Saunders "We got a issue with the ring"

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by Tyson Fury Goat, May 3, 2021.

  1. kevin-novice

    kevin-novice Active Member Full Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Sorry if a silly question but don't all rings have to be the same size??

    With the exception of training rings etc.
  2. write_mem

    write_mem Member Full Member

    Nov 15, 2015
    no they dont. They have to be within a specific range depending on location and commision.

    A bit like a football field also has to be within a range of width. if you think back to the days when Arsenal had a very narrow pitch at Highbury and Man utd had (still has) a wide pitch at old trafford. A team can then play this to their advantage.

    Canelo wants a narrower ring so he can cut down someone who might be thinking of doing a lot of jabbing and moving to tire him out, not that Saunders will do that, to give away that tactic he'd have to have a hissy fit over the size of the ring being too small.....oh wait.
    CutThroatFade likes this.
  3. KermitTheFrog

    KermitTheFrog The people doing the banning are idiots Full Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Unless someone’s willing to pay me a decent amount of money there is zero chance of me sitting through that snoozefest again!
    Sap1en likes this.
  4. Journey Man

    Journey Man Journeyman always. Full Member

    Aug 22, 2009
    Jim Watt used to do this really annoying thing when a British fighter boxed abroad on Sky he would score it “how he thinks the judges are scoring.” He scored Haye vs Valuev for Valuev but kept saying “This isnt what I think this is what I think the judges will have it” then had egg on his face when it was scored fairly in the end.
    Jamal Perkins likes this.