The P4P1 Election 2023 - One vote per person (intake closes 1/7/23)

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Journeyman92, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. Entaowed

    Entaowed Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Dec 16, 2012
    You do make a great case!
    Even if we agree-I think it comes down to this being very reasonable IF we decide that P4P means best at whatever weight, OR you add value for being able to move between weights effectively.
    That is do we give a lot of extra credit for dominating at very varying weights, or just calculate how good a man is relative to his actual or potential peers at whatever weight?

    I more often see Langford listed ~ 5'7.5", but know he has been listed an inch lower-& more often the lower heights are correct.
    But however impressive a lack of height is in terms of how hard it is, technically P4P does not take height into account.
  2. Greg Price99

    Greg Price99 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Dec 17, 2018
    The way in which I apply my interpretation of P4P to my rankings is slightly more nuanced than an absolute take of your "either or" options.

    When a fighter moves through the weights I try to consider whether it was a natural progression correlated with age-related growth or whether, regardless of weight, they were moving up and fighting naturally bigger men.

    E.g. Langford averaged c.170-185lbs during his prime HW wins, but I don't consider his natural fighting weight being above, or even at, 175lbs, during his prime.

    In 1911, age 25 he was 161lbs in a 20R draw vs McVea. At 168lbs a year later he KO'd the 205lbs McVea. I doubt a 25/26 year old Langford's natural fighting weight grew by c.20lbs over the next few years. More likely he ate well to add bulk for competing at HW. Certainly photos of him at +175lbs reveal him to have a, shall we say, rather smooth looking physique. As you'd imagine would be the case for a c.5ft 7ins pre-PEDs fighter at in excess of 175lbs.

    So, whilst for many of his best HW wins he was technically a HW himself weighing over 175lbs, I suspect he'd have been capable of staying at MW, or very close to it, throughout his prime should he have wished to. I.e. i give him greater credit, from a p4p perspective, for his HW record than i would to a fighter weighing exactly the same for each fight, but who was closer to his natural fighting weight at those weights.

    At the other end of the scale, whilst I accept being c.140lbs (I've read him as lighter) vs Gans is because he was a teenager, and not representative of his natural prime fighting weight, this should be offset, when evaluating his career, by the fact that as a green teenager he was good enough to beat a prime top 15 p4p all time fighter (as ranked 120 years later) in a fight contested close to that fighters best weight. That's absurd and hints at the exceptional talent Langford was.
    Entaowed likes this.
  3. Boxed Ears

    Boxed Ears this my daddy's account (RIP daddy) Full Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    SRR is my pick, but it pains me to be a general consensus man on it, considering I also think SRR was sincerely a douchenozzle as a man. But what he did and what I consider his prime form are just a little better than the best of anyone else, after all these years, for me. I learned here that Langford has a great case, as well as Greb, and a very dark horse case for Fitzsimmons, and when I started getting historical grasp and ever since, I've thought Armstrong's case was pretty wicked and I don't see how anyone would think it wasn't. As well as Irish Chocolate Baby Arm Taylor, aka Daniel Redcorn Saulberg being a reasonable shout, obviously. He beat Young Ezzard Charles III, after all. Seventy-three times, if you can believe it.
    Journeyman92 likes this.
  4. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 A L O H A Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    cross_trainer likes this.
  5. cross_trainer

    cross_trainer Liston was good, but no "Tire Iron" Jones Full Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Sonny Liston.
    Boxed Ears and Journeyman92 like this.
  6. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 A L O H A Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021
    You’re only allowed to vote Langford now
    Boxed Ears and cross_trainer like this.
  7. cross_trainer

    cross_trainer Liston was good, but no "Tire Iron" Jones Full Member

    Jun 30, 2005


    ikrasevic and Boxed Ears like this.
  8. Vic The Gambler

    Vic The Gambler Active Member Full Member

    Jun 14, 2022
    I was going to vote Herbie Hide, but this Langford dude is starting to convince me. SRR is always in the discussion, and I’m going to throw in Roberto Duran for consideration too. I also like the cut of Henry Armstrong.

    Sorry Herbie, with regret I’m going to have to eliminate you from my list for this year. If only you had sparked Riddick Bowe when you had the chance,eh, then who knows…!
  9. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 A L O H A Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021


    Boxed Ears and cross_trainer like this.
  10. cross_trainer

    cross_trainer Liston was good, but no "Tire Iron" Jones Full Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Yeah, I get it, but hear me out: Foreman was almost as good as Sonny Liston.
    Journeyman92 and Boxed Ears like this.
  11. William Walker

    William Walker Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Apr 9, 2020
  12. Shay Sonya

    Shay Sonya The REAL Wonder Woman! Full Member

    Aug 15, 2021
    I never actually tried to make a pound for pound list. I would probably go with Sugar Ray Robinson if I did. But Sam Langford would rate high on any pound for pound list I make.
    Journeyman92 and Boxed Ears like this.
  13. kingfisher3

    kingfisher3 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Sep 9, 2011
  14. Journeyman92

    Journeyman92 A L O H A Full Member

    Sep 22, 2021
  15. White Bomber

    White Bomber Boxing Addict Full Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    SRR by a mile.
    He had everything skill wise, both offensively and defensively.
    Looks great on camera, and has the achievements to back up his claim.
    Noel857 likes this.