Tommy Hearns Vs Carl Froch ?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Joeywill, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. Trevor Diamante

    Trevor Diamante New Member Full Member

    Jun 13, 2021
    Stupid and mythical. First off one of the most exaggerated things fan use in boxing is physical strength, we don't know any objective measures of their strength , he's not an infighter, and nothing about Froch showed me he was any more than those 2 were at their primes. Froch would not stop either of them IMO. Only HUGE punchers stopped Hearns, and prime Leonard was never closed to being stop by any of the large punchers he faced, we can even go back to Olympics with HUGE Ko artist Aldama who KO'd granite chin McCallum. Froch could beat them at 168, but I think they were smart and skilled and had enough pop to beat him. Kessler was near old and was schooling Froch who tried to fight off of the back foot and looked very silly. Joshua probably is the "strongest" guy at HW. It didn't save him from getting brutally KO'd by a fat journeyman. Haney lifts tons of weights, it didn't stop him from getting put on ***** street by Linares.
    Eel87 and Aussie Invader like this.
  2. tinman

    tinman VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2015
    **** it, let's just have Tyson fight Duran then.
  3. DoubleJab666

    DoubleJab666 Dot, dot, dot... Full Member

    Nov 9, 2015
    As much as I loved Froch as a fighter - since he's retired I have no time for him - I struggle to see him winning this match-up. Just using basic logic takes me to this conclusion. Hearns had better hands, feet, speed, movement, jab, punch variety and his combined skills at all the ranges of boxing were better than Froch, who would have to make this a mid-range contest to compete. Their power would probably be on par at 168 and their ring IQ is in the same ball park (yes, Froch was crude at times but there was method behind it).

    Froch has stamina and strength in his favour. These are not to be underplayed, especially stamina which helps close the skill gap in the latter rounds.

    But overall I have to call this for Hearns. Ironically 15 rounds would have been better for Froch and 12 would have suited Hearns more. When this fight takes place is a factor too...
    Aussie Invader likes this.
  4. Aussie Invader

    Aussie Invader Boxing Addict banned Full Member

    Jan 5, 2017
    froch gets ridiculously overrated on here, he really does.
    i know there's a strong british contingent, but froch was on a par with kessler - limited, heavy-handed and never the best in his division.

    i think when fighters are genuine warriors they capture the imagination and we sometimes elevate them to positions they haven't earnt.
  5. African Cobra

    African Cobra The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    Ward is possibly physically stronger than both but both hit with more explosive power than Dre which even Dre would admit. Tougher? No one tougher than Sugar Ray Leonard. You idiots on this thread are the type of guys who think Froch would have beaten Hagler and Monzon a guy who went life and death with Kessler twice. You guys don’t know **** about boxing as Uncle Roger Mayweather would say. Froch struggled with George Groves speed of hand left jab and right cross and you think he would beat Hearns who would use him as target practice and humiliate him the way he did to the tough and limited Dennis Andries.
  6. tinman

    tinman VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 25, 2015
    Ward is the physically strongest fighter that Froch ever fought.
    DoubleJab666 likes this.
  7. Dodgy Syrup

    Dodgy Syrup Active Member banned Full Member

    Mar 20, 2019
    I know Hearns fought at multiple weights, including in significantly heavier divisions than 168, but I don't see him winning.

    Froch at 168 doesn't get the credit he deserves from a lot of people, and I think he would win.

    However, that's not to say Tommy couldn't win...I just don't think would.

    He's certainly a more sophisticated boxer, and was slick in a way Froch simply wasn't.

    But, I think it would be Froch by late stoppage or points.
  8. African Cobra

    African Cobra The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    Hearns would murder Froch quite literally. You are talking about fighters on different planets. Arguing otherwise is actually being disrespectful to both guys.
    Eel87 likes this.
  9. Dodgy Syrup

    Dodgy Syrup Active Member banned Full Member

    Mar 20, 2019
    lol...he wouldn't murder him at all.

    I did say, I don't think he would win...but he could.

    I also said I think it would come down to a late stoppage or points.

    That's nuance, that's taking into account variables, and their different styles.

    You disagree, that's fine.

    But, making grand statements the way you have is infantile.

    You can't possibly know anything for certain, and seem to have fallen into the classic trap of ' because X beat Y he will automatically beat Z'.

    Life doesn't work like that.

    If it did, life, and sport specifically, would be a boring certainty where there are never upsets or underdog stories, and nothing interesting ever happens.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
    Trevor Diamante likes this.
  10. African Cobra

    African Cobra The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    No I think the difference in skills and abilities tells us he would assassinate Froch.
  11. Dodgy Syrup

    Dodgy Syrup Active Member banned Full Member

    Mar 20, 2019
    In your opinion.

    That's all it is...
  12. African Cobra

    African Cobra The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    My knowledge in the game is deep both as a fan and participant. Anybody with true knowledge realises Froch vs Hearns is a mismatch. That is no disrespect to Froch who I actually quite like even though he himself will admit he can be a dickhead. What next, will you guys be arguing Froch beats Monzon and Hagler? I mean really.
    Trevor Diamante and Eel87 like this.
  13. Dodgy Syrup

    Dodgy Syrup Active Member banned Full Member

    Mar 20, 2019

    So, you are saying that anyone with real boxing knowledge is also a clairvoyant?

    There is no way to know with any historical match up.

    It is not a science, there are no absolutes.

    It is purely opinion.

    You seem unwilling to acknowledge this.

    As an aside, didn't Hearns spend most of his career fighting as a welterweight and middleweight?

    I know he did compete at 168, and as a light heavyweight, and even cruiserweight.

    But, what was the quality of opposition at those heavier weights?

    Were they genuine top tier operators, people who were considered a real threat to Hearns, or were they fringe level and gatekeeper types?

    I ask this out of genuine curiosity, not trying to play games.
    Aussie Invader likes this.
  14. African Cobra

    African Cobra The Right Honourable Lord President of the Council Full Member

    May 29, 2007
    I think his comprehensive defeats of long term world champion Virgil Hill at Light Heavyweight answers your credentials about him at the higher weight classes. Also he humiliated the tough British world champion Dennis Andries. Some will try and claim Hill was not so good forgetting he was a guy who hardly lost and was a decorated amateur part of the US fantastic generation of the 80’s Olympics team in 1984 if my memory serves me well. I thought Andries was going to win against Hearns I lost money on the fight. It was my stupid fault on reflection because I forgot Hearns was an all time great. The thing about Hearns was everyone talk about his power especially the right hand forgetting he was a fantastic master boxer.
    Dodgy Syrup and Eel87 like this.
  15. Eel87

    Eel87 Active Member Full Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    The Roldan fight was epic too. Schuler got starched. It's almost rude to put Froch in a fantasy match up with Tommy.
    Olu G. Rotimi likes this.