Beat the much bigger younger guy Haney 8-4, at best 7-5. Anyone counting that Salido fight as a loss clearly has some dislike from Loma - Loma beat a guy who should have been DQd in the first place. The only one really up for debate is Loma Lopez. People like to think Loma did nothing in the early rounds which is true to an extent but so did Lopez. Loma won rounds 2 and 6 where he landed cleaner punches to a Lopez who was hitting arms and elbows. Lopez in the early rounds was landing in single digits (and at the lower end) and most were arms/elbows. The punches he did land were swings to the midsection - he doesn’t have the skill or ability to land headshots on someone like Loma. Loma won rounds 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and thus the fight , a draw is fine too. And remember this is a Loma with a shoulder injury and being way smaller. People claiming Loma’s overrated are frankly low IQ or just completely unaware of the facts. Who else is beating bigger younger guys at an age where most boxers decline? (Including with one arm)
Mayweather put out a poll and promised he’d fight the guy chosen - that guy was Khan..he instead fought Maidana. Very good boxer but manufactured career avoiding fighters in the prime + stacking the deck. Why is ducking a prime fighter like Khan so out of the realms of possibility given these facts?
Khan isn't good enough for anyone to duck lmao. Guaranteed ko victory against any top name. And I'm from England.
I feel like he def lost to Salido, I thought he did enough late vs. Teo to maybe nick a draw but not have an argument of winning, and I thought he maybe nicked it vs. Haney but it was close and could have been a draw. I did not think a Haney win was anywhere close to a robbery. I would be fine 0-2-1 or 1-2 or 0-3. They were all very close, very competitive fights that come down to taste in judging. That's Loma's biggest downfall, in all 3 of these matches he didn't put his foot on the gas enough. I can forgive the Salido fight bc that juicehead Salido was ON FIRE during that period and was so good (underrated fighter) but he should have beaten Salido as well. Lopez he would have beaten if he didnt fight 6 rounds scared of his own shadow. Haney, he had the argument but I felt Haney was the boss often and his work is severely underrated in the comments. Loma is an all time great technician but he definitely has some all time strange tactical decisions, too.
Well the facts are there Mayweather actively chose not to fight Khan over Maidana. Khan was knocked out by big punchers - Garcia (from which Khan kept getting back up), Canelo (who dragged Khan up several weight classes and was way undersized and still managed to make it six rounds), and Breidis (huge puncher he was put in early in his career). At welter Floyd had a 20% KO record (2 opponents in approx 10 opponents - one of these two was a cheap shot against Ortiz)…I bet Khan was real scared of Floyd’s power good one lmao
Lots of people didn't fight Khan. He just wasn't good enough to be accused of ducking for the elite. Garcia went the distance with shadows of Campbell, Holt and Morales. I'm sure Khan was worried about his power. Prescott has knocked out exactly one significant fighter in his whole career, Khan, I'm sure Khan was worried about his power. The only time Khan came close to being sucked was the 18 month period between Bradley fighting Alexander and Pacquiao. Khan just wasn't very good. No one who was very good ducked him.
Floyd literally did a poll saying he’d fight the winner and actively avoided Khan by not fighting him following this. Prescott was an unknown entity with an undefeated almost 100% KO record when he fought Khan. I think you are in denial - Garcia is a hard puncher. Even made weight bully Spence turn his back when he tagged him. Khan constantly got back up against Garcia and in fact, if I recall, he got back up with 5 seconds before the end of the round (aka early stoppage). 140lber Khan took fully hydrated middleweight Canelo 6 rounds with many arguing he was up on the cards And your comment about Khan not being very good is wrong. Khan schooled Devon Alexander and arguably beat Maidana more convincingly than Floyd did (many who argued Maidana should have won). He certainly had a better case than Maidana to fight Floyd
As I said, Prescott only ever stopped one named fighter. Khan was undefeated with an almost 100% ko record when he fought Prescott himself. Difference is Khan has actually knocked out world rated fighters, Prescott hasn't. Of course he's a hard puncher, he's a professional boxer. But three fights in a row prior to knocking Khan out he didn't exactly instill fear with his power. Which is why your point about Floyd having no power is nonsensical. Khan won every second of the fight until he was knocked out, against Canelo. Khan beat Alexander, so did Porter and Martinez. Alexander wasn't very good at this point. Many did argue Maidana beat Khan but I never agreed with it tbh, I think Khan won close but clear. But none of this changes that Khan wasn't good enough to be ducked. People said for years Pacquiao avoided him as well, just absolute nonsense. Khan was just not a very good WW. I think Alexander was actually the only top ten fighter he ever beat at WW
Floyd fought Berto and Maidana (twice) both of whom had worse resumes than Khan. Khan was only knocked out by big punchers. Prescott, Garcia and Canelo all big punchers. Floyd had measly 20% Ko ratio at Welter (10% if you remove his Ortiz cheapshot) You can’t say Khan wasn’t good enough to fight Mayweather when he arguably beat the same opponent (Maidana) more convincingly and had a better resume than some of his opposition.