the what fights did you watch today\scorecard thread.

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by Mantequilla, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. Saintpat

    Saintpat Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Thanks for the assist. I’ll get to it before the holiday weekend expires for sure.
    Jel likes this.
  2. Saintpat

    Saintpat Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Thanks. That’s definitely the guy. I thought he was the most talented guy in the gym when I was there, and that included Barrett. Just smooth, fast-handed and seemed to have everything. Sorry to see he left the game befor reaching his potential.
    Vic The Gambler likes this.
  3. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    Nice one I remembered this being close it's often not talked about as one ODLH's close decisions. I'm pretty sure I also had it razor thin close going into the last round aswell.
    scartissue likes this.
  4. Dorrian_Grey

    Dorrian_Grey It came to me in a dream Full Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    Masao Oba vs Chartchai Chionoi for the WBA flyweight title, 15 rounds, January 2nd 1973:
    Oba vs Chionoi:
    1. 10-8 Chionoi how tf did Oba survive?
    2. 10-10 close, could go either way
    3. 10-9 Oba
    4. 10-9 Oba
    5. 10-9 Oba
    6. 10-9 Oba
    7. 10-9 Chionoi, close, Oba rallies late but Chionoi lands the cleaner punches and does a better job of backing Oba up.
    8. 10-9 Oba, big Oba round, tees off.
    9. 10-9 Oba, close
    10. 10-9 Oba
    11. 10-9 Oba, Oba lands a beautiful straight right to end a dominant round
    12. Fight is stopped in the final second after Oba floors Chionoi twice and his flurry went unanswered. Chionoi had fought well that round and had rocked Oba a couple times in the first two minutes before getting caught and pounced on.
    Total score: 107-102 Oba. Actual scores: 53-48, 52-50, 53-49 (no clue what scoring system is being used here). Good fight and a very strong performance from Oba in spite of his early struggle (seriously though, how did he make it through the first round?). Chionoi carried a dangerous air throughout and was slippery with his head movement and buzzed Oba a couple times throughout but failed to capitalise. Oba was light and bouncy, outboxing Chionoi throughout before engaging him in exchanges and throwing some very nice combinations. Oba would tragically pass soon after this fight at the tender age of 23 due to a car accident. Very fun fighter to watch though.
    Fireman Fred likes this.
  5. scartissue

    scartissue Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    Jel, I really got interested when I saw your writeup and was enjoying the fight until the 6th round. Because there was no 6th round. Man, I just hate an incomplete fight and aborted it right there. Is the Ayers-Rigby fight complete?
  6. Jel

    Jel Obsessive list maker Full Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    Well, I’ll be damned. I watched it the other night quite late and wasn’t scoring it so clearly missed that the 6th wasn’t there. Sorry about that.

    Regarding Ayers-Rigby, that should definitely be complete as I have my scorecard for that one from a couple of years back.
    scartissue likes this.
  7. scartissue

    scartissue Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    Jel, just checked it out. In a word: WOW!

    Michael Ayers v Wayne Rigby (some crap title)

    Round 1: 10-9 Rigby
    Round 2: 10-9 Rigby
    Round 3: 10-9 Rigby
    Round 4: 10-9 Rigby
    Round 5: 10-10 Even
    Round 6: 10-8 Ayers (scores a knockdown)
    Round 7: 10-9 Ayers
    Round 8: 10-8 Rigby (scores a knockdown)
    Round 9: 10-9 Rigby
    Round 10: Ayers stops Rigby

    Total through 9 completed rounds: 87-83 Rigby (actual scores not known)

    Man, where do I start? Rigby reminded me (physically) of Don Fullmer, although Wayne was a clubbing puncher. Having watched Ayers for about 5 rounds against Dunne the other day, one can see he is more of an attrition fighter. And that summed up this fight as Rigby got himself off to a very good lead on my card. Ayers did himself no favors with that dreadlock on the top of his head, because it really accentuated every uppercut Rigby threw. But one could see as the rounds elapsed the facial damage on Rigby. And in the 9th round - despite Rigby taking the round on my card - Ayers was really starting to find a home for that lead right. Rigby was coming apart at the seams in the 10th and he had to know what he had left in the tank before pulling the plug. A sound decision and an awesome fight.
    Fireman Fred and Jel like this.
  8. Jel

    Jel Obsessive list maker Full Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    It’s the UK’s version of Corrales-Castillo. Just without the prestige!
  9. Dorrian_Grey

