BACK to CYAC today. 30 minute run (30 second rounds) 22 rounds of crates 6 rounds of rapidfires 15 frog jumps 5 rounds of shoeshines 20 pushups 9 rounds of 1-2-leanback 2 minutes of reaching for the goal 2 rounds of jabs (3 minute rounds) 3 rounds of movement in ring 2 laps - duckwalks around ring 3 sets of 15 pushups 3 one-minute rounds of mountain climbers 3 rounds of 25 scissors hold for 10-15 seconds 3 sets of 10 toe touches TIME!!! ride took a long time, so on my own i did: 2 sets of 20 butterfly+drop situps 2 sets of 25 in and outs. now i'm done.
STARTED OFF with a 20 minute running session! 19 rounds of crates 5 rounds of reaching for the goals 20 pushups 6 rounds of rapid-fires 40 pushups 7 rounds of shoeshines 4 rounds of jabs 2 minutes of reaching for the goals 15 frog jumps 7 rounds of 1-2-leanbacks 4 minutes of reaching for the goals 3 sets of 10 pushups 3 minutes of mountain climbers 3 sets of 10 pushups in between 3 sets of 15 pushups 1.5 minutes of planks 3 sets of 25 scissors 3 sets of 20 in and outs 3 sets of 20 obliques sit-ups (leg-over-knee) 2 sets of 20 yes yes and no no's TIME TIME TIME :dead one of the toughest workouts of my life. greatful to have the gym and trainers and peers who push me like they do.
No internet at home so i might not be able to post later.. but Everyone might spar today, meaning i might spar today. I needa bounce back from my last performance. Let's do this.
20 minute run 30 sec. Rounds 19 rounds of crates 20 rounds of shadow 2 rounds of mountain climbers 20 push-ups 2 rounds of shoeshines 20 push-ups 6 rounds of 1-2's 20 push-ups 4 rounds of 1-2-hooks 20 push-ups 4 rounds of jabs 20 push-ups 1 round of crazy body hooks 20 push-ups 2 sets of 25 push-ups 4 rounds of 25 scissors 3 rounds of in and outs 30 push-ups 2 sets of 20 oblique sit ups on each side 2 sets of 50 tiggers Time time time pick up all the water bottles !
20 minute run (30 sec rounds) 26 rounds of crates 2 rounds of reaching for the goals 5 rounds of rapid fires 6 rounds of shoeshines 4 rounds of jabs 6 rounds of 1-2-hooks 5 rounds of hard body shots 20 frog jumps 2 minutes of reaching for the goals -A total of 310 disciplinary push-ups throughout- 3 minutes of reaching for the goals 2 sets of 10 frog jumps 2 sets of 50 tiggers 2 sets of 50 tiggers 1 set of 100 tiggers 3 sets of 15 push-ups 3 sets of 5 3-count push-ups 6 sets of 10 seconds of straight legs 6 inches from ground & time! Just keeps getting harder ! Thas it!
Thanks a lot man! Here was today 20 minute run (30 second rounds) 12 rounds of rapid fires 2 rounds of shoeshines 15 frog jumps (Power drills 30 second rounds) 2 rounds of 1-2's 4 rounds of 1-2-hooks 1 round of right hand-left hook-right hand 15 frog jumps (Regular 30 second rounds) 6 rounds of jabs 2 rounds of crazy hooks 3 minutes of bag circles 3 sets of 20 second rapid fires Gloves off! 3 minutes of reaching for the goals 3 minutes of mountain climbers 3 sets of 25 push-ups 3 sets of one-minute planks 3 sets of scissors 2 sets of 6 inches off the ground for 10 seconds 1 set of 6 inches off the grounds for 20 seconds Done. This week has been hard ! Today was the easiest, yet I had the most trouble keeping up today. I needa start eating right, and stop being so fat. I mean, I ate ihop today dammit!
Mondays workout was not worth writing out *yesterday* Ran like 2 laps around gym.. Coach tells me I'm sparring Willy today. 3 rounds against Wilywillywilly - He is tall.. And he has a log reach so I focused a lil more on getting in the body. He knocked out my left contact lense. I did very well though. **** the free world! Then I did 30 sec rounds 20 rounds of reaching for the goals 20 rounds of crates 1 round of rapidfires 5 rounds of shoeshines 6 rounds of 1-2-leanbacks 4 rounds of 1-2-hooks 1 rounds of jabs 1 round of hard body shots 2 sets of mountain climbers for 3 minutes 8 push-ups 12 push-ups 2 sets of 1 minute planks 3 sets of 20 scissors+20side scissors 20 sit-ups for each oblique 4 sit-ups for each oblique TIME! My nose hurts. Peace!
Kk Ran 20 minutes Power drills! 30 sec rounds 24 rounds of mountain climbers 17 rounds of shadow 5 rounds of 1-2 4 rounds of 1-2-hooks 5 rounds of right hand-hook-right hand 2 rounds of 4 straight+4 body shots *speed* 6 rounds of rapidfires 1 rounds of hard body shots 6 mins of mountain climbers 13 push-ups 2 push-ups 3 sets of 15 push-ups 3 sets of 20 scissors+20sideways scissors 3 sets of obliques 20 each 3 sets of 20 toe touches And then.. We were finished. Had a great fookin time.
Running 30 minutos -30 second rounds- 30 rounds of crates 8 rounds of rapidfires 4 rounds of shoeshines 20 frog jumps 6 rounds of 1-2s 5 rounds of jabs 6 rounds of 1-2-hooks 1 round of body shots 3 minutes of crates 4 minutes of mountain climbers 4 minutes of crates 4 minutes of mountain climbers 1 set of 20 scissors+20 sideways scissors 2 sets of 30 scissors+30 sideways scissors 2 sets of 20 toe touches 3 sets of 30 toe touches 3 sets of 20 each obliques Tiiiiiiiiime!