[VIDEO] Ricardo Mayorga scuffle at mma press conference -funny as hell !!

Discussion in 'MMA Forum' started by Rapid, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. NoHomeJerome

    NoHomeJerome Boxing Junkie banned

    Feb 14, 2010
    silvas fight last week was an absolute disgrace.

    it was like haye-valuev but with even less action.

    and this is the best in MMA? jesus wept.
  2. Samski313

    Samski313 Boxing Addict Full Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    It looks like he really hurt him with that throat chop!!! That guy Din legs buckled and he couldnt stand up on his own. LMAO!!!
  3. LukeO

    LukeO Erik Morales is God Full Member

    Jun 30, 2007
    This might be the first MMA fight I have given a **** about in like 16 years.
  4. dangerousity

    dangerousity Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    Youre ****ing insane. Have you not seen Silva's latest sparring vid.

    Do you know Silva is 1-1 in boxing? Sure he could have improved a lot since then but to the point that he is the greatest striker in history? :rofl
  5. 555east

    555east Well-Known Member Full Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    yeah I too find Mayorga's trash talk pretty tiresome. although I did find it funny that a few fights back him and Vargas had to be separated by plexi-glass at a press conference

    eh I think Toney's trash talk as of recent has lost its effectiveness .. you can barely comprehend him these days.
  6. Sinew

    Sinew The Assassin Full Member

    Feb 7, 2005

    As fas as the art of fighting is concerned I believe this is all correct. good post. The " unlearnable " part stood out the most to me.

    I figure most athletes know how to wrestle.
  7. LocoRoco

    LocoRoco ★★★★★ Full Member

    May 3, 2009
    :lol::lol::lol: rocked him with a ***** slap :rofl:rofl:rofl
  8. Breakdown

    Breakdown Well-Known Member Full Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Same here, I'm now looking forward to this.. Hope mayorga wins lol
  9. guru059

    guru059 TV Packager Full Member

    Feb 22, 2007
    if Mayorga spoke English, he would be a huge star.
  10. Abdullah

    Abdullah Boxing Junkie banned

    Dec 2, 2008
    Mayorga is funny. He always tries that quick *****-slap like he did with Vargas at the press conference. I don't think Mayorga will be successful at MMA, but I wish him well. I don't know much about his opponent, but anyone who has ground fighting ability has a big advantage over Mayorga.
  11. LukeO

    LukeO Erik Morales is God Full Member

    Jun 30, 2007
    I posted it earlier, but I think he would be a billionaire in the states if he spoke english.
  12. KO KIDD

    KO KIDD Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    Mayorga has this guys number psychologically and he comes from a very violent background a machete wielding gang leader in Nicaragua. I dont care how tough a background this other guy claims to have I think in a full out fight Mayorga may be better than a boxer in a ring cuz he is used to fighting for his life.
  13. eko718

    eko718 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    LOL!!!!! This is utter malarchy. Anderson Silva is a very skilled and talented fighter, but lets not go crazy here. I don't think he gets with ANY of those guys with the hands. In a street fight he may ultimately get the best of some of them because of his broader range of skill, but this 30 second business is insane. Many of those guys he wouldn't even have a chance to get to the ground.
  14. Medicine

    Medicine Boxing Addict banned

    Dec 6, 2008
    LMAO.....Mayorga trashed him with that throat chop
  15. doubleplaidinum

    doubleplaidinum Maravilla Full Member

    Mar 31, 2008
    damn that was weird. it just looked like mayorga caught him across the chin/throat with his fingers but din looked visibly wobbled. wtf was that?

    i can't believe mayorga's smoking a cig in this vid. what an idiot. if he doesn't catch dean with a big shot, he's gonna get utterly smoked.