Fundora can get two big pay days. Vacate the belt and fight Spence for a big pay day. He can then fight Bud since Spence has decided not to fight Bud in a rematch anyway. Are you sure? ProBox TV seems to say he doesn't. I hope there is rematch. The blood running into his eyes just didn't seem right to me.
I'm not even sure why Spence is in the equation when he's not ranked at the weight, is coming off a one-sided stoppage loss, and they already cruelly screwed Bohachuk, who was ranked #2 by the WBC prior to beating Mendoza and is currently ranked #4 behind Jermello, Fundora, Tszyu, and Madrimov by The Ring, over once by snatching his world title shot from under his feet at the last minute and throwing him in with an extremely dangerous late notice sub who could very easily have sprung the upset and sent him sliding all the way back down the ladder to square one. Now they're going to screw him twice in a row? I get that Spence is a PBC fighter and from the US but let's not forget that PBC fighter Jermello held all the belts hostage for the best part of two years, hasn't fought at that weight or defended his world titles since May 2022, his brother held the WBC belt hostage for well over two years and his last title defence was in June 2021, and Maurico just sat back and refused to strip them. Isn't Tszyu a PBC fighter too? If so, why do PBC want to make Fundora vs Spence over Fundora vs Tszyu II when Tszyu saved their show taking on an extremely awkward near 6'6'' ft southpaw with an 80 reach at late notice after spending almost a whole camp training for an opponent who couldn't have been more different to Fundora stylistically and in terms of physical dimensions And Tszyu could easily have claimed he couldn't see properly which he couldn't after getting cut in round 2 and retained his title which would've been a huge anticlimax for PBC having the main event for their Prime debut waved off before it even really got going. So he saved PBC's ass twice in reality. The WBC ranked Thurman #1 at 147 for beating Barrios despite the fact Barrios was a career 140 pounder, was coming off a stoppage loss at 140lbs, and Thurman who had been crazy inactive going into the Barrios not having fought in 2.5 years since losing to Manny. The WBC also still had The Dosser ranked #1 despite the fact he was coming off back to back one-sided sans one round biblical ass whooping stoppage/KO losses in his backyard
So true about Tim saving the show for PBC/Amazon but maybe he's not tied to PBC? So they always had the screw job in mind because PBC have always been a bunch of deplorable peices of excrement.
I'm not sure. He's listed as a PBC fighter and obviously he just fought in the main event on a PBC show. Some people are suspicious it was a set-up (maybe a tag-team effort between PBC and their good buddies the WBC) and if they do try to make Spence vs Fundora next which they obviously want to do. Hence why they had Spence come into the ring for the post-fight interview, well they might well have a point Yes, Tszyu saved their show TWICE, first by taking on giant Fundora at very late notice, and then by fighting on through serious adversity for 10 rounds whilst badly compromised losing a bathtub full of blood after getting cut by an accidental elbow which completely changed the complexion of the fight. He could've easily have just said I can't see properly which he couldn't and he would still be the champion right now. But that would've been a disaster for PBC in the main event of the Prime debut. Thurman vs Tszyu aka the world champion This content is protected
He showed a lot of courage and skill, appreciated by millions worldwide, let's just hope boxing's power brokers get behind him and don't try to shut him out. I'm very suspect because for all the rhetoric about how much US fight fans love blood and guts warriors the power brokers have a history of shutting out non US talent. Not always but very often.
Yes, I'd like to see Fundora vs Tszyu II or Fundora vs Bohachuk, and if Tszyu beats Fundora then Crawford or Spence can dust off their passports for a change and fight Tszyu in Australia with a home ref and three home judges for Tszyu. Fair's fair
Yeah, **** Spence, for now. Preferably an immediate rematch, Tszyu v Fundora, if not then Tszyu, Fundora, Bohachuk and Madrimov in some kind of fight off scenario. Crawford can come up to play if he likes.
Yes, if Spence wants a world title shot he can always go fight Madrimov for his belt or maybe Crawford and Spence can rematch each other at 154 to book themselves a shot at the champs. Like Jermello and Jermallo did at 154 and 160 respectively (albeit jut the WBC strap for the later), they're were also guilty of holding up a division for years when they were playing their barking dog either side of the gate game with each other and Maurico refused to strip Spence for inactivity too IIRC. Hungry power punching young lions Stan and Super Boots were frozen out throughout that time, Stan having to step aside twice IIRC and poor Stan hasn't fought in two years. They tried to feed him to Super Boots expecting him to take on the boogeyman coming off a 1.5 years of inactivity when neither Crawford or Spence wanted a goddamn thing to do with Super Boots because he'd knock both their assess smooth out and I'll put my testicles on that.
Yep, I'm big on Ennis, it's just a shame that pro boxing is not on the level. If it was like any other regulated professional sport, it would have been Crawford v Ennis straight up after Crawford v Spence. Stanionis, too who you mentioned, they also tried to rush him back against Ortiz Jr straight after he had a serious operation, maybe on his sternum, I can't remember exactly. That's how low these ****s will go.
Fundora knows fans want Bud vs him and not Spence or a rematch. Bud will be 3rd weight undisputed champion, if politics won't be in his way
Yes, Crawford and Spence want nothing to do with Super Boots like how Clenelo wants nothing to do with Boogeyman Benavidez. Both of them have barely fought any legit punchers, especially ones their size in almost 70 fights combined, and have often been the bigger men. Super Boots hits like a truck, can match them for size and length, and he's also an athletic phenom with blazing speed and skills. Even Stan said that when you watch him he's just different. Neither Terry or Errol want a goddamn thing to do with him because they know he stands a very good chance of KTFO. They, as with Clenelo vs Benavidez, can make all the excuses in the world but that's the long and short of it. I'm not sure if that was Stan's own idea to come back so soon after surgery but most fighters just want to be active and big fights and shots aren't easy to secure and anything can happen and before you know it they can fall out of your hands if you don't take your opportunity when it comes so maybe that factored into his thinking.
With the rematch(Tim/Fundora) likely happening a few months from now, this will make Crawford inactive for over a year unless he can get a fight with Spence again. From all indications, Spence has moved on from Crawford.
Yikes. Crawford is going to rearrange Fundora's face I'm afraid. For being insanely tall, he gets tagged. Alot. He does not use his height to his advantage.