TBS Japan: Kazuto Ioka vs. Kōsei Tanaka & Yuki Strong Kobayashi vs. Daigo Higa RBR

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by IntentionalButt, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    I want to gloat, but I won't. I've been rooting against Tanaka for years now, and he's proved me wrong every time, it took a brilliant top dog a division North to get the job done, so I can finally cop to it that... yeah, he's the real deal. He's a tough as nails mother****er. Although I am extra thrilled that it was my favorite Super Flyweight that got the job done.:D But since you like Ioka too, I doubt you'll think that's too assholish of me.

    JOSEY WALES Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    The stoppage look spot on live IB , Does the reply confirm this ? The replay wasn't shown here in the UK .
    IntentionalButt likes this.
  3. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me Full Member

    Nov 30, 2006
    On the stoppage? I'm very okay with it. Yes he was coming forward until literally a moment prior, but that straight right SHOOK him to his core and the left hook only exacerbated his problems. Tanaka was full-body twitching as he backed away. Ref done the job properly.
  4. roughdiamond

    roughdiamond Ridin' the rails... Full Member

    Jul 25, 2015
    As I thought, Ioka out veteraned him. He was looking for that left hook from the start. Tanaka's defense is a serious liability in an otherwise exceptional current talent. Stoppage was spot on as well IMO. Literally turned to a walking corpse.
  5. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Round 1 Higa 10-9

    A competitive, but one sided round, if that makes sense.
  6. Pakkuman

    Pakkuman I'm not hot. I'm just BIG. banned Full Member

    Jun 26, 2019
    Anyone see Ioka beating faded JFE or RG?
  7. roughdiamond

    roughdiamond Ridin' the rails... Full Member

    Jul 25, 2015
    Ioka actually has the tools to seriously catch Inoue out, style / skill wise. He just lacks the physicality and possibly the remaining talent.
    IntentionalButt and CST80 like this.
  8. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Round 1 Higa 10-9
    Round 2 Higa 10-9

    Kobayashi pressing forward, letting his hands go in combination, Higa retreating on the backfoot landing violent overhands and hooks to the head and body. Yuki gets knocked off balance, Higa follows up with several hooks and uppercuts.
  9. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Yeah... me. Both of them. Although Gallo would be the harder fight for him.
  10. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Round 1 Higa 10-9
    Round 2 Higa 10-9
    Round 3 Higa 10-9

    Goddamn, Higa's shots sound like a sledgehammer bouncing off of a pumpkin. Higa rocks him badly, like out on his feet for a second with an uppercut. Higa starting to rip him in half with the hooks to the body.
  11. McGrain

    McGrain Diamond Dog Staff Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    Bridge too far, surely? I agree with what you say in terms of styles but Ioka was a bastion of careful economy and Naoya is much more accurate i'd say. Is Ioka's defence up to that? Because to win, he allowed Tanaka full reign and punished him with consistenty and care. That's a big big risk against the Monster, let him Monster up and then beat him down. Rather him than me.

    Wow, that fight would be epic though. Surely it will happen?
    Cookiemonster, roughdiamond and CST80 like this.
  12. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Round 1 Higa 10-9
    Round 2 Higa 10-9
    Round 3 Higa 10-9
    Round 4 Higa 10-9

    Higa's combination work is beautiful. He's landing 4 and 5 punch combos, doubling up on the left hooks, sometimes two to the head, two to the body, sometimes one up top, one to the body. While tossing in an uppercut and looping overhand right occasionally. And never forgetting the jab. Yuki is fading, he's really feeling these shots now.
  13. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Round 1 Higa 10-9
    Round 2 Higa 10-9
    Round 3 Higa 10-9
    Round 4 Higa 10-9
    Round 5 Higa wins by KO

    He lands a vicious uppercut, that splatters Yuki's nose all over his face, he goes down in a heap, he tries to make it up, he almost does, but he's in bad shape, it's waved.
  14. BigBone

    BigBone Boxing Addict Full Member

    Nov 20, 2007
    Surely Inoue would be the favorite but Ioka just fought a top guy moving up so he might as well do the same in an even bigger greatest Japanese fight of all-time. They both started at 108, both moved up with success, both possess awesome skills and there's a great clash of styles here. Ioka would hold his own well and further enhance his legacy even in a competitive fight, or become Japan's greatest by upsetting Inoue.
  15. CST80

    CST80 Liminal Space Autochthon Staff Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Okay, that's it for me tonight. Goodnight... and least on the RBR.