Teófimo Andrés López Rivera vs. Sandor Martin Clemente & Jared Anderson vs. Jerry Forrest RBR.

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by CST80, Dec 10, 2022.

  1. Reppin501

    Reppin501 The People's Champ Full Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    Because they aren’t “the exact thing”, they aren’t even in the same universe as “the exact same thing”, surely you’re trolling…yeah you got me, hook, line, and sinker. I did think you were serious and I bit for sure, well done.
  2. Reppin501

    Reppin501 The People's Champ Full Member

    Apr 26, 2010
  3. vast

    vast Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    Look at Teos left eye. Unless your bias is blinding.
  4. lobk

    lobk Original ESB Member Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Everyone else is laughing at you. Only troll is you. Floyd moves and counter. Martin moves and counter. Hard for you to grasp but that is what happened. Lopez being aggressive and landing crap while eating counter does not win a fight. But go ahead. Keep on with your "he was running".
    Jackman65 and Betyabeatyaup like this.
  5. Betyabeatyaup

    Betyabeatyaup Active Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2021
    Yeah, you’re right. Floyd did run more often than Martin, Martin only ever took a step back to land a counter on Teo. Compare that to the track performance of Floyd against Baldomir. I was unfair on Martin to compare him to Floyd, my apologies.
  6. JMotrain

    JMotrain Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    I don't know about the punch stats. Martin landed enough to send Lopez to the canvas twice (one a missed KD). Plus, a lot of what Lopez was throwing didn't land clean. I'm guessing Lopez threw more punches but I bet they landed a similar amount of punches.

    Martin was stationary too plenty of the fight. He set his feet and countered Lopez both times he knocked him down. You act like all he did was run the entire fight, which isn't true.
    Jackman65 and CST80 like this.
  7. Reppin501

    Reppin501 The People's Champ Full Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    What bias? Teo looked like utter trash in there brother…but that doesn’t automatically mean Martin didn’t fight in a way that will get you beat more times than not. It was an an awful fight and neither guy really lost or gained anything, well that isn’t true they both lost fans I guess because that was horrid.
  8. Betyabeatyaup

    Betyabeatyaup Active Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2021
    This clown doesn’t even understand the comparison lol
    His brain is breaking underneath the load of cognitive dissonance. But but but Floyd is uh completely different somehow. Thanks for the laugh dude
    Jackman65 and Salad Man like this.
  9. Betyabeatyaup

    Betyabeatyaup Active Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2021
    I enjoyed Martin’s boxing performance and he gained a fan in me, so again you’re completely wrong due to your blind solipsism.
    Jackman65, Salad Man and Rilz like this.
  10. Reppin501

    Reppin501 The People's Champ Full Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    Are you drunk? Seriously? The dude looked like ass, I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings but he did. If you thought it was entertaining or Floyd like…cool, I (along with the judges) thought he fought a bad fight, you don’t have to agree. You thought he looked like Floyd…stand on that brother, but to make the comparison surely you had to expect someone to point out how silly it was. That being said Teo looked like Trash as well, so I’m not sure why you’re so combative toward me. Lol
  11. Rilz

    Rilz Ball don't lie! Full Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    I agree. I thought his style was unique and easy on the eyes. I'll be rooting for him in future fights.
  12. lobk

    lobk Original ESB Member Full Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    I'm not competitive toward you. Never was. I replied to someone else. Not you. You are the one who took offense. Floyd has been called a runner for most of his career yet wins because he moves and counters. I stated that and YOU are the one that got offended. Maybe its your own guilty conscious. YOU replied to me replying to someone else.
    Jackman65 likes this.
  13. Reppin501

    Reppin501 The People's Champ Full Member

    Apr 26, 2010
    How many times did Martin get off first? How many times did Martin go to the body? Can you point to a time in which Martin was stationary and making Lopez miss in the pocket while throwing his own counters? Floyd isn’t the only fighter to use movement brother, but if you’re going to fight that way you better make sure you have at least two eye catching moments a round. Martin did not, that’s the difference. Floyd punctuated otherwise “blah” rounds with a flurry during the last 20 seconds, to go with a another flurry usually coming off a break (usually a left hook straight that landed clean followed by a tie up). He’d then move land a couple straight rights and boom round won. There was a very specific pattern and a level of effectiveness that was lost on the Spainard tonight. Now I will concede that it appeared that he had the advantages and tools available to have executed a similar game plan…but he didn’t.
  14. zelky

    zelky Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 4, 2007
    It's hard to win a fight going backwards most of the time, as Martin was.

    If the judges need and excuse, they can say the other fighter was on the front foot all night trying to make the action.

    Seems that's what the judges did here. I see Arum is mouthing off about Martin not engaging/running...backing the judges. He would anyway...as long as they're doing what he thinks they should be doing.
  15. Betyabeatyaup

    Betyabeatyaup Active Member Full Member

    Dec 18, 2021
    Do you know what a counter puncher is? Martin was not trying to get off first. He was staying just out of range and snapping the lunging Teo’s head back whenever he missed.
    I don’t care that you enjoy Floyd more, rounds aren’t scored by who you have a crush on.
    Your problem is that you called the performance running and holding. You should’ve just stuck to calling it running, because it was a very clean fight with almost no holding. Martin parried and countered repeatedly. At no point was he trying to get away from the action, he was always planting and moving with the intention to land. This wasn’t a classic Floyd or Dirrell performance brother, this was classy counter punching by an underdog who was robbed. Rounds aren’t scored by what you think should happen or what you think usually happens, they are meant to be scored by what happens in the ring right now.
    Jackman65, CST80 and JMotrain like this.