Really difficult to make sense of John's behavior over the years, I think he's an attention ***** and just takes any opportunity to be the center of attention even if that means making a complete ass out of himself. Nothing before the headbutt warranted it, he was not threatened, attacked or even insulted by Usyk's team.
Is this the first step of the Master Plan for another “out”’for Fury? His Dad deliberately commits an unprovoked assault, with the view to being arrested. Wee John Fury is then arrested and jailed. He will not be able to attend the fight. Tyson, playing the aggrieved son, loyal to his mentally addled Dad, refuses to fight without his Dad present. Tyson says **** boxing and **** youse all. Conclusion: All the Furys bleed the colour yellow.
White trash family. Every single one of them. I hope Usyk takes Fury’s head off this weekend. John Fury should be in jail.
He came out looking like someone had Glassed his head. Don’t be fooled. That kid is a Ninja. He did something but he moved so fast we couldn’t see it and the cameras couldn’t capture it. My guess is that the kid completely swerved and avoided the butt, then, as fast as lightning, he gave Fury the old 1 inch pinky punch to the top of his misshapen melon. The kid could’ve killed him but pulled right back on the force of the 1 inch pinky punch - clearly a show of mercy on the kids part. Mercy well beyond John Fury’s own sensibilities. That kid is a Legend.
I’m surprised Fury managed to reach the blokes eye. Judging by exposed form the other guy must’ve only come up to his knee (and Fury would have needed a crowd to back him up before kicking off to begin with) before Big John would feel secure enough to do anything. He’s a total plank.
Big Tyson Fury fan and nothing will change it but...... For that very reason I have tried my absolute best to like John too....but it's just impossible. How are you supposed to think he is anything other than totally embarrassing? Not only did he headbutt the lad, he then did interviews after stating that this is what you get if you cross him. Like he has just sparked out some big Adonis after a gruelling 12 rounds, as opposed to headbutting the least intimidating looking one in the opposition team and coming out of it with a bloody forehead. You can only shake your head and facepalm I believe Tyson thinks the same but your father is your father at the end of the day.
Pat M’s critical eye for fighting nuance is highly questionable for a so called trainer of pRoFeSsIoNaL fIGhTeRs. Come to think of it maybe Pat was Big John’s ex coach? It’d explain a lot!
Such a cowardly man. Can't just allow his son to have his moment in the headlines without always trying to make it about him. Shouting all the time about him being a 'real fighting man'. But when that other older chap in England challenged him to a fight he completely disappeared from the media for months. Someone should pay to fly that chap over to Saudia Arabia so John Fury goes into hiding again and we can all enjoy the build-up without him constantly trying to elbow his way onto the stage. Apart from anything else, it can't be helpful for Fury to have distractions like this when he is trying to focus on his own fight.
Please watch your serfs closely from the safety of your abode’s turret armed with a shot gun. The lower classes have a history of trying to take advantage of generous benefactors like yourself Sir. It all comes down to the poor nature of their breeding.
I say fly Henry Akinwande and Steve Garber over and give them ringside seats right in John Furys eye line and then see what the loud mouth has to say.