Some changes to the way British will be moderated - discussion

Discussion in 'British Boxing Forum' started by McGrain, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. Twentyman

    Twentyman You dog nonce! banned Full Member

    Apr 20, 2016
    Without trying to deliberately antagonise here, there's 2 massive problems on the brit section. One, is the new users who spam the board. It would be useful if something could be put in place like a probation period before you can start threads or something like that.

    Second, and you're not going to like it, but it's the admin. You seem a decent fella but one or two of your peers are ban button happy. It's often unjustified and leaves users feeling frustrated, angry and disillusioned. Especially because there's no scope for appeal. It's just some sarcastic, authoritarian response. People don't like being treated so disrespectfully. I speak from experience hence why I rarely post now.

    I used to enjoy the rapport with other users and threads going off topic. Being up at 4am watching the boxing knowing loads of people on here where all doing the same & all commenting on it.

    The last thing this section needs is even more rules and policing.
    kojak, willcross, Camaris and 3 others like this.
  2. SeanB1

    SeanB1 Well-Known Member banned Full Member

    Sep 8, 2022
    I disagree. The board only seem to ban idiocy. Including my own when they rightly banned me. We still have idiots though. Today a person referring to Eubank wearing an LGBT banner as a "nonce flag". I think all these half wits should be banned. It is a boxing forum, if I wanted to see thickos political views I'd ask my family.
  3. nurological

    nurological Boxing Junkie Full Member

    May 25, 2012
    He's talking from experience and isn't the only one to state receiving a ban for silly reasons. You can't just ban everybody everytime somebody hits report.
    VanBasten, SeanB1 and Twentyman like this.
  4. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    SeanB1 likes this.
  5. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Ok i've said it many times before and it's always ignored but I really mean it this time:

    Do not use this thread to complain about forum moderation.

    There are actually instructions on how to progress a moderation problem in the rules thread in the GF. You can't just start complaining about the place because a thread about cultural issues in British is up. It's not a catch all it's for what it is for. If you feel no improvement is possible with current moderators, I understand and accept your position. Don't talk about it here.

    I'll delete all posts complaining about forum moderation from hereon in.
    SeanB1 likes this.
  6. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    That's good to hear and i hope it continues.
    SeanB1 likes this.
  7. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Note that:

    The forum is busier than it's been in years.
    That complaining about forum moderation is literally listed as being against the rules.
    If we allowed people to question moderating decisions we'd do literally nothing else all day every day. Nobody likes bans. Not their friends, not themselves. Everyone has a reason why them breaking specifically coded rules isn't like other people doing it. Clearly, I'm not banning for complaining about forum moderation but anyone that does is doing exactly what is on the literal listed rules for this forum.
    SeanB1 likes this.
  8. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    If you want to be permanently banned, PM me or @ me here in 24 hours and i'll oblige.
  9. Twentyman

    Twentyman You dog nonce! banned Full Member

    Apr 20, 2016

    Please just ban me now. Bellend.
    Safin likes this.
  10. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Well, as you said "please."

    I do think it's absolutely crazy begging to be perma-banned because you're only allowed one post complaining about forum moderation in a thread that specifically says don't complain about forum moderation. You didn't complain about it yesterday but you absolutely must complain about it today or you'll never post on this forum ever again? Crazy stuff. If anyone else feels that way just go away for a bit and come back.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
    SeanB1 likes this.
  11. im sparticus

    im sparticus There Ye Go. Full Member

    May 16, 2010
    That's a shame. You've been one of the best posters in here since you joined. Always sensible, well written posts with good balance and knowledgeable insights.
  12. Oreet Cha!

    Oreet Cha! I know what I like and I like what I know. Full Member

    Jul 18, 2018

    Also, when I mod on a footy site, when we have dubious posts, we also take into account a) the personality, is it out of their norm b) the time of the post, ie, is it likely a few late night beers have caused the out of norm post.

    I noticed that Twentyman posted his banning post at 1031pm. Beers fueling his decision making?

    A great loss, hope that Twentyman, if you're reading this, is ok.
    Furious, VanBasten, Potwash and 2 others like this.
  13. The Mighty G

    The Mighty G New Member banned Full Member

    Dec 5, 2017
    Is it not a bit unfair to start a thread about moderation but then say you are not allowing comments on moderation?
  14. BoxingAddick

    BoxingAddick Active Member Full Member

    Nov 28, 2021
    I heard if you mention pudding to much you will be taken in to custardy.

    In all seriousness right call in my opinion.
    SeanB1 likes this.
  15. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    OK one more time, although I've already said this in the linked thread.

    1 - Almost nobody thinks they should be banned. Almost everyone wants to protest their ban. Sometimes people want to protest their ban from four years go.

    2 - Anytime I, as a mod, try to do anything like this "Hello, you have some problems on this forum, maybe i can help?" the response is "I got banned four years ago" and "hey I got banned one time, this is the circumstances of the ban, what do you think about that ban?" and "This one poster got a ban this time and it's really awful."

    3 - Almost always, the people talking about other people's ban's don't have a clue.

    4 - How can I possibly operate on a forum as a moderator if people are going to be asking me all the time about a ban they have from a moderator 20 months ago that was nothing to do with me of which there is no record?

    5 - This is not a thread "about moderation". That is misleading and unfair. This is specifically a thread about how British shall be moderated in the immediate future. That is absolutely distinct as can be from being a thread about moderation in the sense that you mean it where any and all aspects of forum moderation is up for discussion.

    Look, I can't be more explicit than this: it is against the written, published rules to question forum moderation. I try very hard not to enforce that rule because I understand people's frustrations. But the reason that it is against the rules is that it is impossible for a moderator to get anything done when they are dogged by these questions.

    There is a guide in the General Forum on what to do if you have been unfairly moderated. Nobody ever uses it. You won't use it. Nobody reading this will use it. But the moment a moderator steps out to make any kind of dedicated thread about a forum problem, everyone wants to complain about their ban. It makes things impossible. I've deleted about thirty posts in two threads of people complianing about bannings they've received.

    If you want to complain about bannings youv'e recieved, do as suggested. It isn't hard, at all. But don't do it here.
    SeanB1 likes this.