    Dorrian_Grey It came to me in a dream Full Member

    Apr 20, 2024
    Yuri Arbachakov vs Muangchai Kittikasem, 12 rounds for the WBC flyweight title, June 23rd 1992.
    1. 10-8 Yuri, finishes the round with a hard knockdown.
    2. 10-9 Yuri
    3. 8-7 Yuri, incredible round, Yuri is dropped early by a tremendous Kitti right hand before rallying back to return the favour and backs up and tees off on Kitti.
    4. 10-9 Yuri, could be scored 10-8 really, a very dominant round for Yuri
    5. 10-9 Yuri, closer round
    6. 10-10, Kitti fights well, gets his jab going and goes to the body well but Yuri still largely gets the better of things, this is Kitti’s best round though, so I’ll be generous.
    7. 10-9 Yuri
    8. Yuri dominates and hurts Kitti multiple times before dropping him brutally in the final seconds of the round to end things.
    Man, Yuri is a beautiful fighter to watch. He’s incredibly slick and is smooth like a knife through butter. He’s a lot like Bivol but far more aggressive and way more fun to watch as well packing more power. Yuri fights like a room without clutter if that makes sense. He has this lovely counter to the jab where he throws the overhand right around the jab and it’s so clean and tidy they way he throws it and his accuracy with it is exceptional, GGG does a very similar thing actually. Oh, and his footwork is marvellous. If you’re a fan of Bivol or Loma, I highly recommend you check out a bit of Yuri.
    Total score: 68-61 Arbachakov; actual scores: 68-65, 69-64, 67-65, all for Yuri.
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  10. scartissue

    scartissue Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    Robert Garcia v John John Molina (jr. lightweight title)

    Round 1: 10-9 Molina
    Round 2: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 3: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 4: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 5: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 6: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 7: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 8: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 9: 10-9 Molina
    Round 10: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 11: 10-9 Garcia
    Round 12: 10-8 Molina (scores a knockdown)

    Total: 116-111 Garcia (actual scores: 115-112 by all three officials for Garcia)

    Not a bad fight. Not earth-shattering either. But a decent enough way to spend a late Thursday evening. Garcia was a good banger and I really loved his fight with Diego Corrales. I'll have to see what else of him is out there.
    Fireman Fred and Pepsi Dioxide like this.
  11. Jel

    Jel Obsessive list maker Full Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    I remember watching this one - cracking fight - so checked back against my scorecard and a couple of things struck me:

    Round 1: I had this down as 10-9 even though Arbachakov scored a legit knockdown because I think the ref waved it off so it didn’t count.. Obviously a bad call. Interestingly, two of the three judges scored it 10-9, the other scored it 10-8 so there was a bit of confusion there.

    Round 3: I couldn’t figure out your scoring at first but then worked it out. It looks like you made it 10-8 to Kittikasem after he knocked Arbachakov down and then 8-8 after Arbachakov returned the favour. And then took a further point from Kittikasem because Arbachakov got much the better of the action after the knockdowns. Am I right?

    The thing is, the two knockdowns should effectively cancel each other out (effectively making it 10-10 at that point) so Arbachakov then winning the rest of the round would make it 10-9, which is what all three judges scored it. Ultimately, it’s a moot point as Arbachakov took it out of the judges’ hands but thought I should mention it.

    I think the rest of our scorecards tallied and I agree with your sentiments about Arbachakov. I just wish we’d got to see him fight Mark Johnson back in the day. Heck of a fight that would have been.
    Fireman Fred likes this.
  12. Fireman Fred

    Fireman Fred Member Full Member

    Mar 8, 2014
    Check out his fight with Cuban puncher Ramon Ledon and teak tough Ben Tackie. I´ve never seen it but his early career crossroads fight with future Featherweight champ Derrick Gainer was suppose to be an entertaining fight.
  13. scartissue

    scartissue Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    Thanks, Fred, I will. I actually have Tackie's bout with Robert Garcia penciled in and then the Arbachokov - Kittikasem bout. Then I'll hit these. Love the recommendations.
    Fireman Fred likes this.
  14. Jel

    Jel Obsessive list maker Full Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    Lennox Lewis v Frank Bruno

    This was a huge event in the UK back in 1993. Bruno was such a beloved figure while people were pretty ambivalent about Lewis, who was very much seen as a plastic Brit, a Canadian expatriate (despite being born in England). To say Bruno was the fan favourite would be an understatement but he was definitely the underdog going in.

    Frank fought admirably over the first 6 rounds and looked like he could pull off an upset. By contrast, Lewis looked sloppy, off balance and a bit gun shy - this was a pretty awful performance from him up to the 7th.

    But then what usually happened to Frank in big fights happened again - a huge counter hook from Lewis when Bruno had him on the ropes and seemingly in trouble turned the tide immediately and in the two follow up assaults, Bruno never looked like recovering.

    1 9-10
    2 9-10
    3 9-10
    4 9-10 (close)
    5 9-10 (close)
    6 10-9
    7 Lewis TKO Bruno
    Fireman Fred likes this.
  15. Fireman Fred

    Fireman Fred Member Full Member

    Mar 8, 2014
    I remember watching this on Tv at the time. I was shocked at how bad Lennox was, I agree with everything you said.

    Considering his 2 subsequent ko defeats it´s surprising that Lewis wasn´t really that bothered by Bruno´s power.

    Was a great finish by the champion, felt sorry for Bruno but somehow he bounced back.
    Jel likes this.