What if Hatton wins?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by EL BULLY, Jun 23, 2007.


    EL BULLY Well-Known Member Full Member

    Aug 19, 2006
    There is a lot of Hatton hating going on here. Basically everyone says either Castillo wins by brutal TKO/KO or Hatton wins by holding, clinching and cheating his way to a controversial SD.

    So if Hatton stops Castillo or outpoints him by a obvious wide UD what will you all say then??...

    ...Oh yeah that's it: Castillo was shot/passed it/drained.

    Jesus, there are some dicks in this forum.
  2. Knob McDude

    Knob McDude Active Member Full Member

    Mar 3, 2006
    Hatton is gonna win.

    Castillo is past it.

    That doesn't take away the fact that Ricky is an elite fighter though.
  3. PH|LLA

    PH|LLA VIP Member Full Member

    Feb 1, 2007
  4. jopez707

    jopez707 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Jun 28, 2006
    I dont think this forum is as one sided as you say, in a current running poll Hatton is being picked by about 73% of the people, how can u say people are hating? I am picking Castillo by decision, not because I hate Hatton (he is one of my favorite fighters) but because I think Castillo has more left than people think and he desperately needs to win this fight. He is also more polished with a better body attack than Hatton. Will be a good fight.
  5. ron u.k.

    ron u.k. Boxing Addict banned

    Feb 14, 2006
    i like hatton but that is a good post
  6. TroubleLurks

    TroubleLurks **** spell check Full Member

    May 23, 2006
    Let the excuses begin already.:patsch Who else at 140 do you want to see Hatton face right now?
  7. Club Fighter

    Club Fighter Boxing Addict banned

    Oct 12, 2005
    I don't think Castillo might necessarily be spent - although it's always a possibility with a person who's been in the game as long as he has. I think, on the contrary, that he fights up to the level of his competition. So when he faces a bum, he fights like a bum. When he faces a good fighter, he fights like a good fighter. So if the preceding is true, looking at his opponent tonight, I gather he'll fight like a bum. :nod
  8. dangerousity

    dangerousity Obsessed with Boxing Full Member

    Jan 4, 2005
    I picked Hatton way back then when he beat Kostya and I still pick him to beat Castillo now. I dont think Castillo is shot, he hasnt shown any signs of it. Besides I believe the fight was signed before everyone started saying Castillo is past it..