Tyson Fury on Anthony Joshua: 'He's only for cleaning Gyms, if you want an easy win - fight him.

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by CroBox29, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. spravedlivylev

    spravedlivylev Haaaappy Neeeew Yeeeear! banned Full Member

    Nov 17, 2022

    What’s with the Joshua obsession? Frank Warren does the same. Whenever he is asked about Fury’s not fighting Usyk or fighting meaningless exhibitions, he comes with “but… but… Joshua”. Who cares about Joshua when it’s about the undisputed between Usyk and Fury? And as you say, Joshua at least faced Usyk - twice.

    Far too much significance is given to a zero loss record these days - and it’s even worse that Fury has actually two losses on his record already (McDermott I and Wallin). Joshua is ridiculed for losing twice to the most skilful HW on the planet today. Yet, in the old days, losing to a top opponent like that only meant that you do what champions should and face the best opponents out there. Nobody ridiculed Ali when he lost to Frazier. Nobody laughed at Frazier for losing badly twice to Foreman. Nobody thought Foreman was a loser when he lost to Ali.

    I’ll take a boxer with a few losses on his record suffered against top fighters over one with an artificial 0 loss record who keeps talking about how easy it would be to beat this guy and that guy but never backs it up - any day of the week and twice on a Sunday.
  2. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Yes. And anyone who doesn't has no right to call himself a boxing fan.
  3. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Meant to add this earlier. My personal wish list for Fury:
    1. Usyk
    2. AJ
    3. Zhang
    4. Ruiz

    Zhang v Fury would be pretty interesting. Two freakin giants!
    Bokaj likes this.
  4. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    Champions fight who is in front of them. Criticize Fury all you want for the Usyk fight negotiations falling thru, but aj is irrelevant at this point. Fury doesn't need to do Jackshi in reference to him. He needs to prioritize Usyk and top mandatories (which the WBC haven't solidified yet)

    "Actually according to Fury"

    Look at thread title
    Martin ? Breazale ? Pulev ? Who have they beaten ? Wasn't Pulev old as crap ? Cmon. Their resumes and skillset are a wasteland. And at this point Whyte and Parker aren't even good wins, they aged terribly and Fury beat Whyte easier. Parker ? Lost to Whyte and Joyce who lost to Zhang who struggled with forrest.

    aj also got benchpressed by Andy Ruiz
  5. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    Resume does not even matter at this point. aj had multiple chances at the titles. His time is up. Time for young blood to get a crack
  6. spravedlivylev

    spravedlivylev Haaaappy Neeeew Yeeeear! banned Full Member

    Nov 17, 2022
    By this logic, there’s nobody out there to fight then. You even discredit one of Fury’s best win then.

    So Fury beat an ancient Klitschko in the most boring s***e HW title fight ever, then beat the same zero technique one trick pony over and over. That’s it. Nobody else with a pulse on his record (as you just discredited Whyte too). Is it supposed to be better than Joshua’s? No way, mate. Fury’s resume is the thinnest, weakest of any rated HW champion of the last 30 years at least.
    The Real Lance likes this.
  7. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
  8. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Of course resumes matter. Jesus dude.... this is just getting f'n weird with you. And this might sound like I'm being a dick, and I don't mean to, but when did you start following boxing?? I ask because some of your questionable statements don't sound like they come from someone who's followed the sport for a long period of time.

    A HW champ isn't just, "I'll give each and every one of you a turn, even if you have not beaten anyone of note or are lowly ranked." Hell no!

    When you have a belt, it's about fighting the top guys. And unless required/forced to fight a mandatory, or a belt unification, it's ONLY the top guys. And no matter how much you hate AJ (For some weird reason again), he's a top rated HW whether you like it or not.
    spravedlivylev likes this.
  9. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    No you continue to misunderstand. It doesn't matter at THIS POINT

    Not only his his records quality completely overblown, but he's had enough chances at the title. I want Fury vs Usyk or new contenders. A fresh start. aj better grind his way back up the levels to get a shot. Sorry I couldn't care for Fury/Aj. ajs latest performances have been laughable, only looking semi decent in the Usyk rematch which he still lost wide. Enough is Enough. How many shots has he gotten ? Let others get the chance first
  10. Bokaj

    Bokaj Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Still you were a fan of Joshua until he lost to Usyk...

