What the word on Calzaghe vs Kessler??

Discussion in 'World Boxing Forum' started by Vincent Gottschalk, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. China_hand_Joe

    China_hand_Joe Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    I'm not satisfied by that picture really, they aren't not quite identical.

    Maybe some kind of challenge should be set up for everyone:
    To find which species of fish does Mr. Warren most resemble?

    There has to be one out there.
  2. DanePugilist

    DanePugilist God vs God - Death Angel Full Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Obviously the purse offers aren't being discussed - but the things in small print. Seemingly Palle is keen on making his final swan dance, and won't be bullied.

    Unfortunately two boxers stand in the middle and know not, whether or not, if the fight will be made.
  3. DanePugilist

    DanePugilist God vs God - Death Angel Full Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    I think the resemblence is quite stunning - both in terms of appearance and characteristics. Top quality.
  4. Decebal

    Decebal Lucian Bute Full Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    This content is protected
    This content is protected
  5. Team_Calzaghe

    Team_Calzaghe New Member Full Member

    May 23, 2007


    I'd appreciate if you refrained from slandering fish.

    Warren doesn't look like a fish at all. He's a bug eyed **** with the characteristics of a snake!


    John :good
  6. Steve Fox

    Steve Fox Guest

    I don't suppose there's such a creature as a ****-fish is there?
  7. Grant1

    Grant1 Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Jun 13, 2007
    Both camps only leak to the press information that they want to be heard (i.e information that makes them look good and if it make the opposing camp look bad then all the better).

    It's quite funny watching the brits manipulate things to make Palle look bad and the danes doing the same with Warren.

    Like I said unless you have inside info - like Team_Calzaghe seems to have - your guess is as good as my guess is as good as any fool walking down the roads guess where negotiations are at and why they have stalled.

    If this fight doesn't get made nobody will come out of the whole debacle looking good. Which is why i'm still confident it'll be made !!!!!!!
  8. KO Boxing

    KO Boxing Boxing Addict Full Member

    Apr 30, 2006
    Well I have no emotional attachment to... um... say... tennis? So because I am better qualified than any real fans to make judgement on who is the Greatest, I say that Pat Rafter is the best tennis player of all time, considering his style was so much more up-to-date (serve volley) than say Pete Sampras, Andre Aggassi, Roger Federar, *insert great tennis players name here*...

    Get my point, China?
  9. China_hand_Joe

    China_hand_Joe Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    When I mentioned I have no emotional attachment to the sport, I did not say anything about a lack of knowledge. My cold, logical views on boxing set me apart from those who are yet to come to the realisation Joe Calzaghe is the best fighter of the last decade.
  10. boxfan99

    boxfan99 Well-Known Member Full Member

    Dec 25, 2006
    Yeah, Rafter really is the best tennis player ever. Who are Federar or Aggassi?:huh
  11. DanePugilist

    DanePugilist God vs God - Death Angel Full Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Not to mention that Stefan Edberg mastered Serve/volley about 15 years before Pat Rafter entered the scene.

    Yes, Rafter>Federer, no doubt about it - lolz.
  12. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me

    Nov 30, 2006
    Get the tennis bull**** off my ****ing boxing forum. Now.
  13. China_hand_Joe

    China_hand_Joe Boxing Junkie Full Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    This tennis stuff does prove my point. It is only the 'proper', eomtionally attached, nostalgic fans of the sport who deny Federer's status as the best of all time.
  14. IntentionalButt

    IntentionalButt Guy wants to name his çock 'macho' that's ok by me

    Nov 30, 2006
    Well just so you know, Ann Wolfe KO1 both Williams sisters simultaneously.
  15. DanePugilist

    DanePugilist God vs God - Death Angel Full Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Yes, but Rafter was too inconsistant - Federer is magical all-the-time. He is like a John McEnroe without the temper. Too bad he roams in a relative weak era.