ShamrockNapalm training log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by ShamrockNapalm, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    So far this has been my week:

    Monday: Heavy Rope (4 pounds) 10 minutes nonstop, rest 1 minute repeat 3 times, Dumbell Bicep curl 55 pounds 7 reps 3 sets (perfect form no throwing the weight around ) Shadow Box and footwork 3 minute rounds x 6 (not focusing on cardio just technique).
    Tuesday: Heavy bag 3 minute rounds x 6 (2 rounds on the uppercut bag 4 rounds on the 200 pound heavy bag) 1 minute rest in between. Double end bag 5 minute rounds x 2. Spar for 2 minute rounds x 3. Rest for about 20-25 minutes and drive to fitness gym. Leg Extensions 230x10,250x5,250x5,270x2. Exercise bike 20 level resistance (highest level) 2.3 miles.
    Wednesday: Same boxing routine as Tuesday. Rest 20-25 minutes and drive to fitness gym. Calf raises 130x20,150x15,170x7,200x3.
    Today (Thursday): Bench press 220x5 2sets, Clap-up pushups 25 reps 3 sets. Seemed to be alot weaker from all the work on the heavy bag this weak. Shadow box/Maize bag 30 minutes (not focusing on cardio just technique)
    Tomorrow (Friday):Rest
  2. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
  3. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Rested again on Sunday because of a busy weekend.
    Monday: 4 3 min. rounds on 200 lb. heavy bag 2 3 min. rounds on uppercut bag. 3 5 minute rounds on double end bag. Speedbag nonstop for 10 mintues. Offense/Defense drills 6 min. nonstop alternating between offense and defense. Go to fitness gym. 270 lb. leg curl 4 reps 3 sets. Exercise bike level 20 resistance 2.32 miles.
  4. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Also a side note when doing the heavy bag and uppercut bag. When the bell rings I focus on technique for 2:30 . Then when it rings again at the :30 mark I either throw all haymaker hooks alternating between left and right nonstop. Or alternate between jabs and crosses as fast as I can nonstop.
  5. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overhead tricep curl 120 5 reps 4 sets. Clap pushups 30 reps 3 sets. Situps 200 reps 2 sets (not full extension). Incline dumbell flies 75 pounds each hand 5 reps 4 sets. Isolated bicep pullups 80 reps 2 sets.
  6. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Regular boxing routine except no sparring. Calf raises 150x30 120x30 170x11. Exercise bike 3 miles level 8 resistance.
  7. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Messed up my wrist from hitting the heavy bag a couple of days ago but still went in to box anyways. Regular boxing routine except focused more on jabs and straight rights because throwing hooks and uppercuts hurt my wrist even more. It should heal in a couple days or so. For now I'll probably just focus on shadow boxing the next couple days.

    Fitness gym routine after boxing: as usual boxing takes a lot of energy out of me but I still manage to go lift weights and do cardio. Excercise bike only 1 mile (level 20 resistance) just to warm up. Pullups close range grip 20 reps then 10 reps (like I said boxing takes a lot of energy out of me so this isnt my best). I almost never get to squat because everybodys always hogging the ****ing rack so I chose to do the next best thing which was the leg press 350x15 370x10 390x2.
  8. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
  9. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Shadow box for 15 minutes using 16oz. gloves gripping 2.5 pound weights in each hand. Shadow box 10 minutes with just 16 oz. gloves. I Noticed that the weights make me a lot faster as long as I alternate between using them and not using them.

    Side to Side lateral jumps using 10" base 100 reps 10 sets. First 4 sets using Jumpsoles. The next 6 sets without Jumpsoles (I also noticed that this makes me a lot more agile just like when using the weights during shadow boxing). About 30-45 seconds of rest in between each set.

    Maize bag for 20 minutes.
  10. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Hammer curls on incline bench (makes for perfect form) 55x1 50x3 50x4 50x4 (I know this is a kind of unconventional but it seems to improve my strength). Neck bridge hold the front of neck across padded board with body suspended for 70 seconds 5 sets. 100 reps for back of neck 2 sets. 300 situps on flat bench 2 sets (not full extension). 30 deep clap up pushups with feet placed on chair 3 sets. Shadow box with 16 oz. gloves gripping 2.5 pound weights for 15 minutes. Shadow box with 16 oz. gloves gripping 5 pound weights for 3 minutes. Shadow box without any weights just using 16 oz. gloves for 10 minutes. Maize bag for 12 minutes.
  11. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
  12. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Had to rest again due to school and work. My wrist seems to be healed up though. Hopefully tomorrow I can get to the gym so I can spar and work on the heavy bag.
  13. El Puma

    El Puma between rage and serenity Full Member

    Jan 8, 2006
  14. ShamrockNapalm

    ShamrockNapalm Rhythm Amongst The Chaos Full Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    The same boxing routine as always. Except I went 2 extra rounds on the heavy bag and 2 extra rounds on the uppercut bag. Didn't focus as much on punching as I did on footwork though. Worked a lot on moving in and out. I consider myself an outside fighter because I'm 6' 1/2" with about a 6' 3" wingspan so I try to use this to my advantage. I focused a little bit on inside fighting as well though.

    Fitness gym work:

    Leg press: 350x20 370x5 390x1
    Exercise bike: level 10 resistance 2.0 miles
    Stability pushups: It's kind of hard to explain how these are done. Basically you put your feet on the flat side of a stability ball then there's straps hanging down from a bar with grips at the end that you place your hands in. These are really hard to do especially when you're exhausted. I was shaking all over the place when I did them.

    27 reps one set, 10 reps one set.
  15. Kevin_Wright

    Kevin_Wright King of Awesomeland Full Member

    Mar 26, 2010
    I hate you tall *******s! Make short guys like me have to work :verysad