*** The difference between Cain Velasquez and Jon Jones.. I'll tell ya ***

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by slugger3000, May 24, 2013.

  1. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    First off let me say they are both excellent fighters... True Champions. Here is the difference.. Cain weighs in @ 240 pounds of "I dont give a ****".. He gets in the Octagon and fights much bigger guys and he is now considered the Baddest Man on the Planet for his troubles.. (The title given to the HW Champ.. :think)

    Jon Jones weighs in @ 205 pounds of "I have to make this weight" and fights smaller framed guys.. And his last 2 fights have been against MW's. Im not going to put the blame on Jon for fighting Belfort and Sonnen because he doesn't pick his fights.. But it is Jon's decision to stay @ LHW.. The guy has the potential to move to HW and atleast try to become the baddest MOFO on the Planet... I mean he has the skills, he has the frame to be a 240-246 pound HW, without a doubt.

    Im going to go out on a limb and say that Jon is naturally bigger than Cain.. He cuts weight to get an advantage due to his height and reach! So im going to wrap this up.. Conclusion: Jon has better skills, more natural talent.. Cain has more balls, heart, stronger minded! I really wanna see this fight Man.. It would be a helluva scrap! :deal
  2. Stoo

    Stoo Obsessed with Boxing banned

    Apr 4, 2008
    ***Yeah all Mexicans are tiny dicks ***s, that will give JJ a considerable weight advantage right there***
  3. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    :lol::rofl WTF Dude?

    Anyone wanna chime in with a reasonable response?
  4. Stoo

    Stoo Obsessed with Boxing banned

    Apr 4, 2008
    ***JJ would dick whip Cain until he taps***
  5. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010

    This Sub Forum has really gone to ****! :lol: :patsch
  6. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    So are you going to tune in to the card tomorrow Stoo? What's your prediction for Cain-BF 2? :D Huh Stuey
  7. gyll

    gyll Undetectable Full Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    I've read that he plans on defending his title once more before he makes an attempt to fight at HW. So, yes, he is at least interested in moving up. Only problem is Dana may not let him. Isn't Gustafsson bigger than Jones? They are bound to fight soon so we'll see what happens there. Mousasi might be able to sub Jones (Vitor nearly did it). Cormier said he's willing to move down to challenge Jon. There are still a few interesting fights at 205 before we start to get bored. I don't think Jones can beat any top HWs. Definitely guys at the bottom of the HW barrel and maybe a few in the middle pack.
  8. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    Would love to see Jones fight 2 more times @ LHW and then move up... Gus, Glover, Cormier as possible foe's! Jones has soo much talent.. It was sad to see the UFC waste 2 fights with Belfort and Sonnen being opponents for Jones!

    As for Jones not being able to beat the top HW's? I dont know about that... I'll reserve judgement until I see how he puts on the extra weight. The guy is a beast... Well see what he's made out of if and when he makes the move..
  9. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    Killer Cain is waiting @ HW for Bones... Weighing 240 flat! Killer Cain lets dem balls hang bro! :hey
  10. thewinfella

    thewinfella The Golden Boy Full Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    Velasquez would throw Jones around the cage like a baby :smooch
  11. Stoo

    Stoo Obsessed with Boxing banned

    Apr 4, 2008
    Killer Cain gets boned by his Dad after an 18 hour stint of lawn mowing
  12. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    :lol::rofl Why do you dislike Killer Cain soo much? Did he beat one of your favorite fighters? He beat some of my fav fighters.. Big Nog and Brock! I like JDS too... You have to learn to accept a dominant Champ. Killer Cain will beat JDS again..
  13. Koa

    Koa Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 24, 2004
    He just mad because Mexicans have the biggest dicks on the continent.
  14. Stoo

    Stoo Obsessed with Boxing banned

    Apr 4, 2008
    Yeah they are the biggest dicks
  15. slugger3000

    slugger3000 You Mad Bro? Full Member

    Jul 19, 2010
    Jones is a special fighter... A once in a lifetime type fighter! Im still not sure if he wants to go up and fight Killer Cain or DC! Maybe he likes running through the inferior fighters @ LHW!