mon feb 23 2 rds warmup 1 rd bob weave 1 rd footwork 5 rds shadow 2 rds opponent bag 1 rd jumprope 1 rd chairs 20 pushups 10 supine rows 30 bungee punches 240 abs 3x25 russian twists 2x3min run
wed feb 25 2 rds warmup 1 rd bobweave 1 rd footwork 5 rds shadow 1 rd deb 1 rd opponent bag 1 rd jumprope 1 rd chairs 3x10 med ball throws 240 abs 3x20 russian twists 2x holyfield three minute drills 2x120 sprint, 3x60, 4x30 :thumbsup
thu feb 26 squat 2x10 deadlift 2x10 leg curl 3x10 calf raise 3x10 glute/ham 3x20 rear delt raise 3x10 planks 6x20 sec tricep pushdown 4x10 cable curl 4x10 abs 160 run 1.2 mile sprint 4x30:hi:
sun march 1 kettle bell swing 3x5 kb clean 3x3 each arm glute/ham 3x20 tricep pushdown 4 x10 cable curl 4 x 10 incline sit up 3x20 cable punch 3x20 db punch 3x20 lat pull 3x10 planks 6x20 sec. sprint 12 x 30:yep
mon mar 2 2 rds warmup 1 rd bobweave 1 rd footwork 5 rds shadow 1 rd deb 1 rd speedbag 1 rd jumprope 1 rd footwork 20 pushups 10 supine rows 30 bungee punches 240 abs 75 russian twists 2 holyfields:tired
tue mar 3 db punch 3x20 kb deadlift 3x5 glute/ham 3x20 cable punch 3x20 kb swing 3x5 incline situp 3x20 kb clean & jerk 3x3 each arm tricep pushdown 3x10 obliques 3min db curls 3x10 dips 3x10 run 2 gassers, 3 1/2 gas, 4 1/4 gas sprints 5x30
wed mar 4 2 rds warmup 1 rd bobweave 1 rd footwork 5 rds shad 1 rd deb 1 rd opp 1 rd jr 1 rd chairs 3x10 med ball throw 240 abs 3x25 rus twist run 1.2 mile 5x30 sprint:hammertime
thu mar 5 45 min basketball kb deadlift 3x5 squat jump 3x3 glute/ham 3x20 leg curl 3x10 calf raise 3x20 planks 6x20 sec side delt raise 3x10 front delt raise 3x10 rear delt raise 3x10 160 crunches :rasta
sun mar 15 1 rd warm up 1 rd bobweave 1 rd shadow 2 rds pads 3 rds sparring 3 rds circuit: 6 30 sec intervals of mini hurdle, med ball and battle rope followed by a 600 yard run.:dead
Mon mar 16 2 rd warm up 1 rd bob weave 1 rd footwork 5 rd shad 1 rd deb 1 rd speed bag 1 rd jump rope 1 rd chairs 20 push ups 10 supine rows 30 bungee punches 240 abs 75 Russian twists 3 holyfields:happy
tue mar 17 holyfield complexes 2x 3xlong jump, 5x db bench, 1 depth drop 2x 3x rim jump, 5x kb swing, 1 depth drop 2x 6x ski jump, 3x kb clean r/l, 1 depth jump 2x 6x speed hop r/l, 5x dip, 1 depth jump tricep pushdown 4x10 barbell curl 4x10 glute/ham 3x20 incline situp 3x20 160 crunches:yep gasser workout
wed mar 18 2 rd warm up 1 rd bobweave 1 rd footwork 5 rd shad 1 rd deb 1 rd opponent 2 rd jumprope 3x10 med ball 240 abs 3x25 russian twist 3 holyfields
tue mar 24 holyfield complexes 8x glute/ham 3x20 abs 240 cable curls 3x10 tricep pushdowns 3x10 light plyo drills