparred with Cleveland Williams and Big George listed Williams as one of the
    3 hardest punchers he ever encountered.
    Greg Price99 likes this.
  2. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Dude film of Willard exists. Stop it. He's woeful.
    Pat M likes this.
  3. Spreadeagle

    Spreadeagle Active Member Full Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Are you referring to the Dempsey fight ?
  4. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    He wasn't because Terell was no one and even he beat him in rematch.

    No one of those two were world class fighters, just c level fighters and contenders that's it.

    Terell never won against anyone good and Machen was just Ezzard Charles from Wish.

    Both of these were jokes, and Williams best score is draw, win and lose against them?

    Ali and Chuvo never mentioned Williams and never considered him a hard puncher.

    Foreman said Cooney hit him hardest after Lyle, does that mean Cooney is the hardest puncher?
    Atleast Cooney and Lyle beat someone good unlike Williams.
  5. Spreadeagle

    Spreadeagle Active Member Full Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    By the time Muhammad Ali and George Chuvalo fought Cleveland Williams it was a very
    damaged version of Cleveland.Surely you know about Williams being shot by a trigger-happy
    cop and almost dying from his injuries ? Cleveland Williams was periously close to death
    and barely made it through the operation.In fact he underwent 3 more operations in the next 7
    months in which he lost his right-kidney and 60 lbs in weight.It a was after this life-altering
    experience for Williams that he fought Ali and Chuvalo.In fact when Cleveland fought Chuvalo
    he was 40 years old.Hardly surprising that Cleveland didn't match the power of Foreman
    and DeJohn from Chuvalo's point of view.
    Surely you know this ?
  6. Pat M

    Pat M Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 20, 2017
    I knew a fighter who fought Liston, Williams, and DeJohn. He said that Williams hit him the hardest, punch for punch. Interestingly, he said that Wayne Bethea (not known as a big puncher) hit him with the hardest individual punch he was ever hit by. Almost all fighters can hit hard if they set themselves and transfer their weight.
    Jimmy Young is regarded on this message board as a fighter who lacked power, but nobody walked through his punches. Like almost all good fighters, he punched hard enough that his opponents didn't want to be hit by him.
  7. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    Excuses, Chuvalo was old and past prime too.
    Ron Lyle didn't even hit his prime and didn't even box when he was stabbed to death in prison and survived even dying on operation table, and no one bring excuses for him.

    Lyle had worse injury than Williams before he even boxed and hit his prime yet no one is trying to find excuses for him.

    Foreman was older than him and yet he kept his power same goes for Tyson, he was maybe older but that's it his power was the same.

    Chuvalo didn't rate him because he said that DeJohn,Foreman and Frazier punched him the hardest in the article The Best I Faced!
  8. SonnyListon>

    SonnyListon> #1 Sonny Liston fan Full Member

    May 14, 2024
    You *******.
  9. Spreadeagle

    Spreadeagle Active Member Full Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Ok,yes of course Ron Lyle suffered a horrific stabbing and nearly died on the operating table.However he didn't incur the permanent damage that was inflicted on Cleveland Williams.For a start Williams also ' died ' during his first operation.The doctors were unable to remove a bullet from his right hip and there was permanent partial paralysis of some of William's hip muscles.
    Two years after Williams's life-saving operation his surgeon,Don Quast,said it was a miracle that Williams wasn't in braces.It is pretty obvious that Williams suffered far more long-term damage from his being shot then Ron Lyle did from being stabbed.
    Are you saying that Foreman punched with the same efficiency when he was in his 40s as he did in his 20s ?
    The answer is no.All fighters decline when they age,be they Cleveland Williams,George Foreman or Mike Tyson.
    I'm surprised,if not amazed,that once again you are discounting the age and injury- induced decline of Cleveland Williams when he fought Chuvalo.It is blatantly obvious that Chuvalo faced a very declined Cleveland Williams so once again it has to be pointed out that he,at this stage of his career,would be less powerful than Big George ,MIke DeJohn or Joe Frazier.
    By the way,sorry to keep pressing the point but could you give me the source whereby Chuvalo stated that Foreman,DeJohn and Joe Frazier were definitely the 3 hardest punchers he faced ?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2024
  10. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    He did because when Lyle died he died because abdomen sepsis on the same place he was stabbed...I doubt it is a coincidence.
    Williams died because he was hit by car and Lyle died because abdomen sepsis on the same place he was stabbed.

    I am saying that even if Foreman was slower and not as agressive his power was at least 80 percent there.

    The best I faced George Chuvalo.
  11. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    Frazier and Greb fought half blind and one handed because their right hand was injured so enough of that Williams injury crap.
  12. Spreadeagle

    Spreadeagle Active Member Full Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    Nobody is underrating the courage and ability of Frazier and Greb to fight through their
    own issues,but what on earth has this to do with the undoubted decline of Cleveland Williams
    due to his own injuries ?
    I eagerly await your next scientific,nuanced response.
  13. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    It has because those two guys didn't even reached their primes and Lyle didn't to while Williams was shot in his prime.

    That means Lyle and Greb had tougher time than Williams because they were injured very young, since that they didn't hit thier primes healthy but no one is making excuses for them just for that bum Williams.
  14. Spreadeagle

    Spreadeagle Active Member Full Member

    Feb 24, 2023
    So according to you Cleveland Williams is a '' bum ''. A man who is listed as the 50th greatest pound-for-pound
    puncher in boxing history by the Ring magazine.A man who was a top 10 contender for several years,a man
    who showed the most amazing courage and tenacity to resurrect his boxing career after sustaining traumatic
    life changing injuries.
    So according to you this man is a bum.
    For f*cks sake.........
    SonnyListon> likes this.
  15. BoxingFan2002

    BoxingFan2002 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Feb 11, 2024
    Puncher who beat no one is a bum and just a c level fighter.

    There are many contenders who did as good as him or even better but were never mentioned due to the Liston and Williams hype.