"The guy has titties..."

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by Ya Boy NeXt, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. TheBradyHawkes

    TheBradyHawkes ۞ Full Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    He's no Gerald Nobles.
  2. achillesthegreat

    achillesthegreat FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    He should lock himself away and never come out.

    Your athletes for **** sake.
  3. TheBradyHawkes

    TheBradyHawkes ۞ Full Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    Tell that to half the HW division in boxing. And like I said earlier, his opponent looked worse.
  4. 300press

    300press Member Full Member

    Jul 20, 2004
    :patschRampage is terrible, he is calling the guy titties? His fighter in my opinion had worse titties and got based hard in that fight. If anything Rampage's attitude and trash talk has hurt the team. How can someone get pumped before a fight when Rampage is saying " This guy has titties...this guy has titties " It is actually embarrassing.
  5. I agree. If you're going to try and be funny at leat be clever about it. He just comes off as an ******* and I too have lost a lot of respect for him. I'd love to see Evan's kick his ass. In my opinion Evan's could be one of the best coaches to ever be on TUF.
  6. Knight3000

    Knight3000 New Member Full Member

    Jul 23, 2004
    Did you hear Rashad's speech to his fighter right before the fight? I don't know who wouldn't be inspired after that.
  7. :good

    The only inspiration Ramage gave his fighter was, "you can't lose, the guy has titties"....over...and over....again :patsch

    Rampage is a joke (and NOT a funny one).
  8. achillesthegreat

    achillesthegreat FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE Full Member

    Jul 21, 2004
    I loathe fat young people. Fat young athletes is even worse. heavyweight boxing is a disgrace. Thankfully the champs are in decent shape.
  9. Ilesey

    Ilesey ~ Full Member

    Jul 22, 2004
    I like Rampage - terrible coach but he makes for great viewing.
  10. tri-pod

    tri-pod Guest

    Rampage is embarrassing himself... The **** is he doing?

    I don't remember him being that shitty a coach when it was Rampage vs. Griffin.
  11. yogster740

    yogster740 Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2006
    Its all downhill for Rampage, I'm actually starting to think its not all just for the show, he might be slowly losing his mind. Grown man acts like he's still high school. He's definitely got a resembling nickname.....but he is funny.......when Zack was looking like **** in training before his fight, Rampage asks if he wants him to call his mommy....lol
  12. shadow boxer

    shadow boxer Member Full Member

    Aug 26, 2008
    Rampage is making an absolute fool out of himself in every show. His attitude and his coaching ability leaves a lot to be desired. His excuse for not preparing his fighters properly is that he's not a coach??? Either is Evans and he seems to be doing pretty ok.

    I don't mind people taking the ****, in fact it's something that every one does with their mates, but if you're going to make jokes at someone's expense then have the common courtesy to make it funny. It just seems like he is unsure of himself at the moment and that he's tryimg to deflect attention away from himself. I used to despise Evans for his antics but I've a whole lot more respect for him than I do for Rampage at the moment.

    The worse thing about this season is that we won't even get to see Rashad and Quinton square off at the end.
  13. demzor

    demzor Active Member Full Member

    Nov 18, 2006
    Rampage jackson acted like a baby and quit the ufc because dana white "disrespected" him.. because Dana made fun of the ateam movie.

    And here Rampage is on tv calling a guy titties 1000x times in a night. What a douchebag.

    Dude has mental problems

    I never understood why people thought rampage was funny. He is an idiot.
  14. Vitor Belfort

    Vitor Belfort Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Dec 17, 2008
    lol the tities man beat up his fighter.
  15. snakerattle79

    snakerattle79 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 16, 2008
    Rampage is a goofball who's good on dishing out some jokes but can't take a joke