The Road to Competition

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by JagOfTroy, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    It is incredible to see the difference in ability now between myself and the novices that come in. Two more months will make a full year of training, most things feel in place and just need to get sharper/faster now.
  2. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    My hands are good now.
    It is a matter of polishing and perfecting stance, balance, and foot work.

    Everyone seems to think I'm ready to start competing based on power and athletics alone but I want to solidify my defense and nerves in sparring before I feel that I am ready.
  3. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Sort of impressed with how sparring went today.
    Was able to keep pressure on everyone I sparred with, even when it got into an all out slugging match with guys 25-30+ lbs heavier than me. Getting better at slipping punches with head movement while inside the pocket.
    I caught a ton of right hands to the face though so my bottom lip was busted up and bleeding all over.
  4. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Guess it is becoming a matter of use it or lose after having one of the coaches talk to me today.

    Looks like I'll be having my amateur debut soon.
  5. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Starting to feel competent in my abilities.

    Balance is getting there, starting to really see the 'shadow' during training.

    Just a bit more focus on technique and footwork, I'll be ready. :bbb

    Coach says I have a lot of sparring coming up. :rosstheboss
  6. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
  7. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    'Land a brick'
    'Close your eyes and pretend balloons are tied to your wrists. Let them float up slowly till they meet your cheeks. '

    Not sure if it is the visualization or just thinking of it in that matter, it has helped me find a better way to relax my shoulders and hands more. I made sure that even though I was working with a trainer that made me uncomfortable, I tried my hardest to focus on being comfortable.

    Don't believe he was conscious of doing it but because his training methods I found to be rather crude and the fighting style of his choice to be abysmal, I've started to trust more what I already have learned and have more faith in my abilities. Fighting in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar stance, though it has kinda ****ed with my footwork, has maybe given me a mental change that I needed.

    A lot learned this week.
  8. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Worked on mitts today, slipping inside and going to the body/working the ladder up to the head.

    Learned a good way to break someone coming in for a clinch and ways to make someone fight my game.
  9. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Learning to pace my punches differently based on range.

    Felt really happy when a bystander came over after sparring and said "Damn, you are fast. " :D
  10. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Good day of conditioning.

    Getting more compliments on my flurry, always thought I'd have slow hands but nothing is ever the case if I trained hard at it.

    Ohh... and my official height is 5'7" at 144 lbs currently. :rofl
  11. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Been sick the past couple days, taking things light.

    Chest is still sore from a shot to the heart from coach.
    Felt like my ribcage shifted when he hit me.
  12. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Damn, my chest was still sore this morning. Its one of those shots that hang around for a couple days, it is a good reminder to me while training what I could be getting hit with if I get lazy.

    Fixed my stance and footwork back to where it feels comfortable/relaxed once again, now it needs some drilling. Spent a bunch of time rolling under and practicing slips with a rope.

    Working on getting my guard up higher to block hooks to the head, then counter off once they make contact.
  13. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    It is crazy to think that with all that people have said throughout my life, maybe the only way I'm going to get out of this world what I want is with a clenched fist and a whole lot of attitude.

    EDIT: Finished sparring today, my jaw hurts like hell from catching two clean upper cuts from the light heavyweight. He's about 6'2-6'3" and 197 lbs. It is so hard to see the upper cut coming cause it is practically at eye level for me so I don't see any movement except at the last second.
  14. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    It's amazing to see new things starting to work as you really practice them.

    In sparring, I've needed to get better at bringing my guard up high during transition or rolling cause I'd usually get caught at least once flush during the three-rounds. Drilling it enough, after the roll under one punch(think their was a second one too), his next punch only glanced my head as my glove was their to intercept and protect me.
  15. JagOfTroy

    JagOfTroy Jag Full Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Altering the technique on my punches.
    Driving my training partner to Golden Gloves in St. Louis tomorrow so he can compete.