the what fights did you watch today\scorecard thread.

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Mantequilla, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Mantequilla

    Mantequilla Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    Can one of the mods sticky this?.

    it's about time the forum at least had one of these for stuff you have recently watched and might not want to open a whole new thread for, but is worth discussing.
  2. sweet_scientist

    sweet_scientist Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 8, 2004
    I've needed an excuse to post all my scorecards in a thread and this might be the one to cop it. :D
    newurban99 and NovelAsf10 like this.
  3. Mantequilla

    Mantequilla Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    Damn right:good.

    i've been scoring all the controversial eubank fights recently, which ended up amounting to about half of his title defences.I'll post a write-up soon.

    You got any cards for his stuff sweet?.First Watson fight is a nice technica fight that always seems to get differing opinions.I'd be interested in your take on it.
    Shamim Reza likes this.
  4. sweet_scientist

    sweet_scientist Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 8, 2004
    Look forward to reading about it. Eubank is a fighter I haven't seen too much of, but I do have quite a few of his fights in the "must watch" basket, including the first Watson fight, so I'll give it a look later on and give you my thoughts.
  5. gooners!!

    gooners!! Boxing Junkie banned

    Jan 15, 2009
    I thought Dan Schommer beat him.
  6. sweet_scientist

    sweet_scientist Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 8, 2004
    Just watched and scored Eubank-Watson I. Neat fight.

    Eubank edged it for me. I had him winning 115-113. Eubank taking rounds 1,2,4,5,8,9 and 12. Watson taking 3,6,7,10 and 11.

    The contentious rounds for me were rounds 7,10 and 12, which were all close to being even rounds.

    Eubank showed some good defensive skill in this one, avoiding a lot of Watson's shots, but his offensive output was uneven (good sharp shots mixed in with lots of winged and wild hooks and moments where he would go AWOL).

    Watson was predictable and sturdy, and showed much better conditioning than Eubank. As the fight wore on his punches started to get through, even if they were thrown without much flair or creativity.

    In the end I thought Eubank landed the cleaner shots overall and his better defense carried him through.

    I wouldn't scream and shout if someone had Watson just ahead but I don't think there's too good an argument for it.
    SunKillMoon and Mr Stagger Lee like this.
  7. Flea Man

    Flea Man มวยสากล Full Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    This thread NEEDS to be stickied :good
  8. GPater11093

    GPater11093 Barry Full Member

    Nov 10, 2008

    Gregorio Peralta vs Oscar Bonavena Bonavena UD

    Time: 8 mins Rounds: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

    Peralta looked sharp on the outside with his jab and counters but Ring moved his head well and got inside using his overhand right and left hook. Bonavena looked alot stronger and i was quite impressed with his combos inside.

    Jose Stable vs Vince Shomo Stable TKO6

    Stable: 1,2,4,5 KD'D 2
    Shomo: 2,3
    Total: 49-47 Stable (3-1-1) rating: 8/10

    A good fight easy to watch and a short one. Stable to me is a bit like Napoles but nowhere near as smooth or as well balanced. He does have similar punch variety and offence. His odd defensive movements helped him out here as Shomo started to struggle to find him and Stable kept Shome on the end of a left hook.

    Round 2 Stable seemed to be winning but was hit across the ring onto the ropes and the ref counted it as a KD. Round 3 was a war with Stable hurting Shomo and backing him up on the ropes for about 30 seconds then Shomo came back and rocked Stable and the 2 slugged it out. After that Shomos right eye was cut and Stables left hand (hook and uppercut) started to take over for the ref to stop it in the 6th.

    Michael Nunn vs James Toney Toney TKO11

    Nunn: 2,3,4,6,7 KD'D 11 x2
    Toney: 1,5,8,9,10
    total: 95-95 Draw (5-5) rating: 7/10

    Good fight Nunn was accurate early with fast shots and was out working Toney i felt in rounds 1 and 5 Toney landed the more effective shots despite being outworked. Nunn was looking good an dlanding alot at a high workrate till the 8th when Toneys harder shots started paying off as he turned it up and landed body shots. Toney started to slip more of Nunns shots in the 10th. The 11th was good as Toney landed a huge left hook that dropped Nunn who amazingly got up before being hit with a huge right into the ropes and the ref looked like he jumped in but he never so Toney wacked him againa nd that was that as Nunn slu,mped to his feet.

    Soo Hwan Hong vs Yuh Kashara Hong UD

    Hong: 2,3,5,6,9,10
    Kashara: 1,4,7,8,11,12,13,14,15 KD'D 2,5,9,10x2
    total 141-139 Hong (9-6 Kashara) total: 8/10

    A good fight. Kashara was the better boxer but Hong seemed to hurt him with counters and give him a rough time with the hooks. Kashara had very good composure even after going down and kept to his gameplan that worked wel at times with long straight shots and counters. Kashara swept the last 5 for me but the KD's were costly and despite winning more rounds he lost on points in a very very good fight.

