[url]https://youtube.com/shorts/N8ella1uWi0?feature=shared[/url] This content is protected This is a clear angle of what happen. This **** should be arrested and should be charged with assault. The guy from Usyk team has done nothing wrong, and this mf**** completely unprovoked headbutted him. He ended up worst, as he cut himself and start bleeding, but that doesn't matter. This guy should be arrested and charged with assault. Also the IFL piece of s**** media comes up with the title(they changed it fast), that Usyk team has attacked John Fury, which is a complete LIE. Absolutely piece of garbage. Usyk going to do a work on his son, comes Saturday.
Look at this piece of s****: This content is protected This content is protected This youtube comment had me dying: "John Fury head butted the smallest guy in their team, and came off worse. He’s such a melon"
The guy that he headbutted looks like a child. How pathetic you can be to headbutt someone like that. All of the Fury's are such a pieces of *****. And IFL trying to cover and lying for them straight away. Shane Fury also started to lying and blaming Usyk team. Absolutely garbage family. This content is protected This content is protected
What a pos you have to be to support such a frauds? This content is protected He headbutt a Ukrainian kid who shouted Usyk, Usyk, supporting his team member. What a f**** dosser. He has to be arrested and charged, as this is assault. This content is protected
This shows Carl Frampton should have gone for the headbutt back during their confrontation, as John Fury has weak forehead skin.
He headbutted a f**** kid without being provoked at all: And then he goes to hide behind the crowd. F***** coward, as his son, who ducked Usyk for good 2 years. Absolutely garbage fake family. Another angle of the situation: This content is protected Usyk team member, who appears to be a kid, doesn't say anything other than Usyk, Usyk, Usyk. And John Fury first shoulder bumped him and then head butted him. Absolutely pathetic behavior that needs to be charged with an assault.
Scum of the earth. Hope Usyk batters Tyson and then his dad gets arrested at the airport and we never have to hear from these clowns again.
Stupid guy, he should have headbutted that piece of **** Krassyik. He is a rat and two faced *****. At least Usyks arrogant trainer, who thinks his boxing training is better then Papachenkos.