Sonny Liston Versus Lennox Lewis

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by ThatOne, Oct 29, 2024.

Who wins?

  1. Sonny

  2. Lennox

  1. ThatOne

    ThatOne Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    Who wins?
    Smoochie likes this.
  2. SonnyListon>

    SonnyListon> #1 Sonny Liston fan Full Member

    May 14, 2024
    Idk anything abt Lennox but I can confidently saw Liston would absolutely mop the floor with him. Easier than taking candy from a baby. More of a mismatch than Tyson vs Marvis. Absolutely horrible. Lennox might even die. This is gonna be like Rocky 4 Drago vs Apollo.
    BCS8 likes this.
  3. Devon

    Devon Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    Lewis has too many advantages, he has lighter feet, is bigger, taller and longer each, better at boxing on the outside, more versatile and fluid in his boxing, more ways to set up punches since he’s more versatile and fluid, meaning he can move his upper body as he throws and after, and is better at using feints to set up jabs and also for attacks, Lewis is probably stronger also, can’t say for certain and the power is similar.
    The only advantage I see for Liston which is noticeable is that he’s more of a 2 handed puncher in terms of power, but Lewis does use the lead hand well, it’s just that his power isn’t exceptional in it, but certainly not feather fisted in his left hand, still has above average power with the left.
  4. SonnyListon>

    SonnyListon> #1 Sonny Liston fan Full Member

    May 14, 2024
    I disagree on the grounds I dont want to agree.
  5. Reinhardt

    Reinhardt Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 4, 2016
    I can still see Ray Mercer out jabbing Lewis in a fight that was close enough that some thought he won. If Sonny , who had a far better jab than Mercer gets to Lennox with his jab he'll KO Lewis inside 10.,,,,and Lennox is not stronger than Sonny Liston.
  6. SonnyListon>

    SonnyListon> #1 Sonny Liston fan Full Member

    May 14, 2024
    Yea what he said!
    cross_trainer likes this.
  7. dmt

    dmt Hardest hitting hw ever Full Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Hard to say because we never saw Liston hit by a super heavyweight. We never saw him go up against a big skilled man.

    On the other hand, Lewis had more trouble with shorter smaller fighters - Mercer, Holyfield 2nd fight, and Marovic - all of whom managed to hurt him at some point. Liston is a much bigger hitter than these guys. And if he gets to you, he will hurt you.

    I am going to say 55/45 for Liston. Lewis is extremely hittable, is a naturally cautious fighter except against one dimensional guys like Ruddock. I think Lewis's natural cautious style would be his undoing here - he will try and box Liston except Liston has longer arms than Holyfield and a bigger left hook (Holyfield hurt Lewis with multiple left hooks in both fights) and a huge right that he could nail Lewis with.

    On the other hand, if Lewis catches Liston with his enormous uppercuts and straight rights, he could end it right there. That is why i m giving Lewis a real shot- Liston has never tasted this kind of power from such a large and skilled big man.

    Liston 55/45. Liston tko 5.
    swagdelfadeel and Smoochie like this.
  8. SonnyListon>

    SonnyListon> #1 Sonny Liston fan Full Member

    May 14, 2024
    Cleveland Williams was 229. He wasn’t the MOST skilled but he was a top contender, he was boxing Liston in the first round and obviously had some skill.
  9. BCS8

    BCS8 VIP Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Lewis for me, without hesitation.

    Liston might be able to beat a crap version of Lewis.
    cross_trainer likes this.
  10. Seamus

    Seamus Proud Kulak Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    60/40 favoring Lewis. Sonny could crack and Lewis got cracked by lesser fighters. And I don't think Lewis could muscle Sonny around the ring. Sonny's longer reach would make up for the height disparity. Still, Lewis was a great, determined fighter, especially when motivated.
    swagdelfadeel and Ney like this.
  11. Ney

    Ney Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Feb 13, 2024
    & Lewis did improve after this fight, to be fair. His margin of improvement, though, while noticeable is not as big as the one between Liston & Mercer’s jabs, or Liston & Mercer as fighters. Lewis does have some substantial advantages. He is the more considerate boxer, has the better stamina, owns height, weight & the better corner. Liston will even lose his reach advantage once the height difference is factored in.

    What bothers me though is Lewis’ chin & heart. I would probably pick him if he were more durable. As he is, he’d have to be nearly perfect if fighting cautiously, which I suspect he would do if sharing the ring with a historical figure like Liston. That leaves the alternative of going after Liston hard & early, as Lewis did do successfully against some big punchers. Could he blow Liston away? I think so, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Liston wants Lewis coming at him.

    I couldn’t rule Lewis out here but he’s a bit of a soft touch when he’s hurt. Liston deserves the benefit of the doubt IMO.
    Reinhardt and Smoochie like this.
  12. Devon

    Devon Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 31, 2018
    Ray Mercer, as with Bruno, were both similar in size to Lewis, therefore were able to get Lewis on the backfoot and be wary of their presence in general, yes Mercer was soft, but sometimes, just the unit there infront of you can be enough for some fighters to concede ground.
    Also the Mercer fight was the very point where, after that fight, Lewis improved noticeably, he took nearly a year off then rematched Oliver McCall, where he looked way more co-ordinated, his balance was better and he knew where he was in the ring in terms of his range a lot better, after the Mercer fight was where Lewis came into his prime.
  13. Melankomas

    Melankomas Prime Jeffries would demolish a grizzly in 2 Full Member

    Dec 18, 2022
    Williams was 210 and 215 against Sonny, not a small fella but not comparable to taking leather from 6’5 245 pound Lewis
  14. swagdelfadeel

    swagdelfadeel Obsessed with Boxing

    Jul 30, 2014
    Williams was not 229 but he very well may have hit harder than Lewis.

    Nearly all common opponents of Liston and Williams, said Williams was the harder puncher even if Liston was infinitely the better overall puncher.
    Reinhardt likes this.
  15. PRW94

    PRW94 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    I like Liston in one fight for all the marbles but no one would go undefeated in a multiple fight series, which is as it should be with two people who I both have in my ATG top 10.
    swagdelfadeel, Smoochie and Ney like this.