Tszyu will KO Fundora in The Rematch

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by NoChin, Mar 30, 2024.

  1. MidniteProwler

    MidniteProwler Fab 4. Mayor of Aussie Boxing Full Member

    Sep 19, 2012
    I have seen posts on another forum where they both have told ellerbe that he has a small weiner. They don't really like him.
    C.J. and The Cryptkeeper like this.
  2. C.J.

    C.J. Boxings Living Legend revered & respected by all Full Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Theyre a sad bunch that's for sure lol
  3. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    This is a quality thread.

    Would read again.
    MidniteProwler likes this.
  4. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Pivoting on the Fundora fight, it’s complexion
    and outcome and claiming that Tszyu is overrated because of that fight is an absolute joke.

    It reads very much like the nay sayers were laying in wait for Tszyu to stumble - as to the whys and wherefore as to the blindingly (yes pun intended, thank you) obvious extenuating circumstances, the nay sayers didn’t care.

    Why? Because their issues with Tim are subjectively personal. Not objectively balanced. Do you like Tim personally?

    It’s revealing that your hugging and hanging onto to this loss - treating it like a seal to hind career and rejecting Tszyu’s future potentials - even IF he realises them.

    Of course IF Tim came back and beat Fundora it would mean a LOT - any fighter who reverses a loss should be highly credited.

    Further, with a win for Tim in a rematch, it would erase the illogical notions that this fight “proved”‘that Tszyu was overrated whilst ignoring the very obvious impairment that Tim fought on with - that type of type of preemptive treatment screams personal dislike, not objectivity.

    So, due respect, but you saying that even IF Tim won in a rematch is a blatant attempt to avert the concrete overturning of your currently flawed logic - an attempt to cover your bases.

    Tim blinded by an elbow, remains competitive but loses.

    Tim not blind, dominates and wins.

    That WOULD affirm the current deductions as to HOW much the cut adversely affected Tim - but you’re rejecting the potential proof of such an outcome even BEFORE the possible fact??

    Don’t be shy, c’mon and ride, The Tszyu Train. :D:D:D
    The Cryptkeeper likes this.
  5. steviebruno

    steviebruno ESB NYC Delegate banned Full Member

    Dec 1, 2012
    I really think he expected to just dig dip and get Fundora out of there in a couple of rounds. I suspect that in agreeing to continue, he was not really agreeing to have blood pouring into his face for 10 rounds.

    He made an error in calculation and it cost him. There is no benefit to losing here, and no positives to be drawn from it.
    pacas and Pugguy like this.
  6. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    But he was overrated even if he's good. His best wins are Harrison and Mendoza. For now all he passes is the eye test
    pacas likes this.
  7. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    Nor does it make him an average fighter. Tszyu is clearly an exceptional fighter.
    MidniteProwler and Pugguy like this.
  8. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    So he passes the "eye test" which is ironically exactly the same test that Ennis, Tank, Ortiz Jr and other so called superstars pass.

    Yet, Tszyu is judged by a completely different standard.
    MidniteProwler and pacas like this.
  9. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    Tank actually has a better resume than Tszyu. I never said Ortiz Jr could conqueror 154. Ennis only passes the eye test too. If i favor him to beat certain fighters at Jr middle in the future that's just stylistically, and because of youth and athleticism (he's only going to get better). He still has a poor record for now

    i aint hyping these guys up or anything
    pacas and Lecowas like this.
  10. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    Tank’s CV is at best about the equal of Tszyu’s. It’s certainly not better.
  11. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    He's has a couple good wins. Santa Cruz was a good one at featherweight, Garcia was a top contender and beat Campbell. If Ryan beats Haney or makes him struggle that win ages like wine. And if Issac Cruz does something at 140 that controversial win may age better too. Does an old 1 leg gamboa also count ?

    Yeah I'd say it's just a bit better, but not by much and Tanks been around longer
  12. The Cryptkeeper

    The Cryptkeeper Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 9, 2023
    I'd have to go back and take a second look but Tszyu has a better CV than most realise. Wins over former world champions in Harrison and Horn. Wins over ranked guys T Inoue, Mendoza, Ocampo, Hogan and Gausha. Close loss to Fundora in a fight that, let's be honest he wins 95 times out of 100 if not for the head gash.

    As to your question, Gamboa is a good enough win. Tank cracked him open before Haney and Cruz got to him so that's worth something.
  13. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Respect for your opinion but it depends on who you’re listening to and how they’re rating Tim - and his last fight was certainly not one to jump onto to solidify any prior claims that Tim is overrated.

    If anyone believed that Tszyu, even when blindfolded, could invoke the “force” like a Jedi Knight, still able to land and avoid punches as he would without visual impairment - then I’d say that would be definitely overrating Tim and be an unreasonable expectation of ANY fighter.

    Even Ali could be overrated, depending on what exactly was being claimed for him - but Ali was still an ATG nonetheless.

    Of course I’m not saying Tim has demonstrated himself to be at the Ali level...yet...:D.

    But really, whatever you think of Tszyu , at least he fought the good fight in every respect - there are so many fighters who don’t even manage that these days.

    There are so many who still hang on to Tyson Fury’s every word - but Tyson ain’t done **** for a long time.

    More recently, while Tank is obviously very good, Ryan Garcia went out with an absolute fizzle.

    Yet, we have Tim fighting on with his vision badly impacted very early in the fight, full face blood mask, borne out of elbow contact, but he still cops flak???

    Quite a head scratcher for me.

    Offbeat imagining but what if, come May, Usyk suffered a freakish and vision impairing cut - allowing the larger Fury to easily avoid his punches and peck his way at Olek.

    Would all bets be off as to the fairly assessed quality of Usky hitherto?

    Personally, I would think not.

    Also, I personally don’t like Fury BUT I certainly wouldn’t want a cut to come into play against him either - it would muddy the waters and prevent a clean and true, skill vs skill fight.

    Of course accidental, non punch cuts are part of the game but I don’t think anyone likes such cuts figuring too heavily in the complexion and outcomes of fights - no matter who you’re rooting for.

    Lol, a bit long winded there...but good chewing it over. Cheers.
    The Cryptkeeper likes this.
  14. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Yeah, not sure he made an error in calculation - can’t calculate for the elbow.

    Without the cut induced by the elbow, Tim would’ve seen off a well battered Fundora by around the mid rounds (just imo) - he was certainly trending heavily toward that outcome until just before the end of round 2.
  15. buster007

    buster007 FAB 4 R A GAY PORN CLUB Full Member

    Sep 10, 2008
    still winning?
    he LOST, lol.
    pacas likes this.