What caused Tyson to bite Holyfields ear?

Discussion in 'Classic Boxing Forum' started by AngryBirds, Apr 25, 2023.

  1. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    So Tyson mistook and bit the legs of Lewis. Yummy, Ha Ha.
  2. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    This content is protected
  3. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    I was waiting for you Sangria to weigh in on the Tyson conversation Buddy. By the way Good Post.
    Sangria likes this.
  4. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Too much mastication will make you go blind.

    There’s, I said it. :eek:

    Holyfield was dirty fighter to x degrees.

    Tyson was a dirty fighter to x degrees.

    These statements are not mutually exclusive or disjoint.

    The feeling for some (and I’m not necessarily arguing against that) seems to be that when one dirty fighter meets another dirty fighter, both doing what they do - and there will always be one to start the fouling first - they cancel each other out in that regard - therefore no cause for complaint by either party re dirty tactics at least in respect of the match in which they faced each other with both fighting dirty.
  5. cross_trainer

    cross_trainer Liston was good, but no "Tire Iron" Jones Full Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Should have been a mutual DQ. Ref becomes the new champion by default.
    Pugguy and Storm-Chaser like this.
  6. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    I'm a good sport. Or trying to be. How you doing bud? Any time I hear or see the word "civilized" it always reminds me of the Marvelous one!
    Richard M Murrieta likes this.
  7. Storm-Chaser

    Storm-Chaser Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 5, 2022
    I think this sums everything up very neatly.
    Richard M Murrieta likes this.
  8. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Doing pretty good buddy, How's life treating you? Man, I haven't seen that commercial in a long long time. Thanks for posting it, pretty cool.
    Sangria likes this.
  9. Storm-Chaser

    Storm-Chaser Well-Known Member Full Member

    Sep 5, 2022
    I will respond to this comment tomorrow when I have more time. But I thank you for listing your sources and explaining in detail why you have come to this conclusion.
    Saintpat likes this.
  10. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    Double DQ? I like it. Kill two dirty birds with one stone.

    “Mills Bee Lane III, the winner and New HW Champion of the World!”

    Before each defence, during the face off, Mills could still say “Let’s get it on!!!”

    Maybe Mills was even a touch smaller than “Tiny” Tommy Burns, so perhaps a new record there also. So many alternative possibilities to ponder.
  11. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    I like DQ too, the Dilly Bar. Ha Ha.
    Saintpat and Pugguy like this.
  12. Sangria

    Sangria You bleed like Mylee Full Member

    Nov 13, 2010
    Thanks to yee old world wide web that we're able to watch classic 80's commercials.

    I'm doing well. A lot of solid boxing this year. Seems like the good old days when great fights took place almost weekly!!
    Richard M Murrieta likes this.
  13. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    I know man , I saw the Haney vs Loma fight, what did you think?
  14. Pugguy

    Pugguy Ingo, The Thinking Man’s GOAT Full Member

    Aug 22, 2021
    A bit dilly of Mike not to go with a butt for butt per the Old Testament instead of an ear for a butt.

    The New Testament according to Mike “Sure, I’ll turn the other butt cheek but I’ll still bite your ear off….”. Puns gone wild!
  15. Richard M Murrieta

    Richard M Murrieta Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jul 16, 2019
    Ha Ha, a great pun.
    Pugguy likes this.