    But right now I agree that the winner of Zhang -Joyce would be a better opponent for both Usyk and Fury than Joshua.

    Maybe Hrgovic as well. I want to see Joshua show something of his old confidence before he's really interesting for Fury.

    As of now it seems Fury will duck the lot of them, though, for easy paydays against MMA fighters.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  11. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Markus...they DO Matter. At every point. And since you hate AJ. How can anyone take you serious?? But even in hating someone, you should have the cognizant to understand resumes and AJ's placement amongst the top tier HW's.

    AGAIN.... no one said Fury MUST fight AJ in his very next bout. But unless it's Usyk for unification, which EVERYONE (except Miniq, and Fury for some reason) wants, then Aj is clearly the next best choice. And for ALL the reasons many have already said. HUGE money, Fury's own words, bragging rights in the UK, FANS asking for this for years now. BOTH guys have said at one point it should happen.

    And what do you mean how many shots?? You think Aj is getting an unfair # of chances?? HOW? He rematched Ruiz who beat him. Champs don't get rematches?? And the same w/ Usyk. You don't like that, take it up with his opponents who agreed, or how boxing has been for decades. AJ is NOT the first, nor will he be the last HW champ, to have rematches with the guy who beat him. Hell....that occurs in every weight class.
  12. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    They shouldn't. I don't like immediate rematches, unless the loss wasn't one sided. But I'm also referring to him getting a shot in general.

    His resume is overblown anyway. We see how well it's aging now that time has a say. Look, I'm going to say this once, I do NOT think Fury/aj is competitive in the slightest and it should be obvious. And many new top 10s deserve a chance now. Hell aj should also be fighting contenders to get his spot. He lost the usyk rematch and before then lost to Ruiz, and before then already had a shot at the titles (and earned them) Now that it's over, it should be back to square one.

    If aj is as good as you believe him to be, grinding back up should be no problem
  13. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Overblown resume....OK. Who has a better resume at HW?

    And FFS....AJ likely WILL fight someone else before a fight w/ Fury even materializes. Is that what is freakin you out? That AJ v Fury is NEXT?? No one is saying that. You are arguing something that's not even a possibility for easily a year, likely more.

    What many HAVE been saying is, if AJ is so easy, take the HUGE money fight, take the fight for Britain's bragging rights, take the fight BOTH have said should happen, and get it over with. That is all.

    If the "new top 10s" whatever the f*ck that is, wants Fury, they should be fighting one another to make a clear distinction they deserve the next title shot. Almost none are. That is how the move up in rankings. Why does this need to be explained? Oh...because you hate AJ.
  14. miniq

    miniq Oleksandr Usyk Undisputed HW Champion Full Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    If AJ was a professional cleaner what would he quit at first? Mopping floors? Cleaning toilets? Or vacuuming? I think Henry the hoover would KO him.
  15. MarkusFlorez99

    MarkusFlorez99 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 13, 2021
    aj should not be ranked as highly as he is. Your entire point is that he is, but my point is he shouldn't. Multiple new contenders (at least 2) should be ahead of him.

    Let's break down the great ajs monstrous "resume"

    • Klitschko – ATG but way past it. aj also went life and death. Good win I guess... Fury's is better
    • Parker – hasn't beaten anybody of note but Ruiz (who only beat aj himself and struggled with the ancient remains of Ortiz, and couldn't even KO him)
    • Whyte – does this guy even need to be mentioned ?
    • Povetkin – decent win but well past it
    • Pulev – past it, beaten nobody of note in the run-up to the aj fight (recently lost to chisora)
    • Ruiz – lol
    Tell me lance

    Is THIS the best resume at heavyweight ?