I’m 23 turning 24 in the next few months and I’ve been boxing for exactly a year now and I’ve improved a lot, but I’m kind of all over the place when it comes to training and choosing what to focus on, especially with the millions of breakdowns and videos on youtube telling me do this or do that I understand that I need to focus on the fundamentals but what exactly? I’ve got a feel for my own style even though I’m only in it for a year, I always get comments about I have my own kind of thing so I’m not trying to copy any other fighters I’m in shape and I’m athletic and I want to go professionally eventually when I’m ready, the thing is I’m from the Netherlands and boxing is not a big thing here at all so the quality of fighters is not going to be on par with a lot of other countries so Im definitely at a disadvantage but I don’t care I’ve had 3 unofficial matches that went well, I won 2 of those and learned that I need to handle mental pressure How should i go about training? Train 6 days a week off the bat? Twice a day? Focus just on shadow boxing and sparring? Any tips would be helpful to guide me on my path
Once you turn pro you'll find that the amateurs were easy, comparatively speaking. With your hook, you should be turning it over with your elbow up. Knuckles parallel to the horizon. Stay in the ams and turn pro once you've beaten them. The ams are not anything like the pros, they are about scoring points. The pros, and I speak from experience, are simply about damage. Are you sooo good that you're willing to risk your mind to turn pro? That's what is at stake in the pros, think hard about that. Many of these pros have been boxing for over a decade and much longer. Proper shadow boxing and sparring is great, but you can not forget about the heavy bag work. It will help with your endurance once you really learn how to work it. Spar exactly as you would fight. How can you grow if you are only giving a % of what you have inside of you. When a race car driver is not racing do you believe that he only goes a percentage of what he can do on a track? Heck no he doesn't, he's going as fast as he can. And he's growing. With your style of boxing, are you trying to work from the outside or are you in their face forcing the fight?
When I’m sparring I try to force the fight, not that I’m trying to be some in-fighter but I do better when I’m active instead of on the defensive And I don’t know how good I am, I don’t want to go pro right now Im still in the beginning phase I just want to get myself ready for professional fights because i will have to take those even more seriously
With your hook, you should be turning it over with your elbow up. Knuckles parallel to the horizon. Yeah what I meant is I threw the hook in a soviet style with the knuckles coming down in that moment, like a long range hook that’s how they taught people to throw it at my previous gym
You'll have to take everything more serious as a pro. Once that bell rings you are fair game and on your own. Having a trained professional fighter coming at you, trying to break your nose and smash your face with those little pro gloves is a very serious situation. A momentary lapse of concentration and you could be over.