    Carlos Monzon vs Bennie Briscoe 2 Monzon UD

    Full rounds: 1,5,6,7,8,9,10,15

    Good fight Brisce marched forwards as Monzon picked him off for the most part. I thought briscoe got the better of the 1st round with harder counters after slipping inside Monzons rangy shots. After that i felt Monzon had the necessary punching power and movement to keep Briscoe from advancing sufficiently to do damage inside, until the 9th where briscoe got inside a jab and landed a HUGE right hand that stunned Monzon who was really hurt in the 9th as Briscoe poured it on. The 10th was a big round for Monzon who hurt briscoe with a right hand as he advanced. The 15th i felt was a slight edge for Monzon who took the decision in a good fight.

    I think from reading articles Monzon did much the same as in the first fight but IMO he either didnt have the punching power or didnt sit down on his shots enough in teh first fight to keep Briscoe off of him who it seems deservedthe decision.
  9. Bill1234

    Bill1234 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    Leonard-Hagler. Scored it 7-5 in favor of Hagler. Leonard's flurries didn't do enough to get him the rounds, Hagler's punches were much more effective IMO.
  10. Seamus

    Seamus Proud Kulak Full Member

    Feb 11, 2005
    That's the way I saw it.

    I watched Duran-Viruet I today. Man, Viruet put on the track shoes and ran like a girl. Not that I expected him to hang in the trenches with Duran, but he was literally running in the biggest circle possible, mugging for the judges and camera, occasionally landing a very good jab or pittypat combo. Meanwhile, Duran was hammering him and roughing him up. Worst of all, was Wepner calling it like it was close.
  11. Addie

    Addie Myung Woo Yuh! Full Member

    Jun 14, 2006
    Orlando Canizales vs Junior Jones - 122lbs division

    1. jones 10-9
    2. jones 10-9
    3. canizales 10-9
    4. Jones 10-9
    5. canizales 10-9
    6. Even 10-10 (Close round)
    7. Jones 10-9
    8. Jones 10-9
    9. Jones 10-9
    0. Canizales 10-9
    11. Jones 10-9
    12. Canizales 10-9

    7-4-1 Junior Jones.

    Spirited effort by a 30 year old Orlando Canizales, but he couldn't get past the jab and for whatever reason didn't want to ever cut the ring off.
  12. sweet_scientist

    sweet_scientist Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Nov 8, 2004
    Finally watched Kid Gavilan's fight with Danny Bang Bang Womber.

    You won't be surprised to know that my love affair with Kid Gavilan continued and I scored the fight for him 97-96.

    It was a could have gone either way type of fight for me. Womber was the more consistent throughout, throwing and landing more shots, but I felt Kid Gavilan was better in terms of clean effective punching.

    Loved the moment where Kid winds up three bolo punches consecutively amidst a ten punch flurry. Danny gave some of his own back and landed a bolo punch or two throughhout the fight which got the crowd going.

    Enjoyable fight to watch, as most Gavilan fights are (Saxton farce excluded).

    In terms of a rounds breakdown I gave Womber rounds 1,5 and 8. Gavilan rounds 3,6,7 and 10. The rest of the rounds even.
    PhillyPhan69 and walker smith like this.
  13. GPater11093

    GPater11093 Barry Full Member

    Nov 10, 2008

    Barkley vs Toney

    Toney: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9


    Kostya Tszyu vs Diosbelyes Hurtado ; very good fight

    Tzyu: 1,2,3,4
    walker smith likes this.
  14. Mantequilla

    Mantequilla Boxing Addict Full Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    Eubank 1(10-8),2,3,5,6,9
    Sherry 8
    even 4, 7

    a relatively easy fight to score.Don't see why there was any controversy here to be honest, even allowing for Eubank being deducted the two points for fight ending butt.I guess it was because sherry was the first big fight that really exposed how eubank could really struggle if made to fight in a stalking/pressuring role.He was constantly moving, only stepping in for a lead right or flurry, then back on his bike.

    However eubank coped well enough early and built up a nice lead.Eubank became increasinly frustrated with the movement and Sherry's taunting of him as it went on, but generally his defence was top-notch, so even if he was struggling to put more than one punch in at a time on a mobile target, he was still outworking/outlanding Sherry and winning close rounds.Sherry tired badly towards the end and looked in danger of being stopped before the butt.

    Kalule vs Steve Gregory

    A totally one-sided, truly tedious shutout.No need to score this.Gregory-a thoroughly mediocre standup stylist-spent most of the fight getting worked over on the ropes and was floored with one of the first punches of the fight.Would almost certainly have been over in a few rounds, had Kalule not been possessed of Locche level punching power.Kalule barely took a hanful of punches the entire fight and his defensive work is the only reason to watch this one.

    Gregory later got knocked out in bout 4 rounds by ayala, which was one of his more notable wins, but really he was mediocre at best.
    walker smith likes this.
  15. Bill Butcher

    Bill Butcher Erik`El Terrible`Morales Full Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Whitaker-Chavez (again)

    Didnt do a round by round this time, have done before tho, just wanted to watch the 2 best fighters since Leonard going at it.

    Whitaker definitely won, Chavez never won a clear round in the entire fight, round 2 was probably his best tho... Pea won rds 3, 7 & 8 big time & has a claim for every other round as he was in every round.