Skipping/jump rope recommendations

Discussion in 'Boxing Training' started by Jobo1878, Feb 6, 2024.

  1. Jobo1878

    Jobo1878 Active Member Full Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    So I had the same rope for 10-12 years and its recently snapped. I have bought about 7/8 ropes since then and cant find the "perfect" rope.

    Anyone have any recommendations? The ones I have had are usually to light.

    Any input greatly appreciated.

  2. Svoboda

    Svoboda New Member Full Member

    Jan 22, 2022
    It depends also on the type of training you are looking for.
    Personnally my favourite one is the cheapest at the local sport shop. It is plain plastic from the handle to the rope and allows me to do everything, double under, criss-cross, double criss cross etc etc...

    If I look only for cardio, I have a rope with a very thin cable, it will nearly spin by itself but then I focus on just jumping and improving my cardio.

    On the other hand, If I want to developp forearms and shoulders, I will have a leather rope with weights in the handles, like this I will have to put much more effort for the rotation, but will be jumping much slower.