What is Joshua's best win since he quit against Ruiz?

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Slyk, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. The Real Lance

    The Real Lance Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Oct 29, 2012
    Because a lot of posters hate AJ. Of course they'll say he quit
    Finkel, Absolutely!, lordlosh and 2 others like this.
  2. Babality

    Babality KTFO!!!!!!! Full Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    I don't think people laugh at Fury for that. It's the fact that he fought him three times. There was absolutely no need for that third fight.
    KINGWILDER likes this.

    KINGWILDER Well-Known Member Full Member

    May 11, 2023
    This is very true, I’ve gone back and forth on this point in the past but I’ll say AJ has shown great character in the ring and he avenged that loss. Can’t really ask for anything else at the end of the day, I think he’s proven himself in the ring at this point.
    Absolutely! likes this.
  4. JDub

    JDub Active Member Full Member

    Dec 8, 2018
    Damn, that’s actually true.
    Finkel and Mitch87 like this.
  5. Slyk

    Slyk Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    Interesting that the consensus BEST win of such an "ATG RESUME" in the past HALF OF A DECADE is...

    Otto Wallin.

    The featherfist who barely cracked the top 15. A former sparring partner whose best win is...a UD over Dominic Breazeale?

    Carry on, everyone.
  6. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    A fighter who Fury was lucky not to lose to funny that.

    What's Fury's best win in the last 5 years ? Wilder who was beaten by a Joshua opponent in Parker and Whyte who Joshua already beat years ago.
    Absolutely! likes this.
  7. Slyk

    Slyk Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    Do you think that KOing undefeated champion, top 2 in the division Wilder is bad?

    Do you believe that Joseph Parker just outpointed a prime Wilder?

    Think it through.
  8. Dynamicpuncher

    Dynamicpuncher Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jan 14, 2022
    What is a prime Wilder exactly ? Because I seem to remember the bookies having Wilder a clear favourite over Parker so obviously the general opinion was no one thought Wilder was shot prior to the Parker fight.

    Wilder can't fight on the backfoot Fury exposed that in their 2nd fight and Parker also exposed that when they fought.

    Parker has a considerably better resume than Wilder and has fought much better opposition aswell as being a better overall fighter hence Parker---->Wilder.

    Think that through and process it before you make another Anthony Joshua hate thread for the 100th time.

    Parker is the 2nd best opponent Wilder ever fought and he got exposed by him is that a coincidence ?
  9. Slyk

    Slyk Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    His prime was when he was champion and KOing everyone and PBC and DAZN were marinating the so called "fight of the century" between him and Joshua.

    Fury grabbed the belt, KO'd him twice, and left him shattered. He then went on to do ayahuasca and decide violence is wrong.

    His prime ended when he fell flat on his face, utterly defeated after Fury-Wilder III. Keep telling yourself that since Joshua outpointed Parker a decade ago, and Parker outpointed post prime Wilder, that Joshua has somehow defeated Wilder.
  10. Absolutely!

    Absolutely! Fabulous, darling! Full Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Wilder was KOing everyone? When did he KO Joshua, Povetkin, Parker, Ruiz and Wlad? Must have missed that.
    Dynamicpuncher likes this.
  11. Slyk

    Slyk Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    When he was the "hardest puncher ever" according to many around here and had the highest KO % of a HW champion ever? Were you following the sport then? Maybe that's why you don't remember.

    He signed to fight a prime Povetkin in Russia. Why didn't Joshua fight any of the big 3 over the past decade? His legacy against prime elite fighters is losing timidly to Usyk twice being unwilling or unable to go for broke.
  12. FreddieGibbs

    FreddieGibbs Active Member Full Member

    Feb 14, 2024
    Why is Gassiev a scrub to you?
  13. FreddieGibbs

    FreddieGibbs Active Member Full Member

    Feb 14, 2024
    Nvm that’s not what you said is it
    Badbot likes this.
  14. Absolutely!

    Absolutely! Fabulous, darling! Full Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Lots of dupes on this forum fall for all sorts of rubbish. Remember when Ortiz was the bogeyman that everyone and their aunt was ducking? Yeah, embarrassing stuff I know. Wilder's KO percentage was gotten against some of the crappiest sorriest dregs I've ever seen a so called top heavyweight to fight. Bums, middleweights, literal taxi drivers, morbidly obese whales that couldn't even afford proper boxing shoes and had to fight in plimsols. If you want to parade that around as some sort of wicked achievement you do you. No one with a brain is falling for it.

    "He signed to fight a prime Povetkin in Russia."

    Why isn't Wilder vs Povetkin, Winner: Wilder KO on his boxrec record then?
  15. Slyk

    Slyk Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    It seems you don't follow the sport that closely if you don't know why.