Sergey Alexandrovich Kovalev vs. Saúl Álvarez Barragán & Ryan García vs. Romero Caingcoy Duno RBR

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by IntentionalButt, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. twopiece

    twopiece Pugilistic Ambassador Full Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    Starting to think everything leading up to a Saul vs Beterbiev fight would be the same ... but I'm not sure if (or what) the actual outcome would be.

    I'm still processing how this all unfolded. Gonna have to watch that fight a few more times.
  2. Dario Argento

    Dario Argento The exotic Waitress banned Full Member

    Nov 4, 2018
    When Beterbiev reaches 40 years of age, then Canelo would contemplate fighting Beterbiev with a rehydration clause of course. Only reason Canelo beat Kovalev was because he was completely done, a prime Kovalev would have KO’d Canelo in 4 rounds.
    lepinthehood likes this.
  3. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Who forced him
  4. mirkofilipovic

    mirkofilipovic ESB Management Full Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    Washington and Benjamin
  5. twopiece

    twopiece Pugilistic Ambassador Full Member

    Sep 28, 2007
    What a solid, reflective post. It sounds like Kov's gonna fight again though... but it wouldn't be such a bad thing for him if he didn't.

    Thing is, I've always believed Beterbiev was the guy who would have proved superior to Kovalev based on that particular style match-up (along with several other factors and attributes).

    Kovalev tends to rely primarily on straight punches to both score and do damage. In fact, he's always done so, just even moreso now. He's always had great footwork and good technique, which keep him in position to do damage... but to me he has never shown the same degree of durability when it comes to receiving punishment. Beterbiev has every intangible needed to nullify what Sergey brings. He appears to be undeterred by straight punches.

    Unless Beterbiev waded in absolutely carelessly with his chin in the air and hands down, he'd break Kova down -- I have always believed this was going to happen to any version of Kovalev; it's not hindsight.

    As for tonight's fight result.... I'm still processing what actually unfolded. Rest assured, the Kovalev fight with Artur is off the table now.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    Liquorice likes this.
  6. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Greed don't count
  7. Scar

    Scar VIP Member Full Member

    Jul 20, 2004
    Why would you hate Alvarez though?. All he does is train for his fights, his team takes care of the rest. It’s like hating on Holyfield for the first Lewis fight robbery when in reality you should hate Don King.
  8. MrFoFody

    MrFoFody Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    My overconfidence usually gets the best of me on picking a winner. Relieved I didnt place my real bets.
    CST80 likes this.
  9. elbonzoseco

    elbonzoseco Member Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    It's not necessarily greed, just too good to pass up. That's why boxing is not sport, if there was a global commission, this fight would not have been sanctioned. Some organisations actually do prohibit their fighters to participate in any boxing activity (sparring) after a hard fight. At least for 30 days.
    But no, it is possible for the money guy to force their opponents into situations like these. I'm sure Kovalev kindly asked for a later date. And noone was allowed to talk about the contract...
  10. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    They jump up weight classes in the UFC and they are the only commission
  11. elbonzoseco

    elbonzoseco Member Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    who's talking about jumping weight classes? Also UFC...
  12. MrFoFody

    MrFoFody Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    I was rooting for Kovalev & even bet on the guy. The truth is that Kovalev tried to land with power and Canelo made him miss. Kovalev opted for speed and energy conservation vs power and it was working till the 11th...
  13. Ph33rknot

    Ph33rknot Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    You said if it was a single commission this fight wouldn't have happened and I gave you an example that it wouldn't matter
  14. Liquorice

    Liquorice Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    May 13, 2018
    Cheers, i am a huge Kovalev fan but that performance was pretty pitiful.. he literally has nothing left.. his punches were pathetic.. this is Kovalev we're talking about.. he got sparked by a guy who couldn't stop vulnerable WWs & LMs like old Cotto, Trout & Lara.. it's gunna hurt Kovalev that loss.. hate to say it but it was a BAD loss to a guy he'd have creamed 4 years ago.. he cashed out .. he shouldn't have took it so early after a hard fight with Yarde.. his choice.. it is what it is.. McGirt has tried to turn him into a Klitschko somewhat but Kovalev doesn't have the physicality or athleticism of a mid 30s Wlad.. HWs are different.. his right hand is none existent too & he doesn't even throw power shots anymore.. sad to see the cheat get a win like.. very odd fight, & strange performance by both...

    Ye I think he'll fight again too unfortunately
    Somali Sanil, OvidsExile and twopiece like this.
  15. Boxingfan200

    Boxingfan200 USYK #1 P4P banned Full Member

    Feb 5, 2017
    he's still part of the team.. if he had any self respect he would ditch his dirty team and do things the fair way.. its insulting to the sport that he has 0 losses out of 2 GGG fights trout fight lara fight.. no other boxer gets the benefit of the doubt that many times.
    OvidsExile and Liquorice like this.