He's got 50 million+ in his mid 30s, is 6'7 plus (a little ugly though), claims to be a man of Christ, has never had to work a real job and is treated like a king by the gypsies. If he's still depressed in light of that, he needs a slap from Andrew Tate or David Goggins.
He has had to work a real job, he used to be a bricklayer and he was working since he was 10, all people from that background work from an early age as they don’t go to school, they work instead. I just think his anger comes from not being accepted in boxing, he seems to take criticism very personally, for example he banned a whole radio station from attending his fight because they criticised him once. And yes, I do agree, someone in his position should be thankful for where he is at, he is more well off than 99% of the world
I think he's just annoyed that the public have stopped buying his bullshite. Previously he could act like a dick and it would soon be forgotten - even got away unscathed after lying that he had given his full purse to charity! But after the last couple of years his antics have finally caught up with him. No one swallows his crap anymore
He suffers from a condition called bellendary, it’s a condition caused by thin skin mixed with a superiority complex. Still think he’s number one in the division, but a man child
He loves being clamoured by the public. I think his health issues were a lot to do with the fact he never really had the public backing post the Wlad win. He has the same issues now as the fans are fed up with him. Hard to turn down gimmies for silly money but loses you your fan base.
Doubtful. It's estimated that you need a net worth of just short of $100k to break into the global top 10%
Just to clarify, Carl Froch wasn't announcing a delay in Fury-Usyk til March... he was simply predicting it.... since he believes Fury will relax a bit too much over the holidays: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/boxing/tyson-fury-oleksandr-usyk-fight-28198185
The funny thing here with your comment is ( and your comments on Conor Benn) .... is you're a Kid Galahad fan
Nope just think hes very under rated and would back any one against josh Skilled yep from the single gym yeah Kid doesn't constantly talk shyte and pick and choose who he fights Urm The